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Catfight domination fantasy


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Hi, I`ve been on fetish forum for a while, but not so active. I always had a foot fetish since I was a little kid. But, from not long ago , I noticed that I am getting turned on by women fighting. A nice, kinky catfight between women, a lot of domination and *** included. In addition, ashamed of saying this, I often imagine my mom and my girlfriend in a fight, as I know that they don`t like each other. It`s creepy, but I`m very into it. I wish it could happen somehow and I could enjoy watching them. Secretly, I wish my girlfriend to put my mom in order, teaching her a lesson that her son has a new woman in his life. I imagine mom`s face trampled by my girlfriend`s foot, while my girlfriend victoriously laughs at her. Kinky enough, huh?


It sounds as if your mother doesn't want to let go of you. You're 29, and your mother's clutching is starting to really get to you to the point where you're fantasising  that your girlfriend severely defeats your mother. Nothing wrong with a bit of kink-fantasy, and there's no need to be ashamed - but if mother won't let go of you, this could turn very unhealthy. I believe you're more ashamed that your mother won't let go of you. Enjoy your girlfriend and your foot fetish, but please start detaching from Mother. Hope you don't live with her, otherwise you'll really have a battle on your hands . Good luck.


JocXX, not good.  It sounds like you need to take a deep breath, and think things through.  Nothing wrong with your latest fetish.  You can find plenty of that on Youtube, under a search for "lady mud wrestling", or something similar.  It is actually a very common fetish---to the point of being commercialized.  So, pull up a computer or phone, and enjoy.

It's this thing between your mom and your girlfriend that troubles me.  Why don't they get along?  I'm going to go out on a limb, and make some guesses here.  Were you an only child?  Did your father pass-away some time ago, possibly in the war?  Is any of this true?  If so, your mother may be deathly afraid of being alone.  You may need to convince her that you will always be there, that your girlfriend isn't stealing you away.  Moving-on with your life doesn't necessarily mean leaving others behind---despite popular belief.  If any of this sounds likely, try to assure your mom that she won't be losing you.  Rather, she will be gaining a new family member.  She may find the courage to let-go.

And please, no more fantasizing about a fight between your mom and your girlfriend.  It's not healthy, and it can lead you down a very dark road.  Stick with Youtube videos and other forms of consensual entertainment.  And, take that picture of you mom off the dart board!  (ha ha)  Remember, fetishes are about having fun, not making it personal.


Thanks for your replies. I guess I expressed myself wrong. They don't get along well because of lots of differences between them. It doesn't mean they argue or fight over me. My mom isn't possesive at all, she just thinks that my girlfriend doesn't "deserve" me, as her way of life is everything opposite of my mom's way of life. My gf is well raised, educated, employed, polite and loving 28yo woman. Mom is conservative, impatient 53yo woman. She thinks the same for my brother's gf too. So just to say, I woke my imagination up as I know my girlfriend would love to settle it with mom, although she has a big respect for the woman that gave me birth. After all, I decide who will be included in my life. I don't care what others say, if I feel nice and happy. So just to say, not a mommy's boy. But i would really want to see them in action although I know it will never happen. 


Many mothers are like this - they think no-one is good enough for their child, there's also the 'generation gap' and there always will be that particular problem. And this kind of  'she's not good enough' thinking can lead to a load of problems, such as a mother who continually  tries to break up their child's/children's relationships. Sounds as if your brother has managed to get a balance happening between Mother and his girlfriend, and  that your girlfriend has respect for her.  I'm sure that you do, too. Hopefully in time, your mother will get used to the idea her sons do have other women in their lives; mothers often have to battle the feeling that their sons have 'deserted' them.  A fantasy of women fighting is healthy kink - but how about leaving your mother out of the fantasy?


No, I never thought that you were a "mama's boy".  It just looks like your mom has trouble letting-go.  The fact that your brother also has a girlfriend, and your mom treats his lady the same way, really seems to prove my point.  Your mom is terrified of being abandoned.  She will never admit her *** of loneliness.  Instead, she will lash-out with belligerence and negativity.  This is a natural human reaction, caused by the ***.  "She's not good enough for you!", has proven to be the most common line used in these situations.  You need to read between the lines.  You need to be better than the situation.  Don't let your mom get under your skin.  Prove to her that you are the better person, by taking control of the situation in a positive way.

Perhaps, once in a while, you and your girlfriend could include your mom in some of your activities.  What does your mom like to do?  As a start, maybe, you and your lady could have coffee or tea with your mom, before you head-out for the evening.  If this goes well, it could lead to other activities.  You might encourage your brother and his GF to do the same.  Your mom needs to feel that she is still part of the family.  Perhaps, you, your brother, and your GF's could put together a family dinner with your mom.  Chances are good, that she would enjoy that.  Who knows---your mom and your lady could end-up as good friends.  Just don't cut-off connections with your mom.  You'll find yourself deeply regretting that, later in life.

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