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Female Puppies


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Hi everyone, ive come across a problem. I seem to be struggling to find female puppies I either find male pups or kittens hahaha.   was just wondering how many female puppies are actually on this site or if there is a better site I could use to find pups. I also have friends who go to meet up and use other sites who cant find other female pups to socialise with...   any help would be appreciated. thanks  


they're like hens teeth in general

I have seen, met and played with some female puppies (including just at the weekend as it happens) but honestly, it's very rare you come across them.

my general advice is perseverance.   Keep active, keep looking - and maybe even introduce someone who'd not previously thought about puppy play/being-a-pup to the idea.

There’s a few On here you’ll find them
I'm owned so not available, but I'm a female puppy. Just thought I'd comment to give you hope that female puppies do exist 🥰
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey abbz can u socialize And dont know if I count as a female doggy 

  • 1 month later...

Lol, I'm a boy kitten and I tend to run into the same problem. It's a shame that the pet world is kind of gender divided like that.

  • 7 months later...
  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

I actually saw a statuesque woman at the Folsom Street Fair years ago wearing a leather dog / puppy mask, so yes - it's rare, but it happens.

I think that part of it is the gendering of species: dogs are "male" and cats are "female."

And yet, I've seen kitty boys and puppy girls, so ... I dunno what to tell you.

Edited by Griot
  • 7 months later...

I'm a female puppy and having the opposite problem,  can't find an owner, really struggling as most men I meet want to be the puppy not the owner.


I'm no expert but it's an interesting fetish.

Anything where a leash is used, I'm in!

  • 3 weeks later...
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