
Personal details

Gender Trans
Age 42
Status Single
Hair length
Zodiac sign Pisces

About me

I’m looking for:


Well, what can I say! I have not bothered looking for a date for a very long time! I am very Kinky and into most kinks, you can tell me your deepest darkest desires! Likewise, I do not judge! As I have got older and more confident and wise myself, I really don't hide my interesting sides from any-one and don't care if they judge!

I am certainly not limited in my thinking and I don't mind what gender-sex-none you express / are. I have masculine and feminine all over the place days! I love expressing and learning about other expressions too. Furthermore, I am a very deep thinker, but I stay away from illicit drugs, but I still don't judge, just not in my company but mutual respect to you. I love sassy redheads: who can keep me in check - at the same time has mutual respect.

I have disabilities and can't wear my sexy shoes any more!

This is upsetting, but I know there are people out there who don't see it as a problem, it just makes things more intriguing psychologically and can add to the fun of something new! A proper perverted one here just for you! gives you…

There’s someone for everyone on Whatever your preferences are, you’re sure to find someone. Take a look at our kinky dates”. It’s even easier to find the perfect kinky match when you place your own personal ad. Wanna get frisky in the wilderness? Check out the hotspot for outdoor sex?. Find sexy confessions and ask all your burning questions in our sexy Forum.

icon-wio NaughtyTransGirl has logged into after being away for some time. Say hi!
icon-wio NaughtyTransGirl found their first icon!
icon-wio NaughtyTransGirl wrote something about themself
Well, what can I say! I have not bothered looking for a date for a very long time! I am very Kinky and into most kinks, you can tell me your deepest darkest desires! Likewise, I do not judge! As I have got older and more confident and wise myself, I really don't hide my interesting sides from Read more… any-one and don't care if they judge!

I am certainly not limited in my thinking and I don't mind what gender-sex-none you express / are. I have masculine and feminine all over the place days! I love expressing and learning about other expressions too. Furthermore, I am a very deep thinker, but I stay away from illicit drugs, but I still don't judge, just not in my company but mutual respect to you. I love sassy redheads: who can keep me in check - at the same time has mutual respect.

I have disabilities and can't wear my sexy shoes any more!

This is upsetting, but I know there are people out there who don't see it as a problem, it just makes things more intriguing psychologically and can add to the fun of something new! A proper perverted one here just for you!
icon-wio NaughtyTransGirl wrote something in the forum
Plus size & a Domme: Overcoming body shame

7 Stone well well done!
Most people would respond to you with I don't care how much you weigh, but I do and so should you! Please read on it's not nasty I promise! At my highest I was 27stone I at my skinny 11 stone When I was 27 stone I was dying! So would you! Yes I like other girls who are big Read more… too! Your gorgeous and you wear your hart on your sleve like me! Well done! I am curvey to say the least too, but the figure is there and lets face people into this seen are not normally very judgemental! Apart from the guy who started on me for having a smoking fetish LOL and yes I have noticed you smoke too. I dont smoke any more because of my health so it's very difficult and special!
I'll stop there and hope to hear back xxx

icon-wio NaughtyTransGirl wrote something in the forum
Plus size & a Domme: Overcoming body shame

lovely I sent you a long message 5hrs ago I don't think you have got it, I am working on it xxx

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icon-wio NaughtyTransGirl posted a status update
Looking for some fun at my place this weeked! Any Sassy red heads out there who would live some fun? ;-) XXXX
LikePeachy-5028, BusterGood
icon-wio NaughtyTransGirl finished the BDSM Test



icon-wio NaughtyTransGirl posted a status update
Like I need to get some pics up! Do myself up this weekend, get back to having some fun!!!!!
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