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Why do u like dominating?


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I feel like so much of the conversation around kink when it comes to the psychology behind it is about subs but what about doms? What is it that compels u to dominate someone and have control?
Doming is all about building a unique relationship with a level of trust high enough to truly let each other’s primal instincts run wild. So I’d say the level of trust and the satisfaction that can be reached as a byproduct.

That’s just how I experience it
Control has always been funny word with me. Self control is the most important form. Power is much more descriptive. The want to make, or for a sub to be open to, gaining empowerment through submission is what drives my Dominance.
Many subs say they want to be used, I’d like to think what they really want is to feel useful. I’ve viewed that want to be useful as the feeling of being needed. In turn the feeling of being needed becomes the feeling of being wanted.
As much as this may sound like some sort of, “It’s all about the sub and I’m only there for her” (and it is, I don’t deny it) it is very much about me as well. The idea that she wants to do for me, and I can impose my needs and wants on her is intoxicating. If that dynamic is what she’s looking for, the magic happens.
She just brought my coffee as I’m typing this. So… yeah. Magic.
It's the control of the pleasure for me. She is granting me the power to please her. By pleasing her pleases me, and pleasing me pleases her and the wheels keeps a turning. I also agree with what was previously stated
It is the power of being in charce and having it on your way. Which is a privilege with a burden come up with but it is extremely rewarding and validating when what you do with that freedom and power resonating well with whoever you are dominating.

Kind thing of it in a way that whether you are on the passenger seat or the driver seat of a vehicle. Some are feeling more safe and comfortable when it comes to relying on their own senses and some are prefering to have a faith in drivers driving skills while being more chill and relaxed as a passenger rather than being the one watching the road. It is kinda be like the same some differences.

Hardwired like a dom might be like feeling like it can be only me making myself content with which way we are only heading all while also making the needs of partner getting fulfilled but not being comfortable with the other way around.
I love knowing that my partners trust me to give up control of themselves not only physically but even mentally. The main role i have the most experience with is as a caregiver Dom and I love taking care of those in my care. I take my partners submission very seriously and I know it’s not something that Is given lightly.
  • 2 weeks later...

The slow (preferably over the span of months) unraveling of their perceived innocence, watching them reveal what they are truly into, or watch them discover new things they're into, seeing their excitement and their desperation when they are anticipating. The satisfaction of trusting them and being trusted by them, seeing them come to respect you as a Dom, all of their reactions, and the intimacy of an S/m dynamic. There's also not many things as satisfying as a brat listening at last, or a sub begging for more. 

The deeper the TRUST, the deeper the exploration. It’s like a closeness within our souls that allows me to be in the moment, to be myself. It creates a space that is unlike any other, one where you’re both completely free with each other, you’re flowing with each other and feeding off of each other’s energy, you can explore and create the kind of moments that you’ll remember forever,
  • 10 months later...
I'm still fresh, but what excites me and drives me is the synergy that can arise from creating an environment of sincere trust where people can be who they truly are and feel safe about expressing it. NO MASK ON. For me when the gift of submission is offered freely, which means someone is willing to share the most valuable part of themselves, it is a reaffirmation of who I know myself intrinsically to be, and I get to connect with a unique and beautiful human being in a way the rest of the world cannot...This is a gift and a high like no other that I have experienced.


"Nothing discloses real character like the use of power. It is easy for the weak to be gentle. Most people can bear adversity. But if you wish to know what a man really is, give him power. This is the supreme test. It is the glory of Lincoln that, having almost absolute power, he never ***d it, except on the side of mercy."......Robert G. Ingersoll

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