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"Shocking the Vanillas"?


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No, this thread is not about what you may be thinking.  Nor, is it meant to be some declaration of War.  This theme is apropos to those inadvertent interactions with the general public.  It may have occurred while going-to or coming-from a "dress code" event.  It may have been a word, phrase, or innuendo, that slipped-out at the wrong time.  It may have even been a deliberate, in-your-face act, meant as a friendly prank.  But really, this is about the interesting reactions that came as a result.  The concept of "shock value" can often be ambiguous .

Back in the day, I was surprised to learn, that some "shocks" could actually be a positive thing.  The time was the mid-to-late 90's, and the scenario involved those inevitable trips home, after a play party or fetish event.  Trying to drive with one's head still in "Domspace", has never been the safest of choices.  So, a couple of us might pop into a random neighborhood bar, for a relaxing beer---while still all leathered-up!  There was nothing lewd or indecent about our attire.  Nor, were we still carrying whips and toys on our belts.

Frankly, the first time that I encountered this situation, I wanted nothing to do with it.  But, I was assured, that there would be no problems.  Indeed, as we entered, we seemed to get nothing but smiles.  Folks even bought us drinks.  They knew what we were about.  Many congratulated us, for openly expressing their own secret desires.  Along the way, we fielded many friendly questions about "The Life".  There was also the famous, ever-present query, "How can I get my wife/husband interested?"  Or, "Where can I get a long leather coat like that?" (mine practically swept the floor)  So it was, time after time.  In fact, it was during one of these ventures into a local pub, that I met my soon-to-be-wife (now ex-wife; but that is a whole 'nother story).

Now, I challenge others to share their stories.  What surprise encounter(s) with the "vanilla" public do you most recall.  Remember to keep it clean (relatively) and keep it friendly.


Cheaha State Park.

One of the walkways...

I was with my partner at the time. We were straying there, we took a walk with me collared and on a leash. Passed a couple who absolutely beamed at us ...

He says "Morning.. just taking my pet for a walk" 



A side note to this story.. as we got to the end of the trail we saw a sign saying "please keep your pets on a leash at all times within the park" 

(Just obeying the rules 😊)

2 hours ago, LazyPiratesBounty said:

We were straying there, we took a walk with me collared and on a leash.

Straying!? Hey, is this a Freudian slip, mate?:clapping: Good story!

And what an intriguing idea for a discussion! It'll be interesting to tally the responses as a barometer of possible sinister 'vanilla encroachments...

Well, we have near neighbours and since they are neither deaf nor stupid, they have a pretty fair idea of what's often happening in our hobbit-hole, given the amount and type of noise that regularly comes out of it. Not to mention the washing line, with black silk sheets, side-tie knickers, fishnets and a corset getting an airing. Other neighbours dash in and out, to buy our free-range eggs while recently cleaned toys are prominently air-drying and no-one's got a problem with that - at least, they all keep coming back. I've often conducted a conversation over the fence with Myles as he  has a leisurely pee in his compost pile (very good for lemon trees), exchanged 'G'days' when he's wandered out starkers to drop rubbish in his bins or discussed the weather as I hang out the washing topless on a lovely summer morning. Apart from this, they've also had the experiences of living next to a motorcycle club and for the last twenty years, a Coven meeting on our property eight times a year. When they see the Coven members arriving, they turn down their garage stereos and keep back yard noise to a minimum while we are in our ritual space, even though we've never asked them to do this. We've never experienced any marginalisation or complaint from anyone in the street over the 35 years we've lived here, apart from one resident, who is a cracking ***y snob, who marginalises everyone and pries into everyone else's business. (He needs a hobby).  For a number of years, there was a couple who lived a few doors up from us - the husband was a cross dresser and could often be seen mowing the lawn in a ladies' one piece bathing costumes (the sort that had a little short pleated skirt) diamante drop earrings and stiletto heels. No-one gave a fast crap about that either - the only time it was ever mentioned, it was the Vandal who recommended to him that he wear boots while using a power mower,  in the interests of safety.  There followed a discussion between them on the merits of various brands, and he did get the boots for days when he mowed the front lawn. So, no vanilla shock-horror issues here.:$


I live in a house, with housemates....

They know....


We all get along because we don't moan...

"Well... you moan when Pirate visits...."

8 minutes ago, LazyPiratesBounty said:

I live in a house, with housemates....

They know....

Back in the day, I had a housemate---an old friend from my highschool days.  He knew.  He even helped me with setups, when I needed an extra hand.  He once hinted, that my "profession" gave him bragging rights at his job:  "Guess what my roommate does for a living!"

The younger brother also knew, as he tended to spend many-a-night on my couch.  The oldest of the three brothers, however, never had a clue, even though he had seen me wearing more than my share of leather.  I even met-up with him, one time, at a coffee house, on my way back from a call-out.  C'mon, it should have been obvious, by then.  But then, he was a bit of a prude.

36 minutes ago, LazyPiratesBounty said:

I live in a house, with housemates....

They know....


We all get along because we don't moan...

"Well... you moan when Pirate visits...."

:clapping::$:clapping: CLASSIC!!!!

14 minutes ago, phoenyx said:

But then, he was a bit of a prude.

 Sounds like the sort that's determinedly thinking, "If I ignore it, it'll go away...."


Having worked several of the kink conventions in my area, I come into contact with many hotel hospitality and housekeepers with mixed reactions. Often these awesome individuals would try to move invisibly through the crowd of leather, latex, and nudity, replenishing water decanters or clearing areas to keep the floor presentable. Seldom is seen any judgement despite being far outside their comfort zones - some of the more playful conventioneers showing gratitude and PDAs as only our lifestyle can. During dungeon time (later in the evening and after-hours for the hotel staff), some of the braver hotel employees would request a glimpse into the dungeon, which we would allow respectful. Many eyes I've watched go wide and mouth agape at some of the spectacular scenes they may never have even dreamed possible. Some would quickly escape, covered in feverish blushes and embarrassed chuckles; others asked endless questions, curious of this new world with genuinely interest.

Then, there's other times, haha. A few conventions we run in the same hotel for several years, sometime become "summer camp" friends with some of the regular hotel workers. One such individual, a hospitality manager, was very blushy and hands-on her first year hosting a kink industry convention at her hotel. As you know, us fetish people are extremely happy in our element, and she became popular quick for being friendly and efficient dealing with any issues or concerns. She excelled her second year hosting, making sure to make the rounds each day of the convention to greet everyone working it. I was very fond of her positive energy, she had a bubbly attitude, and made dealing with the hotel easy. You can imagine my disappointment to learn she wasn't hostess that third year.

Of course, she had taken the time off to actually come to the convention! I got to check her in, catch up with her, and check her out in her fetish garb, shiny patent boots and hot shorts, with the token black tape crosses over her nipples. But most notable was her joy to be there. I think that's what I remember most whenever I saw her the rest of the weekend; she obviously finally felt accepted, celebrated, and satisfied.

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