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D/s Rule Ideas?


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What are some of the rules you have if this is your thing?
Never cause lasting harm. Always agree to and stop when requested. Always respect the other person
Agreed concent is a good place to start do what she wants you to do rattle her
This is hard because my rules are very specific to me. My dom set them to help me where I needed help. We discussed every rule at length and I did not agree to follow anything that I knew in my heart I couldn’t do.
It’s an oldie but goodie: Skirt and no panties on every fourth day of our relationship. Then to keep them on their toes add prime number days, days on which you open the curtains in the morning and any amount of blue sky is visible, days on which there are less than two eggs in your kitchen… etc…
Non verbal cues for initiating, declining or increasing/decreasing the volume of rough play.
As a Psychological Dom I rather enjoy Rule #8;
Spankings and Floggings are Not Punishment.
I must have consent, Communication of boundaries, negotiation is key as well. Now if your meaning very specific rules. Over the years it's never been the same dynamics, connection from individual to the next. I lovvvvveeeeee to be able to give a woman oral, but she is bound . All but 1 was okay with it.
No Cheating No Talking Back Obey My Commands
Just a couple off the top of my head, my sub had to send me a “panty pic” every morning, photo angle and poses were up to her, told her to be creative, she would also have to set out 3 pairs of pantys before she got dressed and I would pick out the ones she would wear, she also had a real bad habit of skipping breakfast so every morning she had to send me a pic of something she was gonna eat, failure to do any of these things would of course result in some light punishment. 😈 There are some pretty good threads on Reddit that offer a lot of creative ideas. Have fun!
Some rules I include for my sub are things like
Not taking orders from other doms
Not touching themselves without me
I do not enter His bed without permission
I must ask for permission to pleasure myself
Those are just a couple 😁

A few (not all) rules for my last sub were:
Agree on safe word(s) I.e. yes daddy for more, dirty girl for threshold, and too much for take it back down to green.
Respect my marriage.
Wear stockings often.
Send me random pics both naughty and nice throughout the week.
Asks permission for her to cum.
Let’s me fill her up.
Calls me sir at all times.
Keeps eye contact unless blindfolded or restrained away from me.
Tells me whenever she thinks about having sex with another woman.

For me:
I must tell her daily how beautiful she is.
Hold and kiss her after a session.
Rub or ice where the restraints were.
Pull her hair with one hand, *** with the other.

Let a gf or 2 of hers watch in person or live video while she “gets treated like a f**ktoy”.
Do not have sex with any other woman, nor have multiple subs.

You can create a lot or just a few rules for strengthening your bond and intensifying that 🔥 in and out of the room.
Best of luck and always remember:

Life consists of 2 dates and a dash. Make the most of your dash. ✌️

It really depends on the sub…anywhere from laying out several outfits for me to choose for her each day, to requiring a good morning and goodnight selfie, to needing permission to go potty if they have a bladder control fetish, or kneeling at my feet or sitting on my lap when they address me if they are into pet play or DDlg, respectively. In the end it’s about them and providing the structure and discipline they desire, and it’s my job to make it fun and interesting for them.
I’m not quite sure what you’re asking. The “rules” are in the negotiations including but not limited to limits, expectations of the dynamic, defining what you see each others role being in the dynamic.
I'm hoping to add in some rules with my husband to encourage more of a D/s element, so love the ideas like send a picture every morning, choosing my clothes, kneeling et cetera.
Don't get em wet, prevent exposure to sunlight and do not feed after midnight.
Just remember you have limits and so does he you might not know it yet but you do
1. Don’t ignore each other
2. Be honest with each other

Those are two of the main rules for me in any dynamic no matter what.
An online submissive once asked me if she could have a rule that she must wash all of her dishes on a Tuesday morning. She was a shift worker and whilst hated having dirty dishes, she also hated having to wash them.
It really helped her and afterwards we called "the sexiest rule".
Do you mean "rules" or "tasks"?
17 minutes ago, Veinhardt said:
Do you mean "rules" or "tasks"?

Either and both apparently. Things like 'you must call me Sir, I'll pick your clothes' et cetera

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