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How far are you willing to go for your fetish.


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So just  inquiring  on how far you are willing to go for your fetishes and desires. 

I am at a stage In  my life requires happiness ,and that happiness is Involving a Fetish ,Desire and sexual  appetite,  that can not be suppressed by my long term partner. 

I have always believed that personal happiness is desirable,  but it can cause havoc along the way.


So what do you do 


Personally, my real exploration began after I made an improvements to my depression through 3 years of therapy. Realized I've wasted so much time in isolation, I decided I won't let anything hold me back from my interests. It is more than just a fetish, it now becomes a lifestyle that I constantly experience the next new kink I find. After so long holding myself back from life, I am unphased by any "obstacle" that holds me back.


Personally, my real exploration began after I made an improvements to my depression through 3 years of therapy. Realized I've wasted so much time in isolation, I decided I won't let anything hold me back from my interests. It is more than just a fetish, it now becomes a lifestyle that I constantly experience the next new kink I find. After so long holding myself back from life, I am unphased by any "obstacle" that holds me back.


To  be fair   id  go  a long way   to  find  my fetishes  and fantasys   i am  even  considering  paying a lady  to  help with some  fetishes     also i would  go as fae as hiring  a sex worker


How far would i go?To hell and back!Dont attach yourself to things that are not important to you.Be what you are.If you dont seek you will never find.If you fail try again!


If you find your kink mate on another part of the world and you both wanna meet and you can afford it.Would you go or would you continue to jerk on phantasy,or do you value your *** more then your kinks?Fuck that i would go and what hapens hapens.


geographically, the furthest I've been for fetish is Romania ;) 


In seriousness.  You have to decide what is important in your life and that is something that can be changeable.  

Obviously of course, legalitiy is important - but it's important to look at your life and what is or isn't more important than fetish - whether that is other hobbies or expenses - or, well, yes - relationships.  


How far would I go?

I've already travelled quite a distance for my need for fetish and kink.

It cost me everything I had. My , my family, my relationship with my daughter (which are now being rekindled, thankfully).

It was hell, absolute hell, to get where I am now but I had no choice, not once I started to be really honest about what I wanted and who I was.


I think living  a vanilla life when you're a kinky soul, it's a slow death.

2 minutes ago, Bounty said:

How far would I go?

I've already travelled quite a distance for my need for fetish and kink.

It cost me everything I had. My , my family, my relationship with my daughter (which are now being rekindled, thankfully).

It was hell, absolute hell, to get where I am now but I had no choice, not once I started to be really honest about what I wanted and who I was.


I think living  a vanilla life when you're a kinky soul, it's a slow death.

Absolutly    agree   im dying  to do some  of my fetishes       i would  travel    and  sacrifice  ***  to pay  for the  fetishes


I personally have put my lifestyle as a priority.
Like Bounty said I have travelled thousands of miles, I have been very lucky with my family and over time they have returned.

I am not focused on kink though, I need to be my authentic self with the person I love.

I have no interest in pretending to be someone I am not. I just want to be myself, naturally I am happy to accept my partner on the same basis.

What would I sacrifice... Everything.


Geographically was to Thailand, and will be going there again, but as I’m open with what I’m after I’m not going to be looking to change that for anyone and my personal needs are going to be at the forefront of any personal relationships (within reason as I’m look into get as much out of a relationship as the other person/people)


Looking for a definition of cuckold. Looking for a Bull for my wife 🙂

On 8/16/2020 at 10:08 AM, LazyPirate said:

Geographically was to Thailand, and will be going there again, but as I’m open with what I’m after I’m not going to be looking to change that for anyone and my personal needs are going to be at the forefront of any personal relationships (within reason as I’m look into get as much out of a relationship as the other person/people)


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