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The winner of the Halloween Short Story Competition is here! Give it up for @METALSIR who wrote 'THE SURGEON'. It was a clear winner with the crowds. Thank you to everyone else who entered as well, it's been great seeing all your creative prowess. Until the next competition.... 

halloween winners .png

👻 Welcome to our Halloween Short Story Competition 🎃 

It's spoo-ooky season. And that calls for one thing... a short story competition! I want to invite all the kinky writers who love a scary tale to pen a short story centred around these titillating themes: vampirism, werewolf fetish, knife play, *** play, role play and ghost fetish. 

Here are the rules:

  • Write a story about one, some, or all of the following topics: vampirism, werewolf fetish, knife play, *** play, role play and ghost fetish
  • Keep the story to 500 words or less
  • You can submit your story until Monday 9th November by posting it as a comment in this forum thread
  • Kinksters can like their favourite stories and the winner will be chosen by the tale that gets the most likes 
  • The deadline for submitting a story is Monday 9th November, but kinksters can like their favourite story until Monday 16th November 
  • The winner will be rewarded three months VIP membership and a kinky merch package!

Get writing, or off with your head :whipping:

Posted (edited)

Not long now he thought as his eyes absorbed the sight before him. The smashed bodies and torn flesh, human beings ripped apart. *** splattered walls, the smell of copper, the smell of death strong in the air. A sight of horror and him, sick to his stomach at the glimpse into hell laid out before him. All the precautions had been taken, the seclusion and chains sufficient many times in the past, always enough to prevent horrors such as this. He'd set the chains himself, 8 miles away, in the deepest realm of the darkest wood, miles from others so as not to be a threat when the madness came.


The changing that happened but 12 times a year on the rise of the full moon, a changing that was hereditary, not to be prevented so always the chains and seclusion. Sufficient always in the past to contain the beast upon its howl. A curse inflicted many generations ago for an offence given, an offence to the wrong person, a witch of the darker arts and not one who forgave or forgot. No this curse could not be stopped, each first born son cursed to forever howl and crave flesh upon the eve of a new full moon. 


His heart at that moment broke, the sight too much to bear as he reached for the shotgun, 12 gauge, a fine piece and a weapon many collectors had tried vainly to purchase in the past. Passed down from his father before him and more than suitable for the slaughter to come.


Already knowing what must be done, a beast to slay but as he knew now a man, and a man whose fault this carnage was not. The instinct and cravings undeniable, irresistible and not to be denied. The tears came now, rolling down his cheeks as he surveyed for one last time the carnage about him, the shattered remains of a family, his family, his wife and 3 daughters. His whole world now as smashed as what is strewn around the room. The tears flow and he sobs for his lost family, a rage now engulfing him and yes, he knows what he must do.He loads the shotgun with solid shot, only 2 shells needed as he knows exactly where to find the man, the beast who tore his family apart, ripped the flesh from their bodies as they cowered and begged for their lives, terror cursing through all they are as the beast ripped and tore.Two shells plenty to finish the job, end the cycle set in motion over three hundred years ago by the old hag of Brestwich, as she brewed her curse and plotted her revenge.


At last the moment, time to end the man and end the cycle, bring to an end this terrible curse. He breathes deeply calm now he knows he's going to join his girls, he places the barrels in his mouth, thinks a silent prayer to a God whose existence he doubts, and pulls the triggers. 


Edited by Deleted Member

Darkness beckons in the wood, was that a branch or skeletal hand caressing your face, you hurry, catching your blouse, was that a bramble, or line of hooks, you move, blouse rips, skin nicked as you twist to move, you carry on , looking back, scraps of blouse glow in moonlight, was that a root around your ankle making you fall, or another skeletal hand trying to hold you down, you struggle up, brambles wrapped round your skirt, you remove it so you can escape, twisted ankle making you crawl, more brambles now wrap you, digging into exposed flesh, you struggle, prickles or are they barbs holding you tight, your breasts pulled skin breaks as you with to escape, moonlight shines on you, showing you're held fast, *** flowing everywhere, a shiny trail, you cry in ***, now unable to move as the wood claims you. Were you there with no-one to hear you scream...

Posted (edited)

As I was sitting down in a bar one dark stormy night. With a fire glowing and wood crackling made it cozy to enjoy.
I had my glass of red next to me with my red lip marks on the rim.
In comes in a stranger all wet and cold. I beckon him over and say sit by the fire as close as he could.
We chatted we laughed told stories from times that made us us laugh.
Time went by and it was nearly closing time.
He asked if I needed a ride, I said you sure he said please don't decline.
So I took up his offer as he drove me home, we stop outside my country home.
I offered him to come inside to which he very much obliged.
As we enter he grabs my waist, I turn around as I see the hunger in his dark brown eyes.
He pulls me near he then kisses my neck, I arch back in in ecstacy as he fumbles with my clothes to my areas within.
I take his shirt off to see his chest so bare that I can't hold back and tease his hair, with my fingers twiddling with such great hair. We go to the bedroom and as I lay bare, his hungry looks are making me stare.
With his fingers they follow up my thigh making me tingle whats next to try.
With his hard member it goes in as I enjoy the sounds of groans coming from him.
When he finished the power goes off, I kissed him and said thank you for a good time.
But the lights came back he was lying there. The hungry look now gone from his eyes is now a cold hard stare.
His lips full of twisted hate and ***.
His skin that was hot bright was now cold as a winters night.
If only the fool had looked in the bar, that there wasn't a soul in sight that glass of red, was the poor bar maid that I had bled.
He didn't check his car mirrors to see that I was long dead I leave no image of me, like only in your head.
But I got what I needed and so did he. He shouldn't have allowed me to kiss him you see.
I saw that vein that wanted me more, I couldn't resist one more. As I wiped the *** from my lips, cleaning my teeth with my finger tip. 
I wait a few hours before dawn struck, he came back to life and then mine for good.

Edited by Shenna


a true story by Metal


Many of you may well view old Metal as the affable, SSC,  boob buttering Joker around this site and so i've decided to let you all in to the darkest corner of my broken head.

Seeing as it's Halloween and all……

My filthy inbox is rammed with all manner of you weirdos on a daily basis but that is fine with me because I love you all and learn so much about my own kinky self talking to you.

I genuinely care about all of you…

my community.

Talking to you freaks is my day job and I like my job!



So one day yet another pretty young thing, fresh on the scene comes wandering into my inbox. 

I mumble something apologetically humorous like Hugh Grant and in next to no time we are deep in conversation about what is, for me personally, the very darkest of taboo.




This is more serious than you think… We are not just scratching the surface so to speak…


She is a real life Surgeon.


I am Sapio. I crave knowledge and intellect. I'm happier in an interesting science lecture than in a nightclub or bar. My dream lecture has always been this…


“A practical lecture in surgery with a real Surgeon”


I've had to patch myself up and others many times and I have always wanted (under professional supervision) to learn how to anaesthetise, make a real incision and then sew it back up again.

It is a powerful knowledge. Like holding the precious ring, it is a dangerous knowledge.




…..it's just really fucking interesting.


Surgeons are go getters. NOW NOW NOW. You have to have that drive to survive the job. I grew up with surgeons children and saw just how stressed and pressured these people are. I've seen as a ***ager their bathroom cupboards stocked with the finest  pharmaceuticals for dissipating the daily distress of life on the razor edge of failure. 

Failure means you killed your customer.

And so in less than 24hrs her hurricane had blown our conversation into very dark waters.


“I want you to teach me”


Her, “It will take all day, we will need a good location, you will listen for hours and then we will practice on bananas, when you are good enough then we will see”


“I want to make a real incision”


Her, “You or me?”


“preferably you  but i'll do it on my thigh where I can get at it if I have to”


Her, “I can get everything….anaesthetic?”


“Hell yes. I'll need a fucking steady hand for this and i'm not in it for the ***”


Her, “If you are good enough on you then I’d let you do it on me without anaesthetic but i'd definitely squirm so i'd need restraining”


I stopped in my tracks, slammed on the brakes. Too much of this is wrong, illegal even. One big rush to do something truly terrible. A quick chat with Six herself and I was out of there fast.

There is more to be said about this than as I describe but we have not the time here today and nor will I discuss it.


There are noobs out there landing everyday, blinking wide eyed as they look at this kinky kaleidoscope for the first time but every so often a noob lands with such extreme and refined needs that they need protecting from themselves as much as others need protecting from them.


I hope the surgeon hears this because I care about her and her safety, as I do all of you.


“What you want to do and your reasons are ok, I understand why but stop, pause, think and assess your position. Don't do anything until you are a bit more comfortable in this kinky world. Make some friends, have some conversations and for gods sake……stay alive”.

Big love




Grue or semi true story about something that happened one foggy night in Chalmette Louisiana . I heard this third hand so dunno if true, 


Don't know if this a true tale. It was a late night in Chalmette,La. 2 deputies were on patrol driving thru fog by the hospital ,itwked the nurse in charge ifthey were missing a patent .They were'as so foggy they had to drive very slow Couldn't see anything in the fog they were passing the hospital when suddenly an old man was walking  about in a hospital gown .They stopped asked him where he was going he told them going home. They didn't think anything of it just an old man that wandered away from home .They drove him around to see if he knew where his house was.GHey called it in and sid were going back to the hospital maybe they knew . They drove back thru a thick patch of fog.One turned around to see if the old man was okay. THEY OLD MAN HAD DISAPPEARED as they entered he driveway. They knew he didn't get out since the back doors had no handles .Went inside asked the nurse if missing a patient ,they weren't. They described the old man saying he was looking for his home. The nurse listened and told them that that old man had just DIED!!!

believe if you like .





The two lightly weighted hooks moved gently, one positioned at the base of each nipple, their points lightly pushing in the soft tender flesh. "Remember" he growled, each noise you make will result in an addition of weights. She nodded, chained unable to move, and now regretting choosing the cane. THWACK, the cane struck her bum making her cry out, a weight added to each hook, the indents becoming bigger, THWACK, THWACK, she whimpered, trying to stay quiet but failing, she wished he'd say something before striking, at least she could try to prepare, but no, more weights and now she could feel the point slightly pierce the skin. Suddenly he gently caressed her bum, the surprise making her cry out, she thought as it wasn't the cane she'd be ok, but no, more weights added, but held in his hand, she whimpered, and he let them drop, the points now embedded in her flesh, and any possible movement made them sink in deeper, drops of *** dripping from her sore swollen nipples, THWACK, THWACK, THWACK, THWACK, hard fast strikes making her scream, she could now feel *** trickling down the back of her legs, the movements she managed causeing the hooks to be half way through, he looked at her and smiled, feeling her breasts, and far the hooks had gone, he took the weight of one hook in his hand, and showed the next weight, so big this time she cried uncontrollably he added the weight and let it drop, she screamed as she felt the hook dig and then pierce the underside of her breast, and then, the other one, *** dripping down, she sobbed, he unchained her and led her to the bench "Kneel on all fours" he growled, she obeyed, even though the weights swung, sending searing *** through her body. He chained her there wrists and ankles, then by her collar. He walked to the door and turned " You did say trick or treat when you knocked. I chose both". The light went out and the door closed...


It was Halloween and they had prepared for this night since the 1st October. Usually he was the Dom in the dynamic, but occasionally they would switch it up. This was one of those times. She had him wear a chastity cage from day one saying "Happy Locktober Honey, it'll be worth it come the end of the month". He did everything she asked from the cage to shaving his body and facial hair to eating light meals, even wearing women's lingerie under his regular clothing all with the promise of THE perfect Halloween sex ever.

Come the night she had him strip down to the latex lingerie and lay on the bed as she prepared herself in the bath room. She had him blindfolded and bound spread on the bed, limbs bound to each corner. He heard her walking to the bed when she whispered with menace in her voice "I will enter you like all those times you entered me". He shuddered in *** as his mind cleared and he felt himself being intruded. 

The intensity of his orgasm made him pass out as when he woke up he found he was untied with no site of his girlfriend anywhere in site. A heavy weight on his chest made him remove his blind fold and scream in terror. 

It was then he heard his partners voice in his head saying "Don't mind the changes, if I'm going to possess your body it' will have to suit my needs. But don't worry your manhood is still there as now you have the best of both worlds"

As he looked in the mirror and saw the most stunning woman there he felt the *** in his still caged cock. 

"Oh although you still have it only when I think you deserve it will I give you the combination to the lock but you have to work for it"  She said with an evil laugh.

His mind was clearing now as he remembered it was a year to the day after the car accident and his deceased girlfriend now possessed him in body and mind.

Sleep well all. 



Josh had looked forward to this night all year.  It had been a long time since he had come to this place, but he had to meet someone he knew urgently, although the woman he planned to meet did not know him.  It was Halloween, or in the witches calendar, Samhain, the pagan New Year for many Wiccan practitioners, and the most important of the Sabbats.

There was to be a house gathering after the main Samhain celebration, and the host was a young woman, a High Priestess of the Coven who he was determined to meet.  He had learned a lot about her, and although she was not typical of many Priestesses of Covens....being into some very heavy kink in her private life.....he nevertheless was determined to visit her for that very reason.

He met at her house.  The door was open and he walked in, unannounced, just as a gate crasher would do.  There were several people gathering for drinks just after the ceremony had ended.  The Priestess' name was Elly, and the moment they set eyes on each other they were hooked.

Although Elly didnt know him, she was glad that this upstart young man had walked into her life.  He was attractive and well built, although no one else seemed particularly to notice him or even realise he was there.

She invited him upstairs where she had a secret playroom.  She was extreme in her BDSM practices,  but she always believed that both parties should always consent to anything that was done.  

She had had a little too much to drink, but that didnt seem to worry him.   They sat and chatted for a while and with giggles and much mirth, then she got down to undressing him, and he let her tie him up on the large four poster bed.

She took a whip and began to beat him, softly at first, then harder.  He had consented all the way but seemed curiously detached in some ways at her extremity and lack of cautions.   

She beat harder, took blades and cut into his skin, and gagged him heavily until she could do no more.   Exhausted, she eventually relented and sat back, gazing at the young man on the bed. 

He lay still, lifeless in fact.  She got up and approached the bed. Then she let out a scream.  He was not breathing and lay icy and cold, with a blue pallor now ringing his half closed lips.

She panicked, not knowing what to do, turned away from the bed where he lay, and then began to let out some deep unrelenting sobs from her clenched throat.  Sweaty droplets had formed on her brow.

A gentle voice from behind came, and whispered her name  "Elly!"    She swung round, and saw the young man standing by the bed, seemingly un-hurt.  She looked at the empty bed,  then at him.  

"I thought I had killed you," she sobbed, looking at him through mists of tears.

"Oh you cant kill me,"  said the young man.  "I died many years ago.  I am glad though, that I could materialise enough to make sure you never went that far again with any living being."

"Who are you?" she asked meekly.

"I am one of your spirit guides....a guardian if you like.....and if you want to play, always remember from now on that consent is never enough.  It takes common sense and knowing where the thresholds are.  Can you understand that?" he asked her matter of factly.

"Yes!"  she answered. " And I promise never to drink before a scene either.  I am so sorry!" 

"Now I must cross my own threshold back to my home"  he announced.  

"Goodbye Elly!"

"Goodbye my Guardian", she said, before his form began to de-materialise.   Then he vanished.






72 Hours Captive.

Ok. True story....

We both knew what was going to happen.

What we both wanted.

We sat opposite each other.. playing a psychological dance.. chains and gags and blindfolds...amongst all the sex toys and other paraphernalia.... waiting for the moment.

She was bound, gagged, chained up on a dirty old mattress in my garage. Her chain just reached the piss bucket in the corner. Escape was impossible.

She was my prisoner now...and so the fun began.

I mawled her like a fucking ***. Violated her because she was unable to resist. Slapped her inner thighs and tits and grabbed her throat....1,2,3,4,5.

Flung her around like a rag doll...slapped and fingered her ass and fucked her pussy.

She was enjoying that too much so I suspended her from the ceiling by her wrists... the chain still padlocked around her neck...facing the wall... like a ***d prisoner... and slipped a butt plug into her arsehole.

Then I attached her to the fuck machine. Oh! dear lord! I didn't know ***s could make that sound. I told her how much she must love it because she was a slut..... and I turned up the speed.

She got so excited that she sucked the butt plug up into her ass. I searched for it with my fingers but in the end she had to push it out herself. Kinky as fuck.

Punishable offence. So I put a bigger dildo on the fuck machine... turned it up to full speed and flogged the living shit out of her with all my might. And she fucking loved it! 

Got the videos.... and it is the most gutteral, desperate vision of orgasmic delirium and filthy cums you could ever possibly imagine.

It pleased me very much.

I gave her a little treat and left her gagged, cuffed, blindfolded and chained by the neck.

Part of the enjoyment of this is the anticipation. So in the middle of the night I would come into the garage move about and then leave.

But sometimes I wouldn't leave.

I'd ripp the covers off of her and molester again against her will.

In the morning I got her on all fours.... attached the fuck machine to her pussy...and fucked her in the ass.

Breakfast of champions.

On day two to I thought she needed a little exercise... So I took her down the bottom of the garden.

I tied her down on her back in the polytunnel, spread eagled, and put the fuck machine on her again.

I control the speed while enjoying a cold beer in the sunshine. Very gratifying.

I then put her into the chair next to me  and fucked her really hard in the pussy with a fucking great big dildo. It's so lovely to see her cum.

I took her inside again and fucked and spunked up all over her pussy and clit.

She liked it so much she asked if she could stay another night!

Nooooooo problem!

Suffice to say.... She got every bit of my attention... showed me my work... and swallowed it all down.

True story.... hope you enjoy x









And that, dear readers, was the last we saw of that butt plug.

14 hours ago, Bounty said:

And that, dear readers, was the last we saw of that butt plug.




Trick And Treat


I was so eager to write this that I had to shorten it after the first draft. I hope everyone enjoys it.

Word count: 500




It was All Hallows Eve and the town was lively, ironically, with people dressed as skeletons, ghosts, and nether-worldly creatures. Every door bell was rung; every bell except one. There was a crooked house at the end of one particular road, and it was avoided by all but a few foolish young men. Though technically considered adults, they were immature and their hormones were raging. This group of men cheered each other on as they approached house number thir***. Little did they know that they were being followed.


The leader of their pack stomped arrogantly up the front steps and knocked as loudly as he could. Their faces lit up to the sight of a woman’s deadly beauty. She was dressed in black heels and stockings, rimmed by orange. Her thighs were bare, her black lace panties cleverly decorated with a silk spider. Her black bra was tied beneath her bosom by a pumpkin string, exposing her cleavage and bulging her breasts. Besides the long flowing sleeves that swayed loosely around her wrists, the rest of her body was uncovered. Her lips were naturally pink, her auburn hair shiny and cascading down her buxom chest. Her lashes fluttered innocently under her witches hat, though the men knew she was far from it. She smiled, her fangs growing through her gums.

“We hear you play with wolves,” the leader of the pack boasted. He held up his hand and it grew fur and talons so sharp that he could have slit her pretty little throat right there.


“Neat trick,” she winked at him. “How about I give you lads a treat?” The boys howled into the night and followed him inside. “Go into the kitchen and grab yourselves some cookies. Eat as many as you want,” she called to them. Then she muttered to herself, grinning under the brim of her hat, “I have a trick of my own.” She watched from afar as the kitchen door slammed shut and locked itself.

A strong hand grabbed her breast and shoved her against the wall, a red glow coursing through her veins. It was the man who had followed the group, closing the front door. He held her by the neck, fondling her and kissing her deeply while she splayed her fingers over his bare chest. The red glow spread across her body at his touch, filling her with ecstasy and provoking a whimper from her pretty, strangled throat. He was the only man who could overpower her. He was an incubus. The red glow spread from his hand, under her skin, sinking beneath her panties as he began to finger her. She gasped in delight and ***d his hand deeper between her thighs, giggling.

“They should be asleep by now,” she nodded to the kitchen door.

“You can feed after I have tasted you, my love.”

With her inhuman strength she ripped his trousers from his naked body and her heated, pulsing lips  melted around his throbbing girth with a moan.

17 minutes ago, quietlysure said:

Show off, counting the words 😂😂

I got Word to do it for me.

Microsoft Word is very submissive 😂


Posted (edited)

So you inquire after that creature you mortals erroneously call the vampire? Such a repugnant and improper term to label us, as if we were leeches or some common criminal that exploits the weak and enfeebled. Why for? Because we feed on you even as humans feed on livestock? Because you don't understand us, and as thus, *** us? Or is it due to the secrets we hold, the last bit of magic left to this world of decay and ash. No, intrepid child, you *** us because of the stories of fantasy and fiction you pass between each other like gossip-mongerers, always telling tales twisted for your own amusement.

You would reason us the monster for we sup on your precious *** that you so quickly spill to the dirt over menial and pointless differences? I may suckle at your veins, but I have never forged a war for the sake of purity. I do not misjudge you based on arbitary personal factors, to ignore your humanity because you're not like me. Rather, it is your differences that have led you and I to this exact moment in time in which you are so close to me, your scent fills my nostrils and cloud my senses. I can only think of you, of how much I desire you and how disgusting it is you would refer to me - ME! - as vampire.

Even as I study you as you pour over each of these words, you are oblivious to me. Hell, you even doubt my very existence as it doesn't fit into your minute understanding of the grand cosmic dance shuffling around you. You and your white-knuckle grip on reality, you have no room for anything beyond your comprehension; to the contrary, if you could perceive the majesty of reality as it really is, your mind would turn to sludge, expelled from the body through a simple sneeze.

Your kind hunted us to extinction, as it has with many creatures you claim to prize. Your ancestors staked us, beheaded us, burnt us alive all because we survive on a fluid your body readily recreates. We did not cause you harm! We intended no harm, and romanced the *** from you. Our seduction was rewarded with ***; and still, you have the audacity to declare us the monsters! I would slam my fist to your table in indignation if I didn't think it would stop your beating heart, ending what you think of as Life, but squander as if immortal.

You inquired after that creature you deem a vampire. Here is your chance to know, for yourself. Let you and I decide which of us is truly the abomination, the affront on God, the ***y beast. You stand upon the precipice of realization with a once in a lifetime opportunity, for this may be the final moment of that lifetime. I can assure you that you will know my undying love.

Just put down this rambling...

...and greet me.

Edited by Cade
13 hours ago, quietlysure said:

Show off, counting the words 😂😂

It was less about showing off and more about proving that I had remained within the rules. I am pedantic like that. I like to make it clear that I did not break any rules, as I have been falsely reprimanded in the past.

...but yes, a little bit of showing off.


It was meant as a joke 😁, but I know what you mean about the reprimand system...


She woke suddenly, bedroom pitch black, she tried to move but couldn't, she didn't remember throwing off the duvet, but lay drenched in cold sweat, she felt her nightie move, then heard it ripping, exposing her, she tried to scream but couldn't,the feel of icy cold skeletal hands on her breasts, roughly feeling them, she felt her legs being pulled open, then an icy cold entering her pussy, not a cock, but something, thrusting in and out, so cold it felt like burning, then an even colder sticky feeling settled deep inside her, she woke screaming, clutching the duvet, nightie stuck to her, she went to the bathroom, removing her nightie and looked, ***y scratches on her breasts, *** and something sticky on her pussy and down her thighs, her abdomen extended, she screamed, screamed, screamed...


I hope you enjoy my story. Here it is:


Last year it was incumbent on me to excavate the Saqqara Tomb in Egypt and unlock its secrets. There was a lot of press about it which helped my career considerably until I gave up the whole enterprise. But there was one secret that didn’t make the papers. Only you, dear reader, on this website, will know about it because what I am about to tell you is so incredible, and frankly a little kinky.

Yes, yes, we found mummified ***s. Never mind that. I was interested in a tomb that had remained untouched since the 25th century BC. I knew from knowledge and experience it was likely to be a woman, and my instinct was it would have to be a pretty important woman to have so many *** remains around her.

With nothing but the torch on my head to guide me around the tomb, I set the casket onto the ground and jemmied it open. Within was a human figure, about 5 feet tall, wrapped in bandages. With cotton gloved fingers, I set about unwrapping the feet. As I did so, I nearly fainted in surprise: the feet of the cadaver were not mummified, but beautiful and tanned, with exquisite jewellery. I looked at them for some minutes, stunned. Then an extraordinary compulsion came over me to kiss those feet. I’m not sure I wanted to, but I felt driven by a mysterious ***. As I did so, I began to sense wave upon wave of erotic excitement welling up in me, particularly around my navel and my loins. Was this coming from the mummy? I could not tell. Those devotional kisses became a passionate licking of the soles and between the toes. There was an ardent fire within me, and I could not help it. It seemed as though these beautiful feet were where I began and ended.

The feet began to move. They stroked my face; the toes traced the outline of my lips. It was impossible that this should be happening, but in my heightened state of arousal I was oblivious to that. Then the feet began to caress my jawline, and finally my neck. I was moaning with pleasure as they wrapped themselves around my throat. My heartbeat quickened as their grip on my throat intensified…

At some point, I realised I was being strangled. I couldn’t breathe, and I began to *** and splutter. Erotic delirium turned to downright terror, as I knew that these feet were choking the life out me. I had to do something. Desperately, I seized the crowbar and jammed it between those vice-like feet and my neck, in a frenzied struggle for my life. It was then that I fainted.

When I came to, I found myself sweating profusely, and jabbering nonsense. It took me around fif*** minutes to gain control of myself. I got up and, from a distance, examined the cadaver. All I could see were two horrifically mummified feet. I wept bitterly that night.

22 minutes ago, Jashine said:

I hope you enjoy my story. Here it is:


Last year it was incumbent on me to excavate the Saqqara Tomb in Egypt and unlock its secrets. There was a lot of press about it which helped my career considerably until I gave up the whole enterprise. But there was one secret that didn’t make the papers. Only you, dear reader, on this website, will know about it because what I am about to tell you is so incredible, and frankly a little kinky.

Yes, yes, we found mummified ***s. Never mind that. I was interested in a tomb that had remained untouched since the 25th century BC. I knew from knowledge and experience it was likely to be a woman, and my instinct was it would have to be a pretty important woman to have so many *** remains around her.

With nothing but the torch on my head to guide me around the tomb, I set the casket onto the ground and jemmied it open. Within was a human figure, about 5 feet tall, wrapped in bandages. With cotton gloved fingers, I set about unwrapping the feet. As I did so, I nearly fainted in surprise: the feet of the cadaver were not mummified, but beautiful and tanned, with exquisite jewellery. I looked at them for some minutes, stunned. Then an extraordinary compulsion came over me to kiss those feet. I’m not sure I wanted to, but I felt driven by a mysterious ***. As I did so, I began to sense wave upon wave of erotic excitement welling up in me, particularly around my navel and my loins. Was this coming from the mummy? I could not tell. Those devotional kisses became a passionate licking of the soles and between the toes. There was an ardent fire within me, and I could not help it. It seemed as though these beautiful feet were where I began and ended.

The feet began to move. They stroked my face; the toes traced the outline of my lips. It was impossible that this should be happening, but in my heightened state of arousal I was oblivious to that. Then the feet began to caress my jawline, and finally my neck. I was moaning with pleasure as they wrapped themselves around my throat. My heartbeat quickened as their grip on my throat intensified…

At some point, I realised I was being strangled. I couldn’t breathe, and I began to *** and splutter. Erotic delirium turned to downright terror, as I knew that these feet were choking the life out me. I had to do something. Desperately, I seized the crowbar and jammed it between those vice-like feet and my neck, in a frenzied struggle for my life. It was then that I fainted.

When I came to, I found myself sweating profusely, and jabbering nonsense. It took me around fif*** minutes to gain control of myself. I got up and, from a distance, examined the cadaver. All I could see were two horrifically mummified feet. I wept bitterly that night.

Wow! Loved that! Puts a whole new spin on foot fetish 😁


Based on a true story.

“I want you to close your eyes, mon ami.”

“It’s already dark—“

”I said close them.” He didn’t appreciate back talk as he gripped her chin to make her look up at him. 


This was long awaited... to be finally alone together with no interruptions. It was the weekend planned weeks before in anticipation. A full blue moon would peek between the closed curtains. The master bedroom lit by a few candles and the subtle red lights around the room illuminating their bodies. Costumes? No. She was so ready for the man she came in just a tenth coat. He told her specifically to come in his favorite lace while she told him specifically to wear his silk. And they did.

Their faces were so close, noses touching and lips resting on lips as they breathed each others air. Her brown eyes were closed and his hazel, open as thy take in her beauty.

“I’ve missed you so much”


”To be alone every night thinking of this— it’s ***. The way you leave me is inhumane.” 

The two spoke on each others lips while his hands slide down her shoulders taking off the coat, letting it fall to the floor slowly. 

Monsieur didn’t waste another second as he lied her body on his made velvet sheets. It was sweet *** not to open her eyes, that was only the beginning. Feeling his hands slide over her lace halter-bra to her panties, he buried his face into her neck and spoke in his deep tone, “How needed am I? Tell me. Tell me how much you need me.”


The woman smiled, licking her top teeth slowly as his hands began to slide of her panties. She was so enthralled in his voice they way he said it on the skin right below her ear. Her body got so tight and hot just from his words.


“I want every last drop of you. Every last drop of whatever I can get my hands on. I want you to carve this moment into me so whenever I see a red light or lit candle my legs go weak and I lick my lips.”


As she spoke, her nails ran down his scalp and down his back. He licked his lips and could feel himself getting more react by the second. She was the smoothest wine he’s ever drank and he always looked forward to their sessions, she was indeed his favorite. 

Her eyes were still closed. She felt him leave her body for a moment only to come back. The anticipation was intoxicating, yet, she felt a point. Her body stiffened, it was a sharp point on her neck.

“Relax, play thing. Relax. I will only hurt you in the best ways I possibly can.”


It was a knife.

It was a needle point pocket-knife with the phrase ‘Jouer chose’ engraved on the handle. 

She relaxed, fully trusting him. He always reassured her that she was safe, taken cared of and respected. She nodded, and he began to slowly drag its point down her neck. His other free hand wrapped around her neck, he squeezed and her right hand came up to hold his hand on her neck as well. The knifes point went between her breasts, he slid it under the bra’s meeting point and brought it up. He cuts the bra in half from the front and meets the point back onto her skin. The knife drags around both breasts slowly and he even had the audacity to lean down and give a teasing lick to her nipples. She did shutter a little, it was unexpected and the temperature difference made them harden. The knife goes lower... and lower..... and lower.......... until it reached a few inches under her belly button. 


He kept it there so she could savor the tension he’s created. He had this satisfied smile, low eyes and confident hands. He drops the knife to the floor and brought her face to face with him roughly, his hand tight around her neck. He spoke so heavy on her lips it began to make her whimper and groan in annoyance.


”Don’t ever talk back to me again. Here. Here you’re my little plaything. Yes, you’re my princess but don’t you dare test me. In a matter of seconds you can go from royalty to an absolute fuck hole that won’t be allowed to speak or see. A pretty doll with no safe words— and don’t you fucking dare open your eyes!” 

The whole time, she got hotter and hotter, she whimpered and groaned. She even tried to peek at him but he yelled at her, gripping her body tighter, and slapping her ass making her whimper in a second or two of ***, 


“Yes, Monsieur.”

On 10/31/2020 at 4:57 PM, Ravalious said:

A pretty doll with no safe words

The only thing that I did not like about this story was that he took away his Submissive's safe word. That should never, under any circumstances, been taken away. Other than that, I think the plot was good.

Posted (edited)
On 11/2/2020 at 2:37 PM, DanteReign said:

The only thing that I did not like about this story was that he took away his Submissive's safe word. That should never, under any circumstances, been taken away. Other than that, I think the plot was good.

There are very many scenarios where the safe word can be agreed to be  disregarded.

Many people crave the very real *** and adrenaline that comes with the "no holds barred" aporoach and it is a kink in itself to be respected as an individuals choice.

I'm very much on the same side as you Dante and am a firm believer in total consent and the sanctity of the red call, but others unlike you and I crave something much harsher and we can only hope that they pursue their intetests safely and respect their right to reject the idea of the safeword.


The skydiver rejects the notion of the safeword the moment he jumps out

Edited by METALSIR
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