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🥠 Fortune 🔮 cookie Wisdom:


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Number #1

Fortune cookie 🥠 wisdom 1:
One wise woman ( I may know her) once said””
Young child in KINK world kitten turns into playful 😈 kitty, can turn into hungry TIGER 🐅 sometimes hidden DRAGONS 🐉.. BUT always in FUture fir fun will consider being COUGAR and KING LION as well.... a whole world of wonder awaits you little switch .... now run along and play....


🥠 Fortune 🔮 Cookie Wisdom #2

It was absolutely beautiful outside
Night was cool sky was crisp and clear .. rain fell from the velvet darkness that surrounded me and from this darkened shadows a cry erupted-around me .. all around me .. I was in a natural grove and all outside of this protected area people were saying goodbye 👋 to the terrible year we had washing away all this chaos .. as a unit not caring echos erupted sparks sprang to life the smell of gunpowder flowed in the air stinging my nose but it was the most beautiful sight I had seen .. not only was the rain 🌧 sparkling down in the velvet sky between the lights of the sapphire stars but now the sky is alight with all of the colors .. colors dreams , hopes , whispers, wishes and secret prayers for health ,love , wellness, happiness and prosperity... they were all sparkling in the night sky in bright brilliant explosions and falling back sublimely to their petitioners...like 🪄 mystical letters to the universe in one voice one unity one tribe
I wonder if this is how they felt the day they won their independence ??? ALIVE ???
Lol problem is nobody sees these thing s in this way but me ... go figure

- Dame 😈☠️♥️🤟🤘


Fortune cookie 🥠 wisdom ( last one)
I have been asked with all the hits I’ve taken
Am I hitting back? NO why would I do that for anything even if it’s a one time universal occurrence! I refuse to propitiate that forward,
Not with what I have already suffered in my life .. there's enough suffering without adding to that energy !
Positive forward motion once in motion steady locomotion 💋😘


I have had a really really long bad week daddy I’m just ready for it to be Over ...
I just want to hear your voice .... I’ve been hurt so badly this week I just want to melt further in your arms ... I keep saying I don’t need a daddy lol I don’t need a hero I don’t need a husband or want any of them anymore and I don’t... what I need is someone who wis willing to shield me without me even having to flinch because I can be sure he is already there... I am an asshole... I’ve hunted down and Learned from some of the best assholes in the world we have established that .. I wouldn’t trade them or those experiences I am me because of it but time s change. You never stop being a student and now it’s time to learn how to live for me and do those things that fufuil my life... feed my pleasure and passions... I’ve paid my eleven pounds of flesh , *** 🩸 sweat 💦 and nd tears 😭 20 times or more over ... now is time for fireworks, life, adventure, euphoria, naked skinny dipping , catching raindrops in my eyelashes and the moonlight dancing I will for the rest of my life with only happiness in my heart because tomorrow anything is possible


Sometimes in life it’s not worth the energy to say goodbye 👋 in some cases peoples cruelty can prevail and they aren’t worth wasting time or energy on. Moments.. minutes... Tears are precious.....


I had a very astute college professor once tell me that our rights end where the beginning or the next persons nose begins.. In my family life and personal experiences I have been taught to add to that..
Imagine a bubble encapsulating everything now in that bubble contains each individual belief, point of view, personal experiences, life lessons, trauma, feelings, kinks, hopes dreams and desires... right just everything we are completely uniquely complex in our individuality... Now it’s illegal to threaten a persons rights, assault, threaten any bodily, mental, physical, sexual, social, religious, racial, sexist crime upon a person and even illegal in many states to spit on a person.. why would one then assume in this world.... this life KINK or any other similar experiences would be ok even if done for a vicious joke ... cruelty is cruelty..
That’s just my honest opinion.
I’m often wrong 😑

  • 3 weeks later...

My Covid test was negative I took one when I got back just thought you might like to know up to that point .... so I guess it’s kinda like the song 🎵 and you and u and u and u and u ..... crap I haven’t been close to that many people but gheeze talk about std line no wonder I don’t make close connections lol 😝

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