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Explaining to my husband


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New to the community and exploring. My husband seems interested but is generally the nice guy. Quiet in public but outgoing as can be at home. He is a musician, eats up being on stage and has a high confidence level. I have previously always needed to be in control/limit my 'vanilla' world and I think it has caused a lack of confidence on his end. Hoping he will come out of his shell and truly enjoy this. Any advice, encouragement or others with similar situations? How did you end up here? TIA 


Hi to you dear lady, and welcome to Fetish.  A little more information regarding your circumstances would be much appreciated before I would like to give you guidance.

For example, have you been involved in kink before, either with hubby or prior to him, what role you are looking to take in the dynamic, and what general kinks you are interested in or have tried before.

You seem to have an idea of what you want, and if you haven't been kinky in the past, I would like to know where you got your ideas from.


I personally had a similar issue but unfortunately we decided to end things. Hopefully you can work things out.


Ok - nice guys can be Doms, entirely possble.

However I have a sense of a potential cork in a bottle from what you've written.

If you are the natural Dom in your relationship already then maybe safer if things stay that way?

If you wish to relinquish that control from time to time in specific circunstances then you might look into and discuss switching. I will say a lot of fun can be had topping from the bottom.

Whatever, you need a clear understanding of what you are both doing and the boundaries.

Also what about your husband,  extrovert does not equal Dom, what are his feelings? He may like what you already have.

Go slowly and listen carefully.


I would say I'm Dominant in vanilla life but totally sub in sexual life. It is possible x

22 hours ago, JennyWren710 said:

I would say I'm Dominant in vanilla life but totally sub in sexual life. It is possible x

100% with you on that, my ability to lead a team and inability to delegate is completely separate from my being tied and beaten in the bed room

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