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Is little space considered a form of sub space


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Just curious what people think. I think it is. I can get so lost in little space, (it also makes me really sub like), with the right person. I'm literally on another plain for hours or days depending on the scenerio. Or I'll slip in and out for days on end. 

In my opinion, they are similar, but also very different, just as the focus of each role is different. They are similar in the manner you achieve the headspace from specific interactions and exchanges with others, but obviously, those specific interactions and exchanges are different for each role - where as a submissive may achieve subspace through being directed and commanded by their dominant, a little may achieve little space through acting at a younger age. Of course, I concede that I don't actually include "daddies/mommies/littles" within BDSM, although certainly a viable fetish for some. No doubt it can cross over depending on the dynamic, itself, but on its own, I just don't see the similarities to include it inside BDSM.
18 minutes ago, Cade said:

In my opinion, they are similar, but also very different, just as the focus of each role is different. They are similar in the manner you achieve the headspace from specific interactions and exchanges with others, but obviously, those specific interactions and exchanges are different for each role - where as a submissive may achieve subspace through being directed and commanded by their dominant, a little may achieve little space through acting at a younger age. Of course, I concede that I don't actually include "daddies/mommies/littles" within BDSM, although certainly a viable fetish for some. No doubt it can cross over depending on the dynamic, itself, but on its own, I just don't see the similarities to include it inside BDSM.

I agree with some points. I guess it quite largely depends on the dynamic too. Mine is very much bdsm orientated and I'm a very big mix of little and sub. I'm almost 24/7 little but, for me anyway, it's a very sub role and feeling. I get great joy from being a good little/sub and pleasing daddy. 

My head space is very much induced by him and our dynamic and scenarios. Some little props do really help but it's mostly completing tasks from him or knowing I'm following the rules that do it for me.

I think ddlg is very much bdsm though. I was having this discussion with others not long ago. A lot of age regressers seem attracted to ddlg, call themselves little's and look for daddy doms. Then get butt hurt cause he's, a dom haha

Ddlg is very much a kink within bdsm. Especially when you consider some of the play that comes along with it.

Please, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that sub-space is the "next phase". First you have the "role space" for lack of a better phrase. You could have a little, a Submissive, or maybe a sissy (etc). They all get into the head space of their respective type of kinkster. Then if the conditions are correct, sub space can be achieved.
7 hours ago, DanteReign said:

Please, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that sub-space is the "next phase". First you have the "role space" for lack of a better phrase. You could have a little, a Submissive, or maybe a sissy (etc). They all get into the head space of their respective type of kinkster. Then if the conditions are correct, sub space can be achieved.

That actually makes perfect sense 🙂

I 2nd that. It's also who's with ya. To fully allow yourself to enter it takes complete trust, and emotional openess. Without it your just too scared.
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