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Advice on Preserving Poop for Later Play


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Hey there, I'm new to scat and I wanted advice on how to preserve my poop for later use. I read somewhere that some people put it into tupperware containers and freeze it, as this takes care of the smell, then thaw it for later use. Is this a good method? Does anyone have any other advice?


Remind me not to eat sausages from your freezer.

  • 4 weeks later...

Well I guess unfortunately no one has any advice. I thought surely I'd find someone who knew something here.

  • 1 month later...

Freezing is a good option although i wouldnt combine it with actual food in there. I am now saving some loads to play later this week and I just put every load in a separate small bag and then in a bigger airtight bag and leave it outside (its cold out here). You can also make some sort of manure by adding water / pee to every load, squeeze the bag a bit and let it ferment. The smell becomes less stinky actually :)

  • 2 years later...

Freeze it, no longer than 7 days, put the bag in hot water until thawd, then play all you want

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