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Darkness Within: poetry

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Heart of Glass

Figurine with ***ted smile,
And dressed in finest lace,
Posed for display to all the world,
In her own self-made case.
Searching for what she felt back then,
But none will ever pass the test,
Of scaling the mountain of expectations,
Of the heart within her breast.
A heart surrounded by stone,
To protect herself from emotion,
That none will ever penetrate,
Regardless of proffered devotion.
This once angel, with wings no more,
Playing the game to make time pass,
***s the one with vision, who,
Can peer into her heart of glass.

What madness, these desires,
Unrequited, unrepentant,
Stirring deep within my psyche.

Knowing a million pleasures,
But all of them long past,
And nothing new to excite me.

Dwindling sanity pressing,
Against the bars of the cage,
Wherein I display my need.

*** lust and primal anger,
Held in check by chains of convention,
Cry out like a panther to be freed.

Reaching out with tendrils of mind,
In search of a momentary touch,
From an interested passer by.

And in this mind I live,
Surviving, living, existing,
Again and again, I die.

Ensnaring and absorbing,
Every spark of energy offered,
From one who is equally insane.

Writhing in passionate embrace,
For only a fleeting moment,
Then returning to the cage again.

The Little Death

The pin pricks of light pierced her consciousness from behind clenched eyelids. Her mind ached with bliss.

His sinews became conduits. His hands contained the whole of the universe. All of him was reduced to a single atom.

There ceased to be a them. The entity that now was flared with desperation. Voices pierced the silence, then became still.

The them returned and fell to each side. Without epitah or durge, both halves now resigned to burial by moonlight.

Dance, Clown, Dance
Tumultuous and chaotic are these thoughts laden with emotion. I cannot help but wonder whether there is anything left for me to feel.

Logic and contemplation always end in vagueness. It is useless to analyze. Is it time to close the door on this mental space? Or is there still more to be stored there?

I dust off old memories and revisit them, attempting to feel something new about them. And every time, I fail to do more than relive my ***.

Is this light before me a newness or my own psyche creating the illusion of newness? I am not WHAT I used to be and yet remain WHO I have always been.

You come to see me perform, but do you see me? You ask me to dance and pull my strings. And I oblige because I have no choice. This is who I am.

If for one fleeting moment, I make you smile, then my tears have not been in vain. If for an instant I change your reality, then I cannot fade into nothingness.

One day you will open the space where I reside in your mind and dust off the memory of me. And I will be there performing for you my dance of desire.
Broken Dolly

She was a broken china doll,
With porcelain skin and cotton heart,
Sitting on her shelf alone.

He was a sawdust puppet,
With strings of his own making,
and weathered oak for flesh and bone.

She remained untouched,
waiting ever for the knight in armor,
who would never arrive.

He would look to her with sadness,
And wish she would turn her head,
and see herself in his ***ted eyes.

Her dress would fray and fade,
as she gave up waiting on the knight,
who had never been hers from the start.

And he would remain unknown,
by the ***ted china doll,
who ignored his wooden heart.

So, wooden heart inside him,
would rot and turn to dust,
from years of lack of care.

She finally climbed off of the shelf,
but by then it was far too late.
The wizard puppet was no longer there.


The look in your eyes denotes ***.
And yet, here you remain.
Your voice quivers ever so slightly.
As I tell you to say it again.
"Tonight, I am yours," You whisper.
As my touch causes you to blush.
The dawn will come too soon.
But this, we cannot rush.
My breath, gentle in your ear,
As you release a quivering sigh.
And I move to breathe you in,
Your fragrance making me high.
I part you gently to explore.
Your gentle moans betray anticipation.
Savoring you, drinking you in.
Reveling in this ***.

Wizard's Control

(From the other side of me)

I need no whip.
But you will feel ***.
Shackles are unnecessary.
But you will be restrained.
My eyes will compell you.
You will see the fire within.
You will be consumed by light.
And returned to darkness again.
I will take nothing.
But willingly, you will offer.
I will speak only in whispers.
And my touch be even softer.
I will not bruise your flesh.
But the ache will not abate.
You will feel me inside you.
Though, physically, I never penetrate.
I will take you into my mind.
And there, you will know my power.
It will feel like eternity.
Even though, just an hour.

Beast Restrained

The call rings in my ears, like the guttural sound emerging from the throat of the Jaguar. It is the sound of hunger.

My mind whirls in a recollection of an ancient existence that could not have been mine.

The scent on the air causes me to tense and prepare to pounce. But I know that if I leap in an attempt to satiate this desire; the chain of decorum will hold me fast to this spot.

I must wait. I must remain restrained. I must keep this darkness grounded. The target of my hunger must come to me.


Billows of mist encircle my feet as I close my eyes. This tumult of emotion swirls in my mind.

Forbidden need pangs at my gut and my chest aches as reality is left behind.

Inky blackness all around me, from which rises the spectre of my own imagination.

I seek, not knowing for what in the eyes of the ghost, who is, of me, a simulation.

Eyes of ***, of desire, of lust. Eyes that display insatiable hunger.

In desperation, I lie still and revel in this spell of my own making that I am under.

I let go all of the long hidden ***, and a river of tears forms beneath me.

Cleansing away the clay and the mold of past sins that sought to defeat me.

Then appears a vessel of ornate design, from which steps a Goddess from ancient lore.

Piercing eyes, angelic face and raven hair now greet me on the misty shore.

In silence we embrace, her hair billows in the breeze, enfolding me like wings of a raven.

Lips of silk caress my cheek as my lungs fill with her calming fragrance.

It has been a millennium since our last embrace, that I ***, too soon, will end.

And it will be again a thousand years, until I feel her embrace again.

Our union drains me of all self doubt and *** of what is to come.

I close my eyes in deep relief, the mist engulfs us and she is gone.

I, Incubus

Traveling ever onward through the haze that is reality,

Needing, wanting, watching, I feed on your energy.

Reaching for the sun with ***stained fingertips.

Joy is fleeting and pleasure elusive, as ever deeper I slip.

Echo of a long dead past, thrums incessantly in my ear.

Wandering, a stranger in my own world, my old landmarks no longer here.

Devouring every proffered morsel of life and glimmer of light.

Starving from want of completion, with none in sight.

Tasting of your life's essence, I fall and then I feed.

Draining you of your feigned ndifference, leaving you to bleed.

What I will not take from you by ***, you to me give willingly.

And I return to you the passion, the pleasure you crave from me.

I watch as spill your desire upon the ground.

And fall to lap it, consume it, like a hungry hound.

Then leave you again alone.

The Seafarer

She could not stay in his world.
They were only meant for this instant.
She was a child of an elegant society,
And he knew he'd never be in it.
She fell to him with abandon,
Placing kisses upon his chest.
And he pulled her to him firmly,
And with gentle fingers caressed,
The cheek now blushed with passion.
Her eyes raised up to meet his.
As tears of knowing welled up,
This would be their last kiss.
A night of pleasures over,
The memory etched in stone.
He drank her in with his eyes,
For all too soon she'd be gone.
The lady would return
To her world of high society.
And the sailor would at dawn,
Go back to his mistress, the sea.
She to her castle and cage,
Built from another man's gold.
And he to the vessel at port,
To lands she would never know.
But never would his touch,
Be out of her memory.
And never would he love,
Another like his Emily.
And, so the years passed by,
And he never returned to that shore.
Emily raised children, and lived.
But loved like that, no more.

Soul Embrace
In his eyes she sought the future
As if scrying at a crystal.
But what she saw there,
Was his indifference and dismissal.

He would not let her peer
Into the eyes of the inner child.
That he kept behind a locked door.
So she hid her sadness with a smile.

The wizard held his priestess,
And gently kissed her elven brow.
And she reciprocated,
Her lips pressed to his now.

This union of magic,
Cast light throughout the Grove.
As bird and beast bowed heads,
In adoration of their love.

There among the trees,
Their bodies became one.
Slowly, gently she entered his mind,
To make him hers and hers alone.

Carefully he let her in,
As he peered back at her mind,
Both a little frightened,
Of what each of them may find.

As the dance of power began,
Hearts swelled and bodies tingled,
Minds entwined in embrace,
As souls danced and mingled.

She was a hundred years his senior,
With a body half his age.
And she knew from their encounters,
This man was a powerful mage.

As fire begets fire,
His flame had ignited hers.
And as river flowed beside them,
He pressed her to the earth.

She opened to him willingly,
Both in body and mind.
And as he softly entered,
The mortal world was left behind.

There in the Astral ether,
They floated, they writhed, they moaned.
The magic swirled to meet them,
As they rose beyond this world.

Her fingers clenched and pulsed,
As his gentle lips explored her.
He was ever her wizard now.
And he forever adored her.

She gave to him her inner self,
The soul only one could ever see.
Her soul laid bare before him,
And he knew that this must be.

She opened the wooden door
And quietly stepped in.
And he allowed her to embrace,
The child none would see again.
The midnight flash of darkness pursues and nearly subdues my restraint as I watch your silk clad form.

You sense me there and your instinct is to run. But your desire holds you fast to the spot. You quiver with anticipation.

This is not the first time you have been pursued. And I have hunted before. We both know this will be a momentary diversion from life and we are resigned to that.

You pause, letting me fill my nostrils with your scent. And I become feverish with desire. The moment has arrived.

I do not have to pounce. You lay in wait for me. And I fold myself over you. Our sounds fill the night air. The moon our only light.

This union has begun.
Beast Restrained

The call rings in my ears, like the guttural sound emerging from the throat of the Jaguar. It is the sound of hunger.

My mind whirls in a recollection of an ancient existence that could not have been mine.

The scent on the air causes me to tense and prepare to pounce. But I know that if I leap in an attempt to satiate this desire; the chain of decorum will hold me fast to this spot.

I must wait. I must remain restrained. I must keep this darkness grounded. The target of my hunger must come to me.

Wizard's Control

(From the other side of me)

I need no whip.
But you will feel ***.
Shackles are unnecessary.
But you will be restrained.
My eyes will compell you.
You will see the fire within.
You will be consumed by light.
And returned to darkness again.
I will take nothing.
But willingly, you will offer.
I will speak only in whispers.
And my touch be even softer.
I will not bruise your flesh.
But the ache will not abate.
You will feel me inside you.
Though, physically, I never penetrate.
I will take you into my mind.
And there, you will know my power.
It will feel like eternity.
Even though, just an hour.


The look in your eyes denotes ***.
And yet, here you remain.
Your voice quivers ever so slightly.
As I tell you to say it again.
"Tonight, I am yours," You whisper.
As my touch causes you to blush.
The dawn will come too soon.
But this, we cannot rush.
My breath, gentle in your ear,
As you release a quivering sigh.
And I move to breathe you in,
Your fragrance making me high.
I part you gently to explore.
Your gentle moans betray anticipation.
Savoring you, drinking you in.
Reveling in this ***.

Broken Dolly

She was a broken china doll,
With porcelain skin and cotton heart,
Sitting on her shelf alone.

He was a sawdust puppet,
With strings of his own making,
and weathered oak for flesh and bone.

She remained untouched,
waiting ever for the knight in armor,
who would never arrive.

He would look to her with sadness,
And wish she would turn her head,
and see herself in his ***ted eyes.

Her dress would fray and fade,
as she gave up waiting on the knight,
who had never been hers from the start.

And he would remain unknown,
by the ***ted china doll,
who ignored his wooden heart.

So, wooden heart inside him,
would rot and turn to dust,
from years of lack of care.

She finally climbed off of the shelf,
but by then it was far too late.
The wizard puppet was no longer there.

Dance, Clown, Dance

Tumultuous and chaotic are these thoughts laden with emotion. I cannot help but wonder whether there is anything left for me to feel.

Logic and contemplation always end in vagueness. It is useless to analyze. Is it time to close the door on this mental space? Or is there still more to be stored there?

I dust off old memories and revisit them, attempting to feel something new about them. And every time, I fail to do more than relive my ***.

Is this light before me a newness or my own psyche creating the illusion of newness? I am not WHAT I used to be and yet remain WHO I have always been.

You come to see me perform, but do you see me? You ask me to dance and pull my strings. And I oblige because I have no choice. This is who I am.

If for one fleeting moment, I make you smile, then my tears have not been in vain. If for an instant I change your reality, then I cannot fade into nothingness.

One day you will open the space where I reside in your mind and dust off the memory of me. And I will be there performing for you my dance of desire.

Heart of Glass

Figurine with ***ted smile,
And dressed in finest lace,
Posed for display to all the world,
In her own self-made case.
Searching for what she felt back then,
But none will ever pass the test,
Of scaling the mountain of expectations,
Of the heart within her breast.
A heart surrounded by stone,
To protect herself from emotion,
That none will ever penetrate,
Regardless of proffered devotion.
This once angel, with wings no more,
Playing the game to make time pass,
***s the one with vision, who,
Can peer into her heart of glass.


What madness, these desires,
Unrequited, unrepentant,
Stirring deep within my psyche.

Knowing a million pleasures,
But all of them long past,
And nothing new to excite me.

Dwindling sanity pressing,
Against the bars of the cage,
Wherein I display my need.

*** lust and primal anger,
Held in check by chains of convention,
Cry out like a panther to be freed.

Reaching out with tendrils of mind,
In search of a momentary touch,
From an interested passer by.

And in this mind I live,
Surviving, living, existing,
Again and again, I die.

Ensnaring and absorbing,
Every spark of energy offered,
From one who is equally insane.

Writhing in passionate embrace,
For only a fleeting moment,
Then returning to the cage again.

The Little Death

The pin pricks of light pierced her consciousness from behind clenched eyelids. Her mind ached with bliss.

His sinews became conduits. His hands contained the whole of the universe. All of him was reduced to a single atom.

There ceased to be a them. The entity that now was flared with desperation. Voices pierced the silence, then became still.

The them returned and fell to each side. Without epitah or durge, both halves now resigned to burial by moonlight.

Soul Embrace

In his eyes she sought the future
As if scrying at a crystal.
But what she saw there,
Was his indifference and dismissal.

He would not let her peer
Into the eyes of the inner child.
That he kept behind a locked door.
So she hid her sadness with a smile.

The wizard held his priestess,
And gently kissed her elven brow.
And she reciprocated,
Her lips pressed to his now.

This union of magic,
Cast light throughout the Grove.
As bird and beast bowed heads,
In adoration of their love.

There among the trees,
Their bodies became one.
Slowly, gently she entered his mind,
To make him hers and hers alone.

Carefully he let her in,
As he peered back at her mind,
Both a little frightened,
Of what each of them may find.

As the dance of power began,
Hearts swelled and bodies tingled,
Minds entwined in embrace,
As souls danced and mingled.

She was a hundred years his senior,
With a body half his age.
And she knew from their encounters,
This man was a powerful mage.

As fire begets fire,
His flame had ignited hers.
And as river flowed beside them,
He pressed her to the earth.

She opened to him willingly,
Both in body and mind.
And as he softly entered,
The mortal world was left behind.

There in the Astral ether,
They floated, they writhed, they moaned.
The magic swirled to meet them,
As they rose beyond this world.

Her fingers clenched and pulsed,
As his gentle lips explored her.
He was ever her wizard now.
And he forever adored her.

She gave to him her inner self,
The soul only one could ever see.
Her soul laid bare before him,
And he knew that this must be.

She opened the wooden door
And quietly stepped in.
And he allowed her to embrace,
The child none would see again.

The Color of Passion

Close your eyes and tell me
what it is you see.
Is it passion, love or merely lust,
That draws you here to me?
Tell me what flashes first,
In the corner of your mind.
When you look for me in memory,
What color do you find?
Is it the pink blush of passion,
That moves to fill your sight?
Or the *** red of lust,
That brings you here tonight?
Don't hesitate to answer.
There is no incorrect response.
Your *** will be the same.
When you wake to find me gone.
Will you see red and cry for me?
Or will you blush pink as you remember,
The sting I gave your flesh,
And my commands, stern but tender?
Is your passion pink as welted bottom,
Or as red as the candle drips?
Will you remember only the ***,
Or the caress of my fingertips?
Close your eyes and tell me,
What it is you see.
Is your vision colored pink
Or red as you dream of me?


If I rend my soul to rags,
and lay down at your feet to die,
Will that be enough for you?
Enough to keep you satisfied?

If I bleed into a bitter cup,
And my heart becomes empty,
Will you look my direction?
Will it be enough to notice me?

If my mind was lost to madness,
With no other thought but you,
Would you finally turn my way?
Would it be enough to put me through?

If my body was torn apart,
By the touch of your caress,
Would you ever let me be yours?
Would there be enough of me left?

Wizard's Making

Every vestige of arrogance was shattered.
My facade had been removed.
I could no longer hide from you.
And my need for you had been proved.

You weren't cruel or violent.
But your words could cut like steel.
I was angry at myself for emotions,
I thought men weren't supposed to feel.

You commanded every part of my being,
Though I fought tooth and nail to resist.
Where the less aware would have given up,
You stood firm and chose to persist.

I would eventually bow to you,
And submit myself to your lash.
And you would break my resistance,
Cleansing me of my past.

You taught me to weild the magic,
To manipulate the energies within.
And you drained me of those energies,
Time and time again.

Fleeting and temporary this state,
But indelible was the memory,
Of the night I became the Switch,
And the wizard I was meant to be.

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