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Dominance outside of bedroom

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My partner and i are both complete switches, however i’ve taken a more submissive role whilst with her, even-though i’m Domme-leaning (and for her, vice versa), mainly due to insecurities stemming from unresolved traumas. We’re both actively trying to heal from the past, which has greatly boosted my confidence in assertion and her comfort in letting down her guard. So we’ve discussed this and have decided that we are finally ready to begin to switch roles.

I don’t want to throw her into the deep end of submission & start expecting results from huge demands, from the get-go. I want to ease her into it so she becomes comfortable at her own pace, also allowing me to gain self-assurance in my dominance. So neither of us are ready for heavy submission in the bedroom- honestly I don’t want her to feel pressured to even submit at all during sex yet. I want to ease her into submission by focusing on dominance outside the bedroom, so that i can ensure that she reaches, and maintains her best position mentally, emotionally, physically, sexually, financially, academically, even spiritually.

1)How can i help ease her into submission outside the bedroom? For example, i told her what i wanted her to wear on our date night (that i also solely planned too), she chose an outfit based on what i wanted and she loved it. What other things could i be assertive over?
2)How do i strengthen the trust in the power exchange, besides discussing limits/safewords?
3)What are some good resources which can help me embrace this lifestyle with her? Books/podcast/videos/blogs recommendations?
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