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Hello everyone. I am brand new to this lifestyle, but my wife recently entitled that she really wanted to try the BDSM lifestyle. I don’t mean just spanking and light choking or anything simple like that, because we already do all that. I mean she wants to really explore being a submissive.

Some info about us:
We are both 36, and have been married for 13 years. She is very conservative when it comes to this kind of stuff and I am open to trying whatever she wants.

Personally I am also interested in having her try out the hotwife lifestyle but she wants none of that, so we have looked into exploring her kinks.

Are there any good books or resources I can look into. I’m not naturally super dominant but I like to be occasionally and it is obviously what she wants. Thanks in advance for any help.


There's a few good articles in the magazine section on here and I'm sure others can suggest books, videos etc...

You say you'd like her to try "hotwife" ... what do you mean by that? Why is she not willing to explore it? Is it a hard limit? You guys need to discuss limits and boundaries. Talk about safe words, aftercare.....

You're concentrating on her kinks, what about yours?

Do you just want a D/s dynamic in the bedroom or 24/7?

What does "being a submissive" mean to her, and you? Start there maybe.


Great advice Bounty. Education and communication are key components when first starting out though I’d recommend not going into breath play without a lot of knowledge as it can be very dangerous. There are so many books out there geared to the new to the scene individual. I know both Amazon and the internet are rife with tools. You could also watch tutorials on YouTube. This site has lots of educational venues such as the magazine, the munches, and lobby questions/answers from individuals in various stages of the lifestyle.


This site cover most of your question from start up couples into bdsm to your “hotwife” Kink. 
@Bounty he mean cuckold 

There are many online tutorial about D/s, what type of submission you want for your wife and what kind of play you want to do. 

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