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Dressed to please 3


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The hot water hit his body , it felt great, sobering him up a little. Closing his eyes he drenched himself in the hot powerful cascade. 

Suddenly the water stopped, he opened his eyes to see her standing in front of him ,razor in hand.

Shave everything, she commanded.

Legs,chest, armpits, cock and balls...smooth as silk then come to the room opposite.

He did as he was told, he wasn't totally sure why but something inside him seemed to be enjoying this . A beautiful woman, in charge of his behaviour he was as intrigued as to where this was heading as he was aroused at what might lay ahead.

He left the bathroom, naked,hairless, feeling *** and exposed and crossed the hallway into the dimly lit room. 

He adjusted his eyes to the dimness, he saw her standing in front of him,she had changed her clothes. Looking up and down at her she was wearing high heeled knee high boots, a short black leather jacket tied at the waist, long gloves and a scarf tied around her neck. 

Oh my,look at you, all clean and shaved smooth for me. A little too naked for my liking. Luckily I have just the clothes for you, make you look so sexy, good enough to fuck. I have them laid out on the bed next to you. Get dressed for me.

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