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A collar around my neck 

Master’s strong hands grasping the lead

I’m in your control

Quietly submissive, averting my gaze 

A thrill runs through me 

I am your possession 

My place, to do as I’m told 

My sole desire is to please you

Kneeling on the floor 

Pleasuring you with my mouth

Eager to please

You pull the lead towards the bed

By my hair I’m tugged back 

Bidden to lie still 

While you take pleasure 

In what belongs to you

Your hands slowly travel, along my body 

Me moaning in delight 

Silently, begging for more 

A smile spreads across your face 

As you see how I respond, 

To your slightest touch. 

Trying to reach you, you move out of reach. 

Teasing me as I grow wilder 

Moaning louder by the second 

Finally you are close enough to kiss

My passion is all caught up in the kiss 

Till you pull away to explore once more 

Your hands travel down To my Pussy 

Your fingers enter, making me wild 

As you finger fuck, I scream my delight 

Screaming out your name 

Asking permission to cum

Then soon begging for more

The lust, like a thirst 

That must be quenched 

Letting me cum over and over 

Till my desire is spent. 


A truly beautiful poem, you have a true talent. I adored reading this and am so grateful you shared it in advance. A total privilege 😘

50 minutes ago, Steve78 said:

A truly beautiful poem, you have a true talent. I adored reading this and am so grateful you shared it in advance. A total privilege 😘

I’m so happy that you liked it ☺️

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