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Cleaning Solutions


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Hey fellow Kinks!!

I’ve only ever been with my husband so maybe it’s just his men BUT:

How in the world do I get cum off of me easily after I’ve gotten it in water??? It’s like it immediately gets cakey and sticks itself permanently. Pretty sure it could be used to super glue anything together, at that point. 

Typically I wipe it off with a rag but occasionally I’ll try washing it off my hands or hopping in the shower and it’s a nightmare. What are some ways you’ve found once the cum has touched water to remove it?

Unexpected question. All I can say is that happens to mine as well if it touched water. I suspect its a chemistry thing, rather than something specific about your husbands.

I suspect your problem is that you're using hot water. Heat causes the proteins to clump together and solidify. It should come off easily enough with cold water. 

+1 for cold water.

All semen does this when exposed to warm/hot water for the reasons already mentioned.
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