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Make your intentions known


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The most appealing guys are responding to those women who have asserted themselves. Women who have made their intentions known to the men with whom they want to share their time are more likely to build something significant with that man.
Assertive and successful men spend their lives focused on making their world presentable to women -- not chasing after a partner.
Men who have their lives in order simply live their lives.
Women who like what they see in those men do all they can to make it known they would choose him.
Women who don't reveal their desires are approached by idle men who don't attract anyone significant.
This has been my observation over the years.
Thank you for reading.
While I agree that men who make themselves more presentable (by way of appearance or on sites like this profile text, the way they interact etc) are more likely to find what they're looking for - I totally disagree that they just have to sit back and wait for flocks of women to come chasing after them.
I actually think that does a complete disservice to many on both sides.
Nor do I think that women who don't reveal their desires only get approached by idle men - and again that does a dis-service to those concerned.
It seems you're over simplifying things by some form of cod psychology when it really isn't as simple as that - people are people and will act and interact on various factors including character, personality, experience and much more - and whilst a level of effort is required it really isn't as simple as you appear to be trying to make it.

There's bits where I see where you're coming from; but it does border into some kinda toxic areas.

Because then you kinda say that "appealing men" shouldn't chase women, that women should chase them.

I think there is a lot more complex at play - and - it's also not healthy to start to divide men in that way.

I think I'm about 50/50 on who approached who first in relationships or play - but I'm also aware of people who I like who were afraid to approach me because they thought I'd not be interested, was spending too much time with women they deemed prettier, so on - so intentions being known can well be a two-way thing.   

This presents matters in a really black and white manner when really life is full of greys (should I add a trigger warning here? 😂)
I know what I want from life, relationships, a dynamic but absolutely no way will I approach any male I may think I like/may be suited and really because that's who I am as a person and Im sure I won't be the only one who acts/thinks like this. Should I/we expect that only idle men would be interested? Does it mean that I shouldn't expect anyone 'significant' in my life? 🤔
On the flipside, I also don't feel that a guy should 'chase' me. It should be organic.
The title of the post though? Absolutely, everyone should make their intention towards another person known. Effective communication is always imperative.
17 hours ago, Sire_Osiris said:

The most appealing guys are responding to those women who have asserted themselves. Women who have made their intentions known to the men with whom they want to share their time are more likely to build something significant with that man.
Assertive and successful men spend their lives focused on making their world presentable to women -- not chasing after a partner.
Men who have their lives in order simply live their lives.
Women who like what they see in those men do all they can to make it known they would choose him.
Women who don't reveal their desires are approached by idle men who don't attract anyone significant.
This has been my observation over the years.
Thank you for reading.

Your observations are narrow and full of false generalisations.

Regardless of whether women have made their intentions known, most of the guys who respond to them are far from appealing.

Women who like what they see might do all they can to make their feelings known. Or they might not.

Women who reveal their desires are likely to be approached by even more lascivious men than the ones who don’t. Idle men don’t make the effort.




If you are not appealing, assertive women will not take interest. If a woman is not assertive, then she will not take interest.
Assertive women = A
Appealing men = 1
The ideal match is "A1"
The undesirable match "bii"
Assertive ranges from A, a, B and b
Appeal ranges from 1, i, 2 to ii
The most common sets of couples are "Ai, a1, a2 and aii"
The unlikely sets b1 and B1.
If this message does not statistical make sense to you then just ignore it.

I do feel you're going to have to explain the difference in these numbers and letters.  Because putting something out there and not explaining isn't really conversational.

But equally in this 'appealing man' - is this a man who is appealing to that particular woman, or graphed against some weird chart

Also, why can't an assertive man go after an appealing woman ?

Assertive women can go after anything she chooses man or woman but typically does not pursue anyone unappealing.
If you are appealing it is because your focus is on the admirable qualities about you.
When your focus is on less than admirable qualities you become less appealing.
When we observe a potential partner spend more than 90% of their efforts and time chasing after another person then they begin to seem less attractive.
Appealing people stop focusing on the admirable endeavors in life only long enough to entertain those assertive people who get their attention.
So if you are a woman and are bombarded by men who require your attention go out of their way to win you over, they have redirected energy away from their lives and are off purpose.
Chances are that he is chasing after any woman that gives him the time of day.
Instead focus on men who are purpose driven and who spend their time on noteworthy pursuits.
Very assertive = A
Less assertive = a
Slightly passive = B
Extremely passive =b
Very appealing = 1
Slightly appealing = i
Nearly unappealing = 2
Very unappealing = ii
■ I hope this helped
Thanks for reading
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