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A Dom who likes Dommes


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Im a Dom, i like to be in control, not just of myself but my partners feelings, how they see me and how they react.

Ive never been one to tell someone what to do, i find it more rewarding to make someone want to submit to me, if i have to tell you, then its not real, its not genuine, its not natural to them.

I love Littles and kittens, not young people, not people who act like babies, but innocence, creativity and wonder. I will move heaven and earth to make sure my little never sees a cloudy day, and in return i can watch, hold and be loved by my cat girl. But i dont find them sexual.. just like a flower with its delicate petals and its need to be watered and kept in the sun, id never rough up a beautiful thing, or mark it 😅

BUT! a Domme, now there is a wild *** to be tamed, the *** i feel when i see that lioness circle me, sizing me up, baring her teeth at me.

The pounding in my chest as she looks at me like im her next meal..

I say something sexual to make her hungry, she tells me ill never satisfy her.

She moves into my space, powerful and sexy as i try my best not to falter.

She tries harder, the lust building up like a powder keg threatening to bring off the roof above us, everyone in the room doesnt know weather to leave or kneel.

Who will give in?

Will i be hers, will she be mine?

Who will top, who will bottom, neither likes to admit that the other is turning them on... then BANG! we both go in teeth and claws, clothes flying, insults and sweat.

The sexual tension pulsing in the air, will i leave her twitching in a puddle of her own sweat cursing me, or will i lose all will to fight as the control she has over me results in me losing all control?

This is why i like Dommes, this is why im a primal, and this is why i im not desirable to the people i desire.

This is my BDSM, Hunter, Care giver, Alpha Dom

On 8/8/2020 at 11:05 PM, Slutsrus said:

Love every bit of this!

Im glad, its really hard to put it into words sometimes, if i am a lion, then the lioness is a Domme and the cubs are littles who are trained to be loyal subs lionesses or become prey.




This may interest you. You are far from alone and I hear all you say 😊

  • 2 weeks later...

I am a Domme and I am also a Sub. My Dom loves to watch and see my dominant side. I’m lucky to have this. I love being submissive to my Dom but, he knows and cares enough to understand I need to have the power over a submissive as well at times. I’m 100% devoted to my Dom as he is to me. I think we feed off each other’s dominant sides. It just works that way. I’m lucky to have my strong Lion and my lion cub.

9 minutes ago, KYmistress74 said:

I am a Domme and I am also a Sub. My Dom loves to watch and see my dominant side. I’m lucky to have this. I love being submissive to my Dom but, he knows and cares enough to understand I need to have the power over a submissive as well at times. I’m 100% devoted to my Dom as he is to me. I think we feed off each other’s dominant sides. It just works that way. I’m lucky to have my strong Lion and my lion cub.

Ooo sounds like you have the perfect balance, does he let you top him, or does he top from the bottom?


Did i just swear 😅


I can top him only with my collar and clamps on tho so he has complete control. Lol I had my submissive before my Dom and I met. It became full circle when my Dom came into my life. Some wouldn’t understand. My sub loves to be controlled by a strong woman and my Dom likes to have control of a strong woman. To the outside world I am a woman walking around sometimes with two men over 6’ tall and in the bedroom, one is beneath me and the other is over me. What else could a girl want!😉

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