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Some help would be appreciated

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My boyfriend is now my daddy but he doesn't really punish me, not that i want to be punished all the time but I haven't been punished when i know punishment is due any suggestions?


does he know your behaviour is a prompt for him to punish you

is he happy with you leading the play?


Well, you need to discuss things first. Not all BDSM dynamics involve a punishment dynamic. And are you looking for punishment or funishment? What kinds of punishments are acceptable? That all needs to be negotiated.


You need to explain to him what you need. Being a Daddy is naturally a caring position, and it's kinda easy to be the forgiving 'Oh I'll let you off' type. However, sometimes you need to impose discipline, whether that's a spanking or a corner time out.
How often you do that is decided between yourselves. How much you need as a little and how much Daddy needs.
Perhaps a Daddy needs a touch of sadism, taking pleasure from administering discipline, to match the masochism of the little, who needs discipline.
So, talk with him, set limits. If he is not inclined to discipline, setting limits can give him a prompt. Make it clear what your expectations are, and that being unpunished is unfulfilling.


U should tell him your desires!
He can't acting out of himself immediately, cuz he needs to know the boundaries a. rules of your Daddy&Girl relationship
Communication a. honesty is rly important


Have you had any agreements regarding bad behaviour and punishment? 
Before a dynamic start usually the D would let know the sub about the different level of punishments. 

maybe he’s not into it and just prefer the cuddling side of your D/s

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