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Dommes speaking in the third person?


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I know that a number of dommes make their subs speak in the third person as a means of punishment and non-sexual subjugation. However, I've also heard stories of dommes referring to THEMSELVES in the third person, and was wondering how common is that? 

Edited by Jokerz-1160

I have never, ever, heard of either

subs talking about themselves in third person is usually decided by the sub and is fucking annoying.

I mean I fold under third person speak like “do this cause master/mistress said so” and I sometimes speak in third person just cause I’m an idiot so~ do with this information as you will
I would assume (in the absence of hard data) that a Dom or domme would be speaking in the third person as a sort of exercise in bombast.

Making a sub speak in the third person would be a way to make them primitive. (Stupid example. But, in the old "Transformers cartoon, the Dinobots or some of the other early beast form guys used third person for themselves, and were called
... "Primitives".)

Third person s***ch in my experience is reserved for an M/s role. The idea being the slave owns nothing, not even their own pronouns. I’ve never heard of any Top referring to themselves in the third person as part of their role.
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