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Rules question


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Is asking a series of related questions allowed? Because of how most people responded to my in a nonspecific/undefined way I'd like to do a series of specific/precisely worded dom related questions.
I don’t see why not. 🤔
I agree with the others.. questions are always good especially if you are trying to decide if you are a match with someone..
I dont know about others, but in my experience dragging more than three words at a time out of someone can be difficult and it usually feels like it's my responsibility to carry the entire conversation. When I talk to a lady who has a lot to say or serious question I find it to be quite interesting and refreshing. It may not work for everyone but it certainly works for me.
Actually, I think I misunderstood so please disregard my previous response. I dont have any opinions on forum etiquette I assumed it was about 1 on 1 conversation.
The more you ask the better you understand in my opinion, mutual understanding is key
10 hours ago, Adventure101 said:
Actually, I think I misunderstood so please disregard my previous response. I dont have any opinions on forum etiquette I assumed it was about 1 on 1 conversation.

I think your previous post was correct.. I don't think the topic is about etiquette...


I think....

On a forum it is often worth looking to see if the question has previously been asked

also, depending on the question - is it easily googleable ?  sometimes I see people ask question after questions on stuff a very basic search would give them the answer and I know some folk find that frustrating

if it's private... then I don't think it's possible for too many questions if it's around what might a relationship look like, even if it's just clarifying points 

2 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

I think....

On a forum it is often worth looking to see if the question has previously been asked

also, depending on the question - is it easily googleable ?  sometimes I see people ask question after questions on stuff a very basic search would give them the answer and I know some folk find that frustrating

if it's private... then I don't think it's possible for too many questions if it's around what might a relationship look like, even if it's just clarifying points 

I feel that, I spent a few hours searching this forum n Google for the answers to no avail, I bet it's there on both accounts but I also want a diversity of opinions from individuals anyways

13 minutes ago, scientistxSaturday said:

I feel that, I spent a few hours searching this forum n Google for the answers to no avail, I bet it's there on both accounts but I also want a diversity of opinions from individuals anyways

I do genuinely feel that asking a lot of questions on the forum which bring in different opinions is a good thing

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