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Munch Notes/Agenda – Old School Versus New School – 29th April 2021


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Munch Notes/Agenda – Old School Versus New School – 29th April 2021

Hosts: @SammyB @smeagol

Content Contributors: @SammyB @smeagol


1.What is the definition of “Old Guard” to members of the modern kink community? 


2. When you hear New School, what does it mean to you?


3.What does the word protocol mean to you?


4.What’s the difference between high, medium and low levels of protocol? Has this changed over time?


5.What do you understand by honourifics and how would you address each other in a social gathering? Has this changed over time? 


6.Etiquette in the Old Guard, what does it mean to you?


7.Does New School have the same etiquettes Old School/Guard?


8.Does anyone know what inspection means, and what kind of protocol might be in place for these scenarios? 


9.What does serving mean to you, what protocols might be in place with regards to this? Have these protocols changed over time?


10.What protocols can be in place with regards to clothing? Does Old School/Guard have different expectations to clothing than New School today? 


11.When walking in public with your Dominant how would you behave? Do you think this is important with New School values compared to those of Old School/Guard ways?


12.When at home and in private how would you behave?


13.When in a restaurant is there any particular etiquette that’s expected from a sub?


14.Importance of collars and collaring within the Old school what did it mean?


15.Do you think collaring has the same meaning now, and does the modern scene acknowledge this by a name change or just word of mouth?


16.Has the change in the scene evolved over time, has it made collaring and rigid structures a thing of the past or should it be brought back in a regular scene?


17.If you joined the lifestyle years ago, there were some expectations placed on a new Dominant, this differs from place to place or country to country can anyone share their experiences? 


18.Do you think punishment has changed with regards to old school?


19.What happens when dynamics finish, what would have been common practice back then?   


20.Fetish clubs past and present, what do you think are or were the biggest differences? 


21.How would you rectify the difference between Old School/Guard expectations of how they are treated and communicated to especially online? 


21.Do new members feel intimidated by Old School/Guard members?


22.If you are how can such differences in attitude and actions towards each other be more manageable?


23.Has the 50 shades culture brought a change for good or for the bad, has it changed attitudes and expectations also etiquette? 

Edited by lil-monster
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