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Munch attire?

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Good evening everyone. I joined here yesterday and am excited to start the journey through the kink door and was hoping to attend one of the local munches.

I’m just curious whether there is any sort of dress up / down code to adhere to, or anything that may be specific not to wear? Also suggestions on what is usual to see, as I have never attended one before.

Thank you in advance for your guidance, it really is appreciated.
It will vary locale to locale but I’ve never seen a Munch that wasn’t normal no -kink day attire because they’re usually at public places like restaurants.

Treat it like an after work dinner with friends.

Or dress to impress if you wanna.

But keep it public friendly.
Thank you, that’s a great help ☺️
Thank you, that a great help to me. Brilliant 👍🏻
most places would advice you about the dress attire if there's one for any specific event, otherwise dress sharp to impress, go casual. you can always drop a message or call up the event place and ask if they need you to dress a certain way

unless otherwise listed - munches are specifically your normal casual clothes

i.e. no fet wear etc. 

1 minute ago, dom_matty said:

you can always drop a message or call up the event place and ask if they need you to dress a certain way

don't do this

munches are usually in pubs and restaurants who often don't know that the group who always sit in the same corner is a 'munch' or what one is - someone phoning them up to ask about it - well, it's just outed the whole munch. 

Fantastic. Sharp / casual dress is what I’ll do unless there’s anything specific mentioned by the venue then. Thank you.
Not as good as you think ppl like your profile but some you can’t message , i never met anyone kn here
1 hour ago, eyemblacksheep said:

don't do this

munches are usually in pubs and restaurants who often don't know that the group who always sit in the same corner is a 'munch' or what one is - someone phoning them up to ask about it - well, it's just outed the whole munch. 

This. Not all munches are held with the venue’s explicit knowledge. The whole point is that hat it’s a place that “kinky” people can meet in a “vanilla” and safe setting. Some venues may be aware and others won’t be. But it is somewhere you can go and talk to people without any ulterior propaganda. You can appear entirely “normal” and talk to people without having to worry about what you think feel or desire. The entire purpose is to provide a “safe space” where you can relax and be yourself. No requirement to display or talk about your personal kink either, just somewhere you can go and feel accepted and welcomed. So as said previously just dress as you would normally to go out in public (for all munches I have ever been to… there may be some that have different allowances or requirements, but they would usually let those be known) then just talk to people as people. Forget about the kink aspect and find people you resonate with.

Standard dom attire, black t-shirt carpenter pants vans.. lol
Think the dress code angle has been well and truly covered - however to pick up on your mention of "dress down" and "what is usual to see" - don't go along expecting to see anything or there being a requirement to dress down at any point - Munches are usually purely social and the only thing you'll "see" is what you would see in any pub/bar/cafe you walk into on a normal day - people sat drinking and chatting.
Some munches are held in private rooms and may have demonstrations and the like, but if that's the case it would be made clear on the munch details, but more often than not they really are just a social gathering for drinks and chat with like-minded people.
Dress in Smart-casual,
As for what to do first?
Try to find the host of the event.
She/he will introduce you to the group.
Munches are way more different that this online hellscape, i have way more fun on them than I ever had here.

Thank you all for the responses, I’m of the mindset that meeting in the real world is much more my thing. So knowing I can show up looking ‘normal’ is a great bit of help. Really looking forward to attending my first and have a chat with like minds ☺️
5 hours ago, llewwy said:
Standard dom attire, black t-shirt carpenter pants vans.. lol


I never went to one but I was invented to a couple of events. They will generally tell you if there is a dress code . If they didn't pick a good looking outfit in which you can move freely in case you get some action 😉.
8 hours ago, mrJhon said:
I never went to one but I was invented to a couple of events. They will generally tell you if there is a dress code . If they didn't pick a good looking outfit in which you can move freely in case you get some action 😉.

No question of "getting some action" at a Munch - they're mostly social events held in public places and even if there's mutual interest found in someone else at that munch most people would want to meet at a later date for any play rather than finding somewhere private to go there and then.


yep, so munches are social. they're designed to be social and make friends.  They are in vanilla settings. The dress code is "not kink"

While some people do meet people there and then and go back to theirs (or yours) for play, this is an exception rather than the norm - and also something both should be wary on if it was a decision made after a few drinks 


some places do have munches held in dungeons that are often known as 'play munches' - at these there is usually a social room and the dungeon will be open for play and/or demos, etc.   These *usually* have no dress code at all.  ie it's a private venue so you can wear kinkwear if you like, but it's a munch so you don't have to.

There is a possibility of play at these events, but it's usually easier with someone you've already been talking with - and again, worth watching alcohol levels.


Events are a totally different beast and *most* do have a dress code.   For the ones that don't, it's still worth being familiar with what people will be wearing so you don't turn up in jeans and t-shirts looking like you came to the wrong place or feeling underdressed 

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