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Trip to the woods - Part One


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It all started with chatting online, as many now do; Alice was excited and nervous as she boarded the train, she was off to meet him for the first time.  Feeling naughty, she had decided to leave her underwear off, being a hot summers day, her summery dress was just right, a button up front.

As Alice sits down next to the window she notices a business looking woman, a smart suit, high heels tight pencil skirt, split, nice nylon clad legs, crossed, showing her thighs and one shoe dangling, white blouse tightly buttoned over her breasts, just. Alice shuffled back in her seat and noticed as she looked out the window in the corner of her eye the woman was looking at Alice's bare legs, so feeling naughty she crossed her legs letting the dress pull up to show off more leg.  Her handbag on her lap, hmm she thought, I'll have some fun, she put her hand down under the bag and undid another button, so now most of her thighs where showing, then Alice moved her bag and un-crossed her legs, exaggerating the movement knowing the woman would get an eye full of her shaved pussy.

Alice then also so noticed a man diagonally opposite, in the next compartment, only he was ogling her tits, now she toyed with the idea of undoing another button at the top, but being as she has quite big tits she stopped that idea. As her stop approached, she crossed her legs, this time looking at the woman, the woman watched, and no doubt got a good view but went red when she realised Alice was watching her.  As the train pulled into her stop, Alice stood, looking at the woman's legs, smiling to herself, Alice noticed what looked like stocking tops, the woman tried to pull her skirt over her legs, Alice climbed off the train.

As Alice walked away she just glanced back and noticed the man who was ogling her tits just getting off also, but only having one thing on her mind and that was to meet him in the car park.  They had chatted online for ages and were now finally going to meet, nervous, excited and now slightly wet, she passed through the exit her eyes scanned the car park, ah that must be it, orange, and it looked like him sitting in it.

Now quickening her step, big smiles as they saw each other, his window dropped, Alice bent down and they kissed, she put her hand round his neck and pulled him tight to her, he placed one hand on her neck and pulled her to him, tongues meet and play, he pulls away, saying “get in" he now notices Alice's tits, putting a strain on her buttons.  Alice quickly walks around the car gets in exposing her thighs, on purpose of course, as they start to kiss, hands wander, his on her thigh, hers on his crotch gripping hard, making him wince a little, Alice suddenly says, " oh for fuck sake," " what's wrong" he says, "we're being watched".  The man from the train was having another good ogle, so seat belts on, he drives off, saying “I know where we can go“ driving out of town he heads for a wooded area.


Im liking it so far sir cant wait for the next instalment.


Thanks Lil, as long as i can get this phone to paste the right part, lol


So glad to see this story finally up my friend, totally worth the wait and I look forward to seeing part two, as it is just as wonderful as the first part. 

Thank you for sharing me with me 🤗😘 

6 hours ago, wilkie said:

It all started with chatting online, as many now do; Alice was excited and nervous as she boarded the train, she was off to meet him for the first time.  Feeling naughty, she had decided to leave her underwear off, being a hot summers day, her summery dress was just right, a button up front.

As Alice sits down next to the window she notices a business looking woman, a smart suit, high heels tight pencil skirt, split, nice nylon clad legs, crossed, showing her thighs and one shoe dangling, white blouse tightly buttoned over her breasts, just. Alice shuffled back in her seat and noticed as she looked out the window in the corner of her eye the woman was looking at Alice's bare legs, so feeling naughty she crossed her legs letting the dress pull up to show off more leg.  Her handbag on her lap, hmm she thought, I'll have some fun, she put her hand down under the bag and undid another button, so now most of her thighs where showing, then Alice moved her bag and un-crossed her legs, exaggerating the movement knowing the woman would get an eye full of her shaved pussy.

Alice then also so noticed a man diagonally opposite, in the next compartment, only he was ogling her tits, now she toyed with the idea of undoing another button at the top, but being as she has quite big tits she stopped that idea. As her stop approached, she crossed her legs, this time looking at the woman, the woman watched, and no doubt got a good view but went red when she realised Alice was watching her.  As the train pulled into her stop, Alice stood, looking at the woman's legs, smiling to herself, Alice noticed what looked like stocking tops, the woman tried to pull her skirt over her legs, Alice climbed off the train.

As Alice walked away she just glanced back and noticed the man who was ogling her tits just getting off also, but only having one thing on her mind and that was to meet him in the car park.  They had chatted online for ages and were now finally going to meet, nervous, excited and now slightly wet, she passed through the exit her eyes scanned the car park, ah that must be it, orange, and it looked like him sitting in it.

Now quickening her step, big smiles as they saw each other, his window dropped, Alice bent down and they kissed, she put her hand round his neck and pulled him tight to her, he placed one hand on her neck and pulled her to him, tongues meet and play, he pulls away, saying “get in" he now notices Alice's tits, putting a strain on her buttons.  Alice quickly walks around the car gets in exposing her thighs, on purpose of course, as they start to kiss, hands wander, his on her thigh, hers on his crotch gripping hard, making him wince a little, Alice suddenly says, " oh for fuck sake," " what's wrong" he says, "we're being watched".  The man from the train was having another good ogle, so seat belts on, he drives off, saying “I know where we can go“ driving out of town he heads for a wooded area.

That's a great start.  Can't wait to see what happens once they are in the woods!  


Thanks Wilkie.  I look forward to the next instalment!😉


Well with that sort of opening installment, I can see a great story coming.  I am looking forward to the next post.

14 hours ago, Leisa said:

Wow. Now I’m hooked and cannot wait for part 2. Great work building the intensity. 

Next part is up for you to study, lol

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