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What does it mean to enjoy something for you?


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I mean genuinely if you intend to interact with this please tell me. I want to understand how others feel when they are stimulated in certain ways, happy, content or anything to do with having a good time what is it like for you?
Are you able to put it into words?
I want to know because I think it will help me express things in a way others understand.
Like heaven ☺️ripples of awesome feeling running throughout my body. That’s what being turned on feels like.
Or feeling blissed out….. like I’m all warm and guey inside…… like I’ve melted.
18 hours ago, DommeDelight said:
Or feeling blissed out….. like I’m all warm and guey inside…… like I’ve melted.

As a 24/7 daddy:

When I do something or say something that really helps a little relieve stress or anxiety in a big way, I feel a sense of accomplishment, also when I receive hugs: I feel my own anxiety melt away, a pure feeling of happiness, and Devine bliss.

When a little wears the agreed attire related to my personal fetish, especially when I don't ask her to, and she shows me, I get excited and feel genuinely happy and loved.

When a little sees Daddy feeling down, lonely, or stressed and she shows me compassion and affection, I feel a sense of love, heavy gratitude, and warm.

When a little asks Daddy for a video call out of the blue cause she misses Daddy, I literally can't stop smiling and blushing during the entire call.

Hi Forteko. Such an interesting question, thank you for asking it. I think each of the answers has such interesting takes. I'll add mine. The philosopher Eugene Gendlin discussed something called the "felt sense". It is something that we experience but may have difficulty putting into words because it is less of a cognitive experience and more of a body one. What others have described here is one way that I have found to help myself clarify these types of experiences. This is something that Daniel Siegel calls a SIFT (which stands for Sensation, Image, Feeling, Thought). Each of the other responses gave some of these different parts in their responses. DommeDelight talked about the Sensations in their body. EDM_RaveDad talked about the Thoughts and Feelings that they get. They also brought up the Image of their little. For me, joy is something that I experience as a full body sensation. Like a bubbling, warm sensation throughout myself. Its images often contain others who I find meaningful and whom I am close to. My feelings are one of contentment, excitement, and satisfaction. And my thoughts are about the moment and the experience that I am currently in, not reflecting on the past or wondering about the future. This might give an idea for you exploring your own ways of expressing things in ways that others may understand.
@Giraut, quite a methodical and respectable response. As a note, segmenting your answer makes it easier to digest and cogitate for some.
The issue lays in the inability for some to vocalize perspectives/feelings. The problem is further aggravated by the possible inability to understand a set emotion, as it reads to me (Please correct if I misunderstand, Forte).
A viable ammelioration is to simply assign a thought on a matter.

Personally, growth. The easiest example. Echolalia, parroting others until fomenting your own. That is not ideal.
I have full faith you already know how to express your elation, as you reached said point in life, yet attained success. Do you want to write, hug, drink, congratulate, what?
Though my response is reflective of, as I understand, your query, I am spurning you to garner more confidence in your current perspective.

Say you want to vocalize your opinion, do so! Even should you be deadpan, you prove your interest. Whether your acc't is comp-generated or not, used for psych-engineering or not, this is key:

Let the recipient(/s) know your stand and your valuation.

You placed your inquest here, so you can surely provide your answer.

I'm demi-emotional, yet here I stand. Meditate on what you want and how much you value others, then direct your feet to the target. You just might pass the Turing Test.
Sounding this coarse and cold is all I am able to, even to disenfranchising certain member(/s) herein. Despite that, I still take my best shot(/s) even after upsetting some. Reason being, this is me, not a fragile façade.
Get your 1k hrs in, and remember yourself, showcase your forte! Giraut, it ***ed my text.... WHYYYYYYYYYYY??????
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