Pantieslave5432 Posted December 8, 2019 Arrangement forWhat is a slave a real 24/7 TPE nonconsent arrangement with a slave and his mistress should be very one sided as it should be in reality a slave is just that a slave contract power of attorney and anything else you need to sign making it a permanent and unchangeable arrangement there should be no safe word veto power exception clauses nothing no rights he gave them up when he gave himself to his mistress now don't misunderstand me nobody should just jump into a nonconsent 24/7 TPE arrangement without first thinking about it and at the very least getting somewhat aquatinted with one another not to well but enough to have a basic understanding of who u are about to spend the rest of your life taking orders from the point of being able to to give up everything to another person is not for the slaves happiness and personal and sexual gratification it's not a big happy sex filled fantasy life where the slave doesn't have any responsibility or need to worry anymore about the worlds pressures it's about the mistress and her happiness and we'll being do you think when slave traders went over to Africa to capture slaves they listened to the slave or gave any weight to how he may have felt about being taken to a far away land and told to work in the hot sun lifting and carrying almost his body weight from early morning till after dark seven days a week and thought"maybe I should go easy on him he was only trying to free himself to live as the white man and be paid an honest wage for an honest days work" hell no they said this man needs to learn who is the boss and if he tries to escape again the whipping will be worse the next time his sceams and begging didn't have any effect on the guy swinging the whip. That's what being a slave is but it's not so much about the punishment or the *** although they do play a huge role in the grand scheme of things I don't care what anyone says NOBODY likes *** they might enjoy the thoughts that they have before and after it's been applied but the actual endurance of *** is not enjoyable at the time the philosophy of it is as simple as it is complicated and I have to say I am not a fan of *** at all however the thought of being at someone's complete mercy as to how when how severe or mild and the type of *** I will receive doesn't have any sexual appeal or exite me but the thought of having a woman that is the center of my world my teacher my guide and now confident she controls everything what and when I eat use the bathroom what I wear my heart beats harder when she is in the room she's so vital to my existence and uses her beauty and perfection to exite me to serve her is becoming the most important thing in my new world and the exitement of being in a situation that I can't get out of one where she is completely I'm control and can do anything she wishes whether or not I like it but *** is still not enjoyable but the thought of being taught to make better choices and decisions and the work I do be the best it can be a good motivator or deterarant and knowing she will always be ready and happy apply it knowing no matter how I beg or plead she will not be influenced or talked out of what is necessary that thought makes me feel like would beg her to punishe beg her to do things that aren't enjoyable because I am so turned on by her because she knows and uses all the secrets she made me confess to her being someone's slave isn't just a just about being tied up or made to do house work or dress up like her bitch it about being in a situation where your mistress knows everything about you what turns you on what you *** what turns you off what you like don't like because she made you tell her everything weaknesses strenths and being *** being in a situation where she can do anything even The things u hate *** and are uncomfortable even ***ful if she wants to especially if you upset her or simply because she wants to it's about hoping she won't do something but exitement overwhelming because u know she can and More so because she will and does to teach and expand who u are and break who you were down and build who to your becoming up... There are so many examples of how a slave contract should be written and almost every single one has some clause giving the slave a right to say no to something or terminate the contract and I'm sorry that's not being a slave it's playing a game and it's changing the whole concept it makes the mistress a fluzey in a sense she isn't the be all end all she should be she becomes more of a fantasy literally nothing more than an interchangeable character in someone's sexual fantasy let's say during the scenario play the supposed slave loses control and busts a nut well he can't just say ok stop I'm done he's playing his role he's the slave so he holds on taking one for the team but everyone knows when the guy gets his nut it's a wrap so matter what it ain't gonna be long before he's heading to the bathroom and thinking about what he's gonna say so he can leave so the mistress probably figured out that this guy is finished so I'm an attempt to size some control back she might attempt to restrain him now restraints never seemed to be am issue previously but today they are how do we know this safe word having a safe word is holding on to ones control it can be placed anywhere anytime the slave gives up nothing I have a slave contract that of course by itself not legal or en***able but coupled with other supporting and more definitely written documents becomes for all intensive purposes legal not I'm it's name but in it's purpose and objectives legal I would challenge anyone who says different the contract I am going to post next is not I'm anyway legal it's the supporting documents that make it's body and purpose legal the contract mearly what is hidden under all the smoke and mirrors and what a slave is period.
SissyRIanne Posted December 8, 2019 My brain hurts from reading part of that, please for the love of god try to format long posts like this :(
ey**** Posted December 8, 2019 Thankfully, we live in a world away from the (actual) slave trade of old. We also live in a world where people tend to care about the wellbeing of one another. And also.... you've also got to understand that your feelings do play into the other persons. Say a few months in you're unhappy. So, you're told you have to be honest and tell her everything. If you do not tell her when you are unhappy then you are breaking that honesty. If you tell her you are unhappy then she might ask what would make you happy. Is that then not communicating your likes, your wants, your boundaries? If you reply "your happiness would make me happy" she may very well reply "But I can't be happy knowing you're unhappy" - so this then has this parradox. There are a lot of serious, full on, committed relationships - but those that work do so because there's a structure, a discussion and an out. And not because someone is effectively captive. I know there's a lot who getting into better-than-thou types because they want to be a "true" slave or a whatever - but it's false. I mean, you could just spend all your free time serving at, say, a homeless shelter or other volunteer work and leave them your ***? The second it has to be with some a specific (type of) person it automatically becomes about wants and fantasy anyway.
Carnelian2 Posted December 8, 2019 I suppose it is a choice but beyond the romantisized notion of TPE there is always the reality of life. We have to work and make a living so unless a Mistress has unlimited resources at her disposal, you will always have that element of choice. As others have said, communication is absolutely essential. On that note, your contribution was a bit lengthy and may risk losing the reader - so as someone suggested, maybe try formatting it next time and focus on the key points
ey**** Posted December 8, 2019 I guess and also - do you know which subs/slaves work better for their Dominants? Happy, healthy ones Fed well. Well rested. Good nights sleep. Motivated. Engaged. Working through pride. That the only *** is being let go.
Re**** Posted December 8, 2019 The comparison of the horrors of the slave trade and what they endured is a total affront to anyone with an ounce of moral decency! All kink relationships are based on mutual consent, that's how they come about in the first place, if not it's simply ***.
Re**** Posted December 8, 2019 Your post on here and your profile are a bit of a contradiction, your profile reads "slave needing", straight off the bat it's about your needs and wants (nothing wrong with that), your profile goes on to state what you are willing to do, again nothing wrong with that but it contradicts many statements in your post on here. There really can be no true and literal Master/slave kink relationship as the truth is that relationship has come about from both parties desire of what they want and need from it and from consenting to embarking on said relationship, regardless of what is signed or written, modern western law will always provide an out!
qu**** Posted December 8, 2019 That's why genuine "Masters/slaves usually take a minimum of a year getting to know each other, dating in a more normal sense before any sight of a contract, even then this is read and discussed before reaching any MUTUAL agreement
Carnelian2 Posted December 8, 2019 4 hours ago, Remounters said: The comparison of the horrors of the slave trade and what they endured is a total affront to anyone with an ounce of moral decency! All kink relationships are based on mutual consent, that's how they come about in the first place, if not it's simply ***. This was very well said. I agree with every single word
qu**** Posted December 8, 2019 Personally I don't see the point of "contracts", and confess to finding them meaningless other than from a point of roleplay,to me they show a lack of trust in both sides, which should be the most important thing, I say this so that any who feel they are being pressured into having one when they don't it's totally acceptable to say no,
ey**** Posted December 8, 2019 there's not *really* a purpose to contracts - but like a lot of things they can be fun. Or they can also help set out the relationship. I'm someone who often likes written contact with people I don't see all the time and this can be two fold : that : sometimes it's nice to keep in touch but also things in writing can sometimes be easier to follow. I've had "did I misunderstand wrong" moments and then gone back to something written down and found that, no, it was quite clear (or yes, i did)
Re**** Posted December 9, 2019 15 hours ago, Carnelian2 said: This was very well said. I agree with every single word Thank you.
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