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“Samantha, please..”

“Don’t!” I interrupt. “Do not act like you can pretend with that fake sad tone and say my name and it will just make me fall back into your trap! You don’t get to use me, make me love something I never thought possible, with both of you none the less, and then dismiss me like I was nobody to either of you!” I feel the tears start, but I don’t care anymore. Jake tried to hug me but I push him away. “Do not touch me! You lost that right seven months ago when you ***d me away!” The pounding in my chest can be heated by both of us. I see the *** in Jakes eyes, but I simply cannot care anymore. For seven months I felt out of place. The two men that meant more to me than anything else pushed me away. And why? Because I got too attached. I fell for both of them.

“Samantha please just listen to me. I’m sorry but..” I don’t let him finish as I brush by him and back to the room I called my own. Swinging open the double doors and making sure to slam them with as much *** as I could, behind me, I know that’s a ***ve for Ryan, maybe he’ll stop being a coward and face me.

I grab the duvet off the bed and travel to the closet. I stop suddenly. Everything’s the same.. but also different... my forts been slept in... and there’s someone sleeping in it now. I catch my breath as I realize that it’s Ryan. He’s clinging onto my panda and fast asleep. I slowly back up to not disturb him when I back into a muscular body. Jakes arms wrap around me and I can’t breathe. The tension is too thick. I want to break and cry but I can’t let them know they’ve won. They’ve broken me.

“Sammy..” Ryan whispers. I see that he is staring straight at me and Jake. Ryan can be the most intolerable and stubborn man alive, but at this moment I see him breaking. Rushing to him I embrace him tight and start to cry. “I’m so sorry Sammy. We thought we were doing the right thing by letting you go.” I feel Jake kneel behind me.

Ryan kisses my cheek, “you’re going nowhere little girl, we were stupid and made some bad choices, but you are ours to do with as we please, and we are yours to satisfy your needs even when you don’t know you need it.”

Entranced in Ryan’s eyes, I don’t realize the soft kisses being placed along my neck and shoulder until there is a sting on my shoulder from Jakes teeth. Crying out in agonizing ***, Ryan hurriedly kisses my lips, muffling me, making the *** subside. I smile and send Ryan a look inviting him to mark me the same as Jake. I see the internal fight and bring him closer to my other shoulder while Jake kisses my neck making me moan softly. Ryan sinks his teeth in me and I feel more *** but it slows down to a gentle ache as I feel Ryan and Jake both inside my head, showing me their thoughts and memories. Not knowing if I have this ability since my wolf is dormant, I try to show them how I’ve felt. I start to feel upset and a tear falls down my face because I’ve realized I’ve failed as a wolf. Jake stumbles back and I watch as he tries to steady himself, but I see he’s staring at Ryan. I look at Ryan and see a look of absolute love and adoration.

Jake chuckles, “I think Samantha needs a break, why don’t we help her brother?” I suddenly feel Jakes arms under my shirt, “don’t rip..” before I could finish, the shirt is in shreds on the ground.

“We will buy you a new one princess,” Jake says guiltily. He pulls me from the closet with Ryan lurking behind me. Jake lays me in the bed and climbs on top of me kissing me softly and running his hands up my stomach. I move my head to call for Ryan, but Jake pulls me back. “He’ll be here in a minute princess, he needed to get something” I nod and enjoy the feeling of Jake placing kisses along my ribs and removing bra and then my jeans from my hips. I wiggle slightly and I can hear Ryan laugh, “I think you’re teasing our little mate a bit too much brother. Let me have some fun too.”

Ryan climbs on the bed and places a Blindfold over my eyes. “Relax my precious angel, I know you don’t like the dark but Daddy will keep you safe.” I nod and go back to relaxing while Jake roams his hands lower removing my jeans completely. I feel something cold on my nipples and I hold in a moan trying to escape my lips.

“Mmm angel you look so delicious, may I have a taste?” Jake asks. I nod my head and receive a smack on my thigh and I gasp out loud. “Words, princess!” Jake scolds.

“Yes daddy!”

“Good girl, daddy likes when you listen.”

My senses heighten as I feel Jake and Ryan both move along the sides of me. Ryan is kissing along my breasts while slowly moving his hand lower to my princess parts and then another smack on my thigh. I feel Jake take a nipple in his mouth and I arch my back when they both touch me. I crave their touches.

Ryan hisses, “so wet for us Babygirl. What do you want?”

I stay quiet and bite my lip. “Uh uh, words my little mate,” but I refuse talk. Just hearing the desire in his voice makes me wetter and I know he can feel it while his hand is there.

“Sammy, speak.. tell me how much you want me, how much you want daddy and I?”

I arch my back when Ryan inserts two fingers inside me, and I moan out “daddy, please taste me..”
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