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Magick and Sex Magick

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Posted (edited)

A few people have asked me in conversation on here about Magick and how it works and also the uses and application in Sex Magick, so I thought I'd write a journal post about it. 

Obviously this is based on my views and experiences and shouldn't be taken as an absolute truth or any kind of manual. It is at best maybe a guide and some ideas to consider and contemplate should you choose to pursue this for yourself. Magick, although there are certain givens, is an entirely unique experience and I would encourage you to experiment and explore and ultimately see what works for you.

One of the many things that people forget or just don't know is that Magick is in a large part transformational. As in, it transforms you or parts of your psychology, subconscious, spirit, attitude and whatever other labels we would care to apply to it. 
So a lot of it will come down to inner workings, for example, will a change of attitude or perspective bring the desired results? 
Often times the answer is yes and Magick is a very valuable tool in achieving those changes and results.
Also consider what you actually want.
It is amazing how often when you ask yourself this question you don't actually know the answer. So think on it, meditate on it, write things down if you want to or need to. What you want very often isn't actually what you think it is to begin with. On top of this, wording is going to be very important in your Magick. You will need to be specific and concise so it will be very rewarding for you to take a little time to think on it.

Can you influence the world and universe around you? 
Yes absolutely you can. A lot of sorcerers or people who work and craft Magick call it "subtle influence" and I quite like that term and it makes sense to me. Remember, even in how you label certain things, it is important to consider what works best for you.
Despite being called "subtle influence" it can have very powerful and life changing affects.
We all know that if we get angry with someone, or tell someone how important they are to us,  while they can be subtle gestures, they can often have very profound and meaningful effects on your life and relationships. 
Magick works in much the same way.

Are there rituals? 
Yes, so damn many rituals and variations that you wouldn't believe! Do you need to know and learn them all? 
While I think that research and knowledge is very important, rituals in and of themselves aren't always necessary, well when I say that, I mean that the long drawn out rituals and having an altar and incense and all the other paraphernalia that many associate with it, aren't required unless that has some value to you.
Rituals however do have an important significance in that you need to get in the right state of mind and they can help you get there. In much the same way as you need to get in the right frame of mind for a competitive sport or for work. We all have our own daily rituals anyway, maybe it's having a coffee and a cigarette in the morning or how we like to eat our favourite meal.
Also rituals can offer some very important protections the further and deeper into Magick that you decide to go. There is however plenty of Magick that you can access with little to no ritual at all.
Magick as a craft and art is constantly being refined through practice and trial and error by experienced practitioners and that could include yourself as again, with a little time taken to research and gain understanding, ultimately you should work with what feels right for you and what brings the best results.
If that is wearing a cape, lighting incense and howling at the moon, or simply crafting the Magick required in a place that is quiet and when you are not going to be disturbed.
I don't in anyway mean to make light of this, Magick like any tool can be dangerous in the same way a knife, computer or a car can be and yet most of us would never consider not using them, it all depends on who is using it and how we use it.
There is much more information about this area on the Gallery Of Magick website. I am not a part of them and this is not an advert for them. They do sell books but their website resources, information and more is free to read. I would recommend to a beginner or to an experienced practitioner to have a look at their site and decide for yourself.

The greatest tool you will need for Magick is your imagination and visualisation and you should exercise it. Our ability to create detailed experiences in our brain is a gift that we seem to be letting go of in many ways. We have become obsessed with TV, the internet, video games and even pornography. 
These are great distractions and entertainments but ultimately they are lacking in substance and quality.
When was the last time that you masturbated and only used your imagination? Give it a try, you will be very surprised and satisfied at the results.

One of the greatest qualities and tools of the human mind, imagination, is rarely exercised and it is also the key to Magick. 
Although if you are a reader of any genre of fiction, if you dream regularly and recall them, maybe even lucid dream, you are exercising your imagination. Dreaming itself is a linked and important topic but to go into it here would make this even longer.

If for example you imagine every day that you do some form of physical exercise, you obviously will not get as fit as if you actually did the exercise but you will get fitter than if you hadn't even imagined doing it.
Our brain doesn't distinguish between dreams, hallucinations and what we call reality. In fact the world that you see and experience, isn't even out there in terms of colours, shapes, texture, smell, taste.... 
It's compressed air waves hitting your ears or photons of light hitting your eyes and all are turned into electro-chemical signals, the language of the brain. 
All the different forms of input arrive at different speeds, by different methods and are delivered at different times and are turned into these same signals that the brain then processes and translates, based on the input source, patterns and complexity, into taste, touch, sight etc and then it literally creates and edits the experience of your reality and the world around you and your body responds and reacts. 
As scary as this might sound, it is how and why we are here and have survived as a species to this day.
You can find out much more on this from the likes of neuroscientists like David Eagleman. 

So it's the old saying, the body follows the brain and the brain follows the body, we are literally creating reality all the time and changing the input method and information can have dramatic and significant effects.
Also, thoughts are energy and it's a known that energy cannot be destroyed, it transitions from one form to another. Like pressing a brake on a mountain bike, the energy of the food you ate gives your hand the energy to pull the brake lever and slow or stop the bike which then creates heat on the brake pad, heat is just another form of energy and it goes on.

Now look at the outer world. 
We only have to look at quantum physics to see how incredible our universe is and how magic(k)al it can be. 
Wave/particle duality, super-position, time literally slows the higher in altitude that we go, the basic order of the universe seems to be entropy (chaos) and yet it has this incredible and wonderful order to it. 
Don't get me wrong, one of my favourite quotes is "People who imagine the harmony of nature are often willfully blind to the savagery between wolf and rabbit." Rory Miller. 
The beauty in nature can often be as a result of the tragedy and destruction as much as it can be from the creation and harmony, because all we can do, when the same ***s that produce life and beautiful sunsets also produce death and ***, is stand in awe.

Will you be working with "entities".?
Yes, more than likely. 
Although you certainly don't have to but it's likely that quite soon into your practice you will want to. Often these are called angels and demons. 
Are they actual angels and demons are they even real entities? 
I'll leave you to decide. 
They could be, they could equally be manifestations from your own mind. What matters is that they are powerful and effective.
These entities or manifestations are not your masters, you don't need to and shouldn't worship them and they are not going to possess you.
You need a mutually respectful working relationship with them, so show respect to them but also know that it is returned and you should treat and approach them properly, as you would with another person. 
If you don't then all that will happen is they are unlikely to want to work for or with you and this will greatly inhibit and limit your Magick and its workings.
I try to avoid words like "good" and "bad" in almost a Nietzsche "Beyond Good and Evil" way as I believe that what is good and bad comes from the person involved and people's perspectives and not everyone has the same perspective. 
Yet as Hollywood is well, Hollywood,  it is important to note that actually not all demons are "bad" and not all angels are "good".
You can work with both simultaneously to help achieve a desired result. To look on it or them as bad or good is irrelevant as the only good or bad thing you need to be concerned with or about is you, your input and your intent.
Just one last note on the "angels" and "demons". Maybe these words or labels don't sit well with you. That's absolutely fine, I'm not a religious man and terms and phrases can and always are interchangeable. 
You can think of them as you like, the words you speak and their names are the important things and hold the power, not what you do or don't think they are. 
The same as the word "god" can be replaced with energy or universal power.
Semantics aside, I think one of the biggest tragedies in human history is when the religions and the sciences stopped working together. 
Imagine where we could have been now with the two groups of knowledge, exploring, researching and working together. But hey politics, *** and control, as always, get in the way.

As mentioned, mostly you are going to be working on yourself and other factors and elements in the universe. But let's go back to subtle influence. 
For example, you work some Magick focused on getting a new partner and it works.
(A note on wording: Think about what you want from a partner and what you want to give to your partner. Try not to make superficial demands.)
Have you influenced that person to unwillingly be with you? 
No one is going to be with you if they don't want to be (or at least they shouldn't be but I'm not going to cover abusive and manipulative relationships here). 
It's most likely that the Magick has given you more confidence, some added wit or charm or maybe even created an ideal opportunity for a new encounter or one with an existing friend that leads to it being more romantic or lustful or a combination of all. 
Those feelings would have already been there anyway and you both either denied them or maybe weren't aware of them and they needed to be awakened or nurtured and encouraged to grow. 

Have you influenced them at all? 
Yes, of course. 
But only in the same way as you might offer to buy them a drink, listen to them instead of just talking to them about yourself, or buying them a gift and showing them compassion.
Remember we are all influencing each other and are being influenced ourselves constantly. By partners, family, work colleagues, society in general and even advertisements.
Influence isn't the issue, as always it's about the intent of the person.

Also don't be crafting Magick or creating a Servator (look it up) and just be saying "Hey I want more ***!".  
And then sitting there waiting for it to arrive. 
Get a job, get a better job, get better at your job, find a new job. 
The universe, in my experience gives back a million times more if you are prepared to put in the slightest effort.
So imagine the quality of the results if you use Magick and are prepared to work hard in that area of your life.
(Again wording is going to be important, so think on this. Something like "I want to have more *** than I need to simply survive, I want to help support my family and friends and yet still enjoy and share in some luxuries in life.".).

How does this apply to Sex Magick. 
In very much with all the things mentioned above. 
There certainly are practices and rituals that you can perform specifically for Sex Magick.
And like all others they can be explored and adapted to what works best for you and your partner(s) but I'm not here to go into specifics. 
It should be suffice to say that two (or more) energies working together, if it be working in harmony, to compliment or against and opposing each other, either way, it brings its own unique and powerful results and experiences.
Also I have mentioned energy and thoughts before.
What a great and significant power our sexual energy an focus is.
It can be used, harnessed and focused on in Magickal work for the sex itself and also used to great effect on other areas of our lives.
Trust and respect as in any relationship should be paramount as should communication. The ability to support and guide each other as ultimately that is the goal, to learn about yourself and each other and to share in the experience of sex and Magick and have intense physical pleasure along with profound mental, emotional and even spiritual experiences.
(Wording and intent is going to play a part again here. Something like "I want to have healthy and satisfying relationships with sexual partner(s) and I want to give the best of myself to them, so that we can both experience the joy of new and intense sexual and intimate pleasures." Is going to work far better than "I want more sex.".)

Don't hunger after results, do your Magick and then get on with the other aspects of your life. 
As mentioned above, sitting and waiting for a delivery doesn't make it arrive any faster and you are just wasting your own time. 
Magick is very powerful but it is also complimentary to your life and your other efforts, so you need to work on all of them for the best results.
Also be prepared that the results that Magick brings often come from the places that we least expected or hadn't even considered.

I would like to finish by saying that I am certainly no authority on this, these are my opinions and experiences. There is however much more that I could say but this is a brief overview for the people who have asked and hopefully for everyone who reads it to get you thinking and maybe even inspire you to try.
I am happy to answer questions where I can and when I can't I will try to direct you to a place or person of greater knowledge that can help you.

Edited by Deleted Member
Grammatical corrections

Wow, the great rite mixed with BDSM. Not sure they really go hand in hand.

6 minutes ago, SirGreen said:

Wow, the great rite mixed with BDSM. Not sure they really go hand in hand.

I find that they can work very well together to be honest but I see your point on a general level and obviously respect it.


Depends on how one thinks. If spanking someone whilst focusing on punishing someone else could create the energy, it could go wrong. Like you said about needing more ***, if you are not clear about your intent, forget a better job as you will get more *** when it’s an insurance payout from your accident. Also, it a hard thing to do to focus your intent when in the middle of an orgasm unless you kink is the object of you desires.

Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, SirGreen said:

Depends on how one thinks. If spanking someone whilst focusing on punishing someone else could create the energy, it could go wrong. Like you said about needing more ***, if you are not clear about your intent, forget a better job as you will get more *** when it’s an insurance payout from your accident. Also, it a hard thing to do to focus your intent when in the middle of an orgasm unless you kink is the object of you desires.

All very true, extra finances could come from an insurance payout or many other situations, as I say in the post towards the end, results often come from unexpected sources. My point about the job comment was that you do indeed still need to put effort in yourself and not just wait for it to be delivered to you.

As for the focus during orgasm, difficult I agree but not impossible, especially if you work the more ritualistic side into the moments of build up, pause and tension and the orgasm can be the final release of the built up energy, focus and intent and that can be in one session or over days, you can still work with the energy when not in session.

You are also very wise to point out being very careful when and where you focus your intent with the spanking and punishing scenario.

Edited by Deleted Member

I have a friend that compares the Universe to posting an order on Amazon. It delivers what you ask for. So, you had better be sure that you know what to ask for.

In this respect, the saying "be careful what you wish for, because you might get it" is very true.

I meditate and I usually go through a cycle when dealing with particular challenges, where I meditate on what I think I need, but slowly I end up simply asking the Universe to provide me with the insights I need. Then, more times than not, I get insights that I could not possibly have come up with by applying my own logic and thinking (ego).

This is powerful. You might call it Magick. I call it meditation.

The same actually applies to my BDSM journey. I started off as a ***ager with a certain mindset. I have found that this has evolved over time through different experiences and roles. The funny thing is that I am kind of back to where I started; the rope. Albeit from a rigger rather than rope-bottom perspective (although I like the aspect of giving up control completely from both top and bottom). Of course, I have learnt a lot underway, and I think part of this has to do with the open mindedness that is also required when asking for something.

... and yes, you cannot win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket.


41 minutes ago, Carnelian2 said:

I have a friend that compares the Universe to posting an order on Amazon. It delivers what you ask for. So, you had better be sure that you know what to ask for.

In this respect, the saying "be careful what you wish for, because you might get it" is very true.

I meditate and I usually go through a cycle when dealing with particular challenges, where I meditate on what I think I need, but slowly I end up simply asking the Universe to provide me with the insights I need. Then, more times than not, I get insights that I could not possibly have come up with by applying my own logic and thinking (ego).

This is powerful. You might call it Magick. I call it meditation.

The same actually applies to my BDSM journey. I started off as a ***ager with a certain mindset. I have found that this has evolved over time through different experiences and roles. The funny thing is that I am kind of back to where I started; the rope. Albeit from a rigger rather than rope-bottom perspective (although I like the aspect of giving up control completely from both top and bottom). Of course, I have learnt a lot underway, and I think part of this has to do with the open mindedness that is also required when asking for something.

... and yes, you cannot win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket.


Thanks for posting this, it's a really interesting read and I appreciate when people share a little of their journey and experience, it's always valuable to so many.
You're right, people use different terms to describe similar things and as I mentioned, it's about what connects and works for you and ultimately what brings the besr results.

Thank you again.

Posted (edited)

Fabulous post!  'Tis true, the Universe is like a warehouse and there's no-one determining that what you ask for is 'good' or 'bad' - like any other warehouse, you order, they send it, it arrives. It's now for you to enjoy - or not enjoy.

Clear intent, clear visualisation and clear phraseology are very important - the Universe does have a sense of humour, I've been on the receiving end of it!  But it does not do slang, vague, sarcasm or wishy-washy.

Ritual candles, crystals and incense can be useful for focal points, and colours and scents create vibrations, as do words.

Meditation will give insight that can be useful in determining the request we're making and can let us know if we're heading in a wrong or dangerous direction. Thanks  @Carnelian2

Words...no matter what is spoken, the energy of the words goes out there and does its work, damage or brings joy. That energy does not go away. So be aware of what you say.

And of course! Having asked, be alert for the opportunities and signposts that appear - follow them. That'll be the metaphysical world working. It works slower than our dimension, so be patient.

Manipulative magick will ALWAYS blow up in the practitioner's face. ALWAYS. Don't do it. 

We do not do seances, having seen some very bad results when people have done it for s**** and giggles. It's not for giggles.  Ever. If you must go down this path, really research how to do it respectfully. Otherwise you will end up with some very unpleasant characters inhabiting your space.

Last and by no means least - always add, 'For the good of all and harm of none' lest you do get that wadge of insurance cash because you've been in an accident - or refer to the tale of the monkey's paw that granted wishes. Thanks  @SirGreen

Thank you, KikRuggedZen. :gem:

Edited by Vandalslut
3 hours ago, Vandalslut said:

Fabulous post!  'Tis true, the Universe is like a warehouse and there's no-one determining that what you ask for is 'good' or 'bad' - like any other warehouse, you order, they send it, it arrives. It's now for you to enjoy - or not enjoy.

Clear intent, clear visualisation and clear phraseology are very important - the Universe does have a sense of humour, I've been on the receiving end of it!  But it does not do slang, vague, sarcasm or wishy-washy.

Ritual candles, crystals and incense can be useful for focal points, and colours and scents create vibrations, as do words.

Meditation will give insight that can be useful in determining the request we're making and can let us know if we're heading in a wrong or dangerous direction. Thanks  @Carnelian2

Words...no matter what is spoken, the energy of the words goes out there and does its work, damage or brings joy. That energy does not go away. So be aware of what you say.

And of course! Having asked, be alert for the opportunities and signposts that appear - follow them. That'll be the metaphysical world working. It works slower than our dimension, so be patient.

Manipulative magick will ALWAYS blow up in the practitioner's face. ALWAYS. Don't do it. 

We do not do seances, having seen some very bad results when people have done it for s**** and giggles. It's not for giggles.  Ever. If you must go down this path, really research how to do it respectfully. Otherwise you will end up with some very unpleasant characters inhabiting your space.

Last and by no means least - always add, 'For the good of all and harm of none' lest you do get that wadge of insurance cash because you've been in an accident - or refer to the tale of the monkey's paw that granted wishes. Thanks  @SirGreen

Thank you, KikRuggedZen. :gem:

Thank you for this posting this.
I think it's really important and valuable to get as many points of view, as much information, as many experiences and insights as we all possibly can.

Ultimately we all, new to Magick or have been practicing for 1 or 100 years, want to open communication, share and exchange ideas so that people can practice Magick in a way the suits them and their needs but is also safe and successful.

Thank you

59 minutes ago, KikRuggedZen said:

Thank you for this posting this.
I think it's really important and valuable to get as many points of view, as much information, as many experiences and insights as we all possibly can.

Ultimately we all, new to Magick or have been practicing for 1 or 100 years, want to open communication, share and exchange ideas so that people can practice Magick in a way the suits them and their needs but is also safe and successful.

Thank you

Indeed, it is a good idea to share experiences and communicate so that the practice can be made safe.  There are many groups and practitioners that choose to go a dangerous way and who willingly welcome (and sometimes actively recruit) those solitaries who are just beginning their year and a day. However, we can't do anything about the choices of others, as their choice is their life path.  All we can do is spread awareness. Feel free to PM if you like. Blessed Be.:milky_way: 

1 hour ago, Vandalslut said:

Indeed, it is a good idea to share experiences and communicate so that the practice can be made safe.  There are many groups and practitioners that choose to go a dangerous way and who willingly welcome (and sometimes actively recruit) those solitaries who are just beginning their year and a day. However, we can't do anything about the choices of others, as their choice is their life path.  All we can do is spread awareness. Feel free to PM if you like. Blessed Be.:milky_way: 

Yes you're absolutely right and thank you, I appreciate the offer to PM and likewise to you.

2 hours ago, Vandalslut said:

Indeed, it is a good idea to share experiences and communicate so that the practice can be made safe.  There are many groups and practitioners that choose to go a dangerous way and who willingly welcome (and sometimes actively recruit) those solitaries who are just beginning their year and a day. However, we can't do anything about the choices of others, as their choice is their life path.  All we can do is spread awareness. Feel free to PM if you like. Blessed Be.:milky_way: 

Indeed. The point of these skills is to be able to help others. The moment it is done for selfish purposes, it does not work. It is like meditation on a given outcome - that does not work either, if it is not right. I still get that wrong, but it is as much a question of trial and error - trying one thing, see what comes back, refine it and then in the end work out what it was all about.

I have practiced the above, and it works! :)


People follow many paths. Just like most relationships in this community, each is unique to the people. The same as Magic. Some follow a Gardnerian Wicca, some another type is Wicca, druidry, hedge, satanic etc, 

some say ‘do as thy will, thy harm none’

others say the same but include ‘do as I must, thy harm some’.

Others say they don’t follow either. Ultimately it’s the same energy either from above or below. That could be said as the same as topping from the bottom etc.

9 hours ago, Vandalslut said:

Clear intent, clear visualisation and clear phraseology are very important - the Universe does have a sense of humour, I've been on the receiving end of it!  But it does not do slang, vague, sarcasm or wishy-washy.

Manipulative magick will ALWAYS blow up in the practitioner's face. ALWAYS. Don't do it. 


If you are not absolutely precise and you leave any variables expect what you receive to reflect that. Before I knew anything about magick I found out the hard way. I figured it was just the law of attraction, the old ask and it is given. Well it's true. Just be really really careful as you might get exactly what you ask for but just not in the way you expected it. 

I would not use magick for myself now, however I would use it to help others, but only with the help of my spiritual guides and after a lot of preparation. 

5 hours ago, SirGreen said:

Some follow a Gardnerian Wicca, some another type is Wicca, druidry, hedge, satanic etc, 

Satanic being not Wicca - but a Christian based belief. ;)

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