
Personal details

Gender Woman
Age 31
Status Not single
Height 158cm
Body shape Curvy
Eye colour Other
Hair colour Blond
Hair length Long
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Breast size C
Zodiac sign Scorpio

About me

I’m looking for:


happily married, looking to get into the world of BDSM ? I’m finding out as I get older ive got quite a few kinks.. looking to explore this side of me after devoting the last (almost)decade to raising my kids.

Desires and Fantasies
oh god, where to begin. Basicaly anything involving being dominated.. anything from a scale of gently being told what to do all the way to being someone’s little pain slut ?
bondage ✔️
choking ✔️
knives ✔️
hair pulling ✔️
yes to it all gives you…

Many possibilities! There are plenty of ways to meet new kinksters. Check out our free BDSM dating. Still not convinced to meet in person? Take a look at some kinky discussions taking place, right now...

icon-wio Littleholls has uploaded new photos
  • 14.06.2021 10:53:19
  • Female (31)
  • Forest
  • Not single
  • Littleholls
  • Littleholls
  • Littleholls
icon-wio Littleholls created a topic in New to BDSM, Kink & Fetish?
  • 13.06.2021 3:51:31
  • Forest
Discovering what type of sub you are
Hiii! Talk to me about learning what type of sub you are/ what type of dom you need. A few random quizzes have given me a general idea, but when it comes time to actually participate in scenes is that going to change? 🤷🏼‍♀️ so basically I’m supposedly a servant/slave/painslut.. where do I go from here lol!
LikeThebian, RaeWild, robert8397and 11 more… · 10 Replies
Rs_adahl Well said my Master. Well said my Master.
Like · 23.06.2021 18:13:20
Master88362 As a Master with years of experience, one of the big problems I see is, a lack of responsibility. No one wants to take the responsibilities that go along with submitting or taking the submission. It seems that slaves want to be able to submit only when they are in the mood. The so called Masters Read more… are worse. It amounts to take your clothes off so I can punish you, then go away.
As a Master or as Dom, the goal is to make the sub or slave the very best they can be. Not only as a sub or slave, but as a person. Too many subs and slaves have been treated so badly and basically used as whores that they either leave the lifestyle altogether, or start believing that that is all they are good for.
Dubs and slaves are not stupid, they are not weak. It takes a huge amount of strength to give your submission to someone. Submission is not a right. You can call yourself Master or God, or anything else you want, but if you are guessing, you are not a Master. You have to understand that his or her submission is the greatest gift they can give. Many don't understand this and wind up leaving a trail of broken people in their wake.
As a Master or Dom, you are responsible for your sub or slave 24/7/365. It isn't a part time thing. If you can't commit to that, then you do not belong here.
Yes, I am opinionated and I don't mince words, but I have seen the damage done by game players. If you really want to be a Dom or Master, do some research and talk to people. A lot of what I have learned came from dubs and slaves. Yes, they also have opinions, listen to them. You can avoid some serious mistakes. Believe me, I have made them. A sub or slave is not there just to be punished, they are here to learn to be better. I don't hesitate to punish when deserved, but I also don't hesitate to tell a sub or slave when they do well. Remember this, it is very easy to tear anyone down, we all have faults, but the goal is to build a sub or slave up. Most subs or slave's have very low self esteem. A fominant's job is to raise that self esteem, make them proud of themselves and if being a sub or slave.
Having a sub or slave is not as some think, all one sided. It is just like any other relationship. It is give and take. 50/50. The submissive gives their submission, the dominant takes that submission as a gift and teaches the submissive. At the same time, the dominant takes responsibility for the submissive and takes care of them to the best of their ability.
LikeCopperKnob, Halfpint1and 1 more… · 23.06.2021 18:06:00
russelroberts Well spoken Well spoken
Like · 19.06.2021 6:40:44
Show more 3 of 10
icon-wio Littleholls wrote something about themself
  • 13.06.2021 0:42:47
  • Female (31)
  • Forest
  • Not single
happily married, looking to get into the world of BDSM ? I’m finding out as I get older ive got quite a few kinks.. looking to explore this side of me after devoting the last (almost)decade to raising my kids.
icon-wio Littleholls signed up on
  • 13.06.2021 0:04:02
  • Female (31)
  • Forest
  • Not single