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Please Spare A Thought Today


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Here in Oz and particularly in New South Wales, we're going through the worst bush fire season in years. We're in severe drought. Recreational lakes and now private swimming pools are being drained by the water-bucket helicopters. Our volunteer fire fighters are out there on the line every day, risking their lives and sometimes they're a long way from their families. This is volunteer work - they receive no pay or recompense for it and quite often, if self-employed, they lose work or regular customers.The Vandal is one of the thousands of 'firies' and has been for over 40 years.

Today, there are two families who will be without a son, a brother, a husband this Christmas and for every Christmas for the rest of their lives.   Two volunteer fire fighters, Geoff ( 32) and Andrew (36) died on the line yesterday.   A blazing tree came down on their fire truck as they rushed to save homes in Sydney's south west.  They were both fathers to small ***.

It's rare that a 'firey' dies on the line but it does happen occasionally.

So we appeal to all kinksters here world-wide and to the good, dear PM-friends we've made in Fetish: Whatever faith you may follow, or even if you don't follow a particular belief - please spare a thought, light a candle or say a prayer for the families of these men.


Very sobering, VS. Thanks for taking time to post about it. We see the news reports of the situation over there, here in the UK. Not good. wishing you and the Vandal all the best...

Posted (edited)

Cheers, Phoenyx and Fredddy :heart:

Edited by Vandalslut

That's beautiful, PixieDust. Thanks. :heart:

1 minute ago, Vandalslut said:

That's beautiful, PixieDust. Thanks. :heart:

Thank you and please thank the Vandal for his service and thank you for your post, it is a sad day indeed. May the powers that be watch over all of our Firies and keep them safe, now and always. 

13 minutes ago, PixieDust said:

Thank you and please thank the Vandal for his service and thank you for your post, it is a sad day indeed. May the powers that be watch over all of our Firies and keep them safe, now and always. 

Every year, he says he's getting too old for this gig and it'll have to be his last year and everyone knows he won't stand down.  Very few firies ever do. First whiff of summer eucalypt smoke and they're off.  The Vandal's one of the few who's seen the Fire King. There was one other from his shed who saw it - he's crossed the Bridge now. No-one knows exactly what it is or what it means - only that there can be ten people on a crew and only one of the ten  will see what seems to be a human figure in the flames where no human could possibly be - there was one case when a 'newbie' spotted it and sent out a panic-stricken call for assistance, convinced that a back burn had been lit up and someone had been caught in it. We can only think it's an elemental. Or it could be a protective entity - Vandal's had two close calls in his time on the line. Most firies have heard of it, and a few have seen it; occasionally two people will see it at the same time  - but no-one in the RFS ever disputes its existence.


The words thank you aren't enough for the people that do this kind of thing but thank you xxx

8 hours ago, Fredddy said:

Fire King? Never heard of it...

Seems to be a uniquely Aussie thing - and it's never seen around structural fires, only in the wild.


2 hours ago, LazyPiratesBounty said:

The words thank you aren't enough for the people that do this kind of thing but thank you xxx

Cheers, Bounty. Those two words - 'Thank you' - are the most powerful words in the world. :heart:

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