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hanging the gears

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Did you ever felt like giving up kink or the scene? like one day you wake up, or one evening comtempling  the ceiling in your bedroom you ask yourself is it time to stop all this? 

Do you think you reach your potential, or you achieve your goal, or done it all or just decide its not for you anymore? 

for me its not arrived yet and I hope I will never, I will probably spank the nurse in caring home lol! and beside I am too happy with my kitten and that confinement made it even stronger. 


I’ve felt like this but not because I’ve done it all more because it feels unachievable


yes. and I did once, for quite some years.....

But... even recently.  Last year I was in a really shit place for a bit.  My mental health was not great and this contributed to the breakdown of my relationship with my Mistress, which, then further affected my health and mindset.

There are so many other facets to this; I was becoming disillusioned with my local scene (I'm a bit warmer to it again now) and found that those who'd been prospective play partners to one degree or another; it all started to come undone.

I felt starting with a new Mistress would be back to square one and that just felt... ugh... and also some of the stuff I'd done for 'the first time' with a previous Mistress was now done and the magic was now potentially gone.   

I had considered walking away from everything and just focusing on my relationship with my wife.

Anyway...  I did brush myself down - and that's been a year ago, of which I've since launched my own store, filmed 100 clips, strengthened some friendships, made some new friends, have play partners that may turn into some form of relationship or other and see other friendships which could also blossom into something nice.

4 minutes ago, little_dark_princess said:

I’ve felt like this but not because I’ve done it all more because it feels unachievable

by you or the other part?

2 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

yes. and I did once, for quite some years.....

But... even recently.  Last year I was in a really shit place for a bit.  My mental health was not great and this contributed to the breakdown of my relationship with my Mistress, which, then further affected my health and mindset.

There are so many other facets to this; I was becoming disillusioned with my local scene (I'm a bit warmer to it again now) and found that those who'd been prospective play partners to one degree or another; it all started to come undone.

I felt starting with a new Mistress would be back to square one and that just felt... ugh... and also some of the stuff I'd done for 'the first time' with a previous Mistress was now done and the magic was now potentially gone.   

I had considered walking away from everything and just focusing on my relationship with my wife.

Anyway...  I did brush myself down - and that's been a year ago, of which I've since launched my own store, filmed 100 clips, strengthened some friendships, made some new friends, have play partners that may turn into some form of relationship or other and see other friendships which could also blossom into something nice.

sound like you did a reboot system eyem! worthy ;)

3 minutes ago, FabSeverus said:

by you or the other part?

By me 


Yes. I walked away from play partners and the scene in January. It all got too complicated and I couldn’t cope so I stopped everything. Tried to pretend I could go back to vanilla life.


Yeah, periodically I feel like this. Things aren't always easy when there's distance involved. I have my ups and downs and question whether it's all worth it. 


Cool post mate...
I can honestly say mate that it has been one disaster after another ..I don't if its because I spend so much time on my own but some of the gibberish that I come out with..I still feel gutted when a mistress/goddess blocks me ,I just try and make myself more appealing ...it doesn't work...opposite

1 minute ago, Curvykate said:

Yes. I walked away from play partners and the scene in January. It all got too complicated and I couldn’t cope so I stopped everything. Tried to pretend I could go back to vanilla life.

didnt last long then...


Well I guess we can’t ignore what’s a part of us 🤷🏻‍♀️

2 minutes ago, Brittone2 said:

Cool post mate...
I can honestly say mate that it has been one disaster after another ..I don't if its because I spend so much time on my own but some of the gibberish that I come out with..I still feel gutted when a mistress/goddess blocks me ,I just try and make myself more appealing ...it doesn't work...opposite

you might need a break and assess yourself. bdsm experience should be a positive one. Maybe you should seek some professional Domme. 

Just now, Curvykate said:

Well I guess we can’t ignore what’s a part of us 🤷🏻‍♀️

no as long you can control it. Or be helped to be controlled, sound like you walked out for the wrong reason....


Why do you say that?

9 minutes ago, MsWhiteRose said:

Yeah, periodically I feel like this. Things aren't always easy when there's distance involved. I have my ups and downs and question whether it's all worth it. 

this is something you can remedy easily and not a reason for giving all up. whats worth? when we ask ourselves that question we want to make sure the answer is that the balance sheet is positive. 

6 minutes ago, Curvykate said:

Why do you say that?

what do you refer to? it might go to personal on here? 

1 minute ago, Curvykate said:

True. It might.

yes I know ;)

37 minutes ago, FabSeverus said:

you might need a break and assess yourself. bdsm experience should be a positive one. Maybe you should seek some professional Domme. 


37 minutes ago, FabSeverus said:

you might need a break and assess yourself. bdsm experience should be a positive one. Maybe you should seek some professional Domme. 

Not what want  ...well I see your comment is well supported..Thankyou both..


DS is a roller coaster of emotions, from the highs of a new partner, to the lows of no one to chat or play with. But, persevere, as local matches don't come round too often, and it can happen. You can find your One x

1 hour ago, FabSeverus said:

sound like you did a reboot system eyem! worthy ;)

there were lots of folk helped one way or another; some not actually by doing anything special - and that was the point.  Doing something cos you know I'm low and want to pick me up is appreciated, sure, but not the same as doing something cos you want to


yes as i am now considering just cold turkey quitting this bullshit fantasy make believe that so quickly can become ***


Ds should never be ***. Consent, respect, trust, communication, safety x


For me is a part of who I am, so I dint have a real choice in the matter. I've tried to give it up, but I cannot.
Everyone is different, my issue is adhd.. This is what keeps my kink alive, and that isn't going away any time soon.


I am concerned about the *** comment.. Agreed, kink should never ever be about ***, even consent non consent stuff, it's still not ***.

Basically if you feel you are in an abusive relationship then you have taken the first step to stop it all.
Maybe giving up kink is right for you, but doing it because of ***.. That's awful and should never be the way.

You should seek friends to help you and rectify your situation, it doesn't sound good at all.

I know people who are in abusive relationships and they cannot see it... You can.
So make sure you help yourself, because rarely does anyone just step in out of the blue and fix it.
Only you can do this, before it goes to far.

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