Personal details

Gender Man
Age 57
Status Single
Hair length
Zodiac sign Aries

About me

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very new to this.. very open minded... always wanted to explore my boring sex life and explore my fantasies. fit healthy and lots of willing to try anything once.. dont like severe pain.. other than that open to offers and ideas? gives you… is like an appetizing smorgasbord in Macclesfield with lots of hot guys to meet up with. Have a look around first if you prefer to see who’s around, or if you know what you want, search by selecting the right category "Kinky Dating”. Nobody stays alone here for long! has tons going on!

icon-wio suntiger found their first icon!
icon-wio suntiger has logged into after being away for some time. Say hi!
icon-wio suntiger created a topic in New to BDSM, Kink & Fetish?
how did you meet your fetish partner?
im looking for a new partner after a long time single but being of an open mind wonder where you couple met as id like a partner with similar interests in the bed room?
LikeBigPolly · 11 Replies
MissTillysue My partner first messaged me on collarme, I didnt and still dont remember his message but he assures me I told him he was too young and lived too far away. About a year later he messaged me on Fetlife and we chatted as friends for around 4 months then he offered to take me for a meal for my birthday and we arranged for him to come down for the weekend (he lived in Scotland) Once we met in person it was as if it was just meant to be My partner first messaged me on collarme, I didnt and still dont remember his message but he assures me I told him he was too young and lived too far away. About a year later he messaged me on Fetlife and we chatted as friends for around 4 months then he offered to take me for a meal for my birthday and we arranged for him to come down for the weekend (he lived in Scotland) Once we met in person it was as if it was just meant to be
LikeBigPolly · 08.02.2019 11:16:06
3SumQueen Met my partner on here too. Met my partner on here too.
Likeeyemblacksheep · 07.02.2019 15:50:15
Queenie63 I met my first Dom through this site - we were together for about 7 months. Was my first experience as a sub and I learned so much from him and I will always be grateful for that time, which enabled me to discover so much about myself. I am now in a new D/s relationship, again someone I met via this site. We already have a very strong, committed connection and are exploring our many kinks and fantasies together which is very exciting. I met my first Dom through this site - we were together for about 7 months. Was my first experience as a sub and I learned so much from him and I will always be grateful for that time, which enabled me to discover so much about myself. I am now in a new D/s relationship, again someone I met via this site. We already have a very strong, committed connection and are exploring our many kinks and fantasies together which is very exciting.
Likecallipygian, BigPollyand 2 more… · 06.02.2019 22:15:39
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