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Personally I love it. I see it as a sign of a woman taking care of herself and being in tune with her body. It makes my mouth water for sure. I also have a bit of an outlandish theory that how we perceive smells from sexual partners directly correlates to comparability (what I find stinky someone else might love). Might be silly but it’s made me ponder
I love the scent of a woman. And the taste to. The wetter the better.
Personally do love the natural (clean and showered), non-perfumed scent of a woman. And how it changes over time if you know them for long.
Usually turns me on. There’s a thin line and not all chemistry has that effect.
really depends on how attracted i am to the person like i’ve had times i’ve absolutely loved it but i was extremely attracted to them and other times i could genuinely care less but i also wasn’t all that attracted to them
its good if your hygienic but if its a weird smell might wanna consult your gynecologist. I dated women and i like them clean and shaved no stinky smell for sure. I guess it depends on what kind of smell it is. I also dont like it when women dont clean their ass coz you can smell it while eating pussy. Its just my own preference i dont eat women who dont clean.
Does anyone here even know what pheromones are?
@pillowprincess1 it’s one of the best feelings and smells. From stimulating sexual arousals, desires and I notice when two people have a amazing energy and connection smell of vanilla through sweat and saliva…But everyone has a different scent I would say?
I love a woman with a strong musk. When it soaks into your beard and you can smell it afterwards is intoxicating.
I hate the smell. But that only comes when am eating. So am good playing rest of the times
Let’s put it like this if your that wet I’m going to licking that wetness like a lion at a watering hole
Yes I don’t mind. It’s my *** instinct and it gets me wild 😈
Yeah no I love it.the wetter you are the better.my mind just kinda turns off and the primal instincts take over.
Love it! But I have noticed that smokers are bitter tasting down there. Otherwise, the more you cum and the wetter you are, the better.
Pheromones are natural, that sent is natural. It is something that drives me crazy. I've never honestly tried to explain it, but the more natural pheromones a woman gives off the more aroused (as another commenter put it) I become
The smell and taste of a woman is one of the most amazing things. The triggers that are pulled within the body of a guy are euphoric.
Pheromones are my favorite..I love sniffing and getting sniffed..it brings the *** out of you
Yes im talking about pherammones not just coz they dont clean or hygiene wise. But it has something to do with what you eat or hygiene as well.
  • 3 weeks later...

I love the smell of a woman. Pheromones, musk, natural odor, etc. It’s all good. A nice soap or perfume is great when the moment is right, but nothing beats that all-natural fragrance. Sweaty sex is good, but sweaty, smelly sex is better.

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