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Question for females: wearables?


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So I was thinking about the female wearable stimulators like those by Lovense etc, and wondering if those are only meant for couples situations? That is, one person is wearing the device and the other is controlling it via an app on the phone, which in public must feel very kinky. But do females get any real pleasure out of this? Or is just a tickly naughty feeling? And would it make sense for a female to use it on her own, for example while shopping or sitting in a café?

Also, why hasn’t anyone thought of putting the remote controller into a small device to be worn under the toes, or maybe as a toe ring? That would be very discreet and there could be lots of different functions depending on the movement and pressure. Nipple stimulators too maybe? If I had the means I’d be the Tony Stark of wearables :jumping:


First, “tony stark of wearables” is the best phrase! Lol also I have a Lovense vibrator and I’ve only ever used it on myself at home and in public. I do not get much more than the naughty tickling feeling and of course the public sex type of excitement but I’ve heard from other women that they have an orgasm within minutes. I’d say definitely get it because either way you use and/or respond to it is worth it.

Posted (edited)

That sounds very sexy, @GraceSlaps! The "pleaser" stimulator that puffs air on the clit seems to be very effective, have you tried it? Maybe it's not available for remote control because it wouldn't be practical or comfortable to wear all the time right over the clitoris. Now imagine if you could have a remote control that gently slid out a mini-"puffer" from the dildo part you wear inside you just like the Lovense, and you could control the puffs and the vibrator by flicking your toe in different ways... And later, you activate another control under your toes that slowly retracts the puffer again into the vibrator. Why am I giving away ideas, I should have a Kickstarter already LOL :pussy::point_left:

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