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Help me - advice needed


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I have lost relationship in the past because I like for my girl and I to be dressed up and they think it’s weird should I forget about it or should I keep trying to find somebody that’s likes it like me ?


Never give up, if you communicate properly before and throughout.  If you give up on something you feel very strong about just for a relationship, you are on a sticky wicket from the very start.  It will always gnaw at you and cause friction on time.  But at the end of the end of the day, only you can judge.  Just spend time and look deep within yourself....just remember the old quote "choose in haste, repent at leisure"



You need to know how important is that for you. If is something that you like but is not a must, you might want to let it go to make it "easier" to find a partner.
On the other hand though, if it is something you love then don't give it up. Never going to work, you'll always have that "what if".
Also I believe we all have our match out there ... might take time find the person but is the best feeling once you do :)


Thank you so much , I am really new here and I have loads of thoughts going through my head but am sure I will figure them out if not I don’t no what I will do 


You'll be okay. Give yourself time!


I just don’t no what to do but anyway how are you


Don't think you need to do much more then let your feelings decide. Listen to them. What is a must, what is a maybe, what is no. All will come together, eventually.
Thanks, I am okay :)


How long have you been using this site ?


If you want to chat feel free to inbox me it’s up to you


Some nice people, some have no manners, some nice chats, some good photos. In general so far I like it more than some other similar style sites.


Role play you need to talk to each other about your desires or there s and just go with it if goes that way . If it does role play as much as you can and enjoy 👍


Definitely don’t give up! My sub and I both have attire we wear while playing - specially bought and kept at the back of the wardeobey


stick with it and try different things, costumes, idea's. talk to one another and see what works for you both. Would love to say wish I had done that years back but in all fairness I wouldn't be where I am now. I wouldn't change that for the world. For myself I'm talking 15 odd years on. However this is here and now for you. Good luck !!

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