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I feel like a fish out of my water


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I have no idea how to behave. I feel like the literal elephant in the porcelain shop....
Please help a greenhorn out.


We all have doubts about ourselves from time to time. But if you feel so out of placed...then maybe this is not the place for you and that's okay. It should feel like a natural extention of your desires, your wants and needs. If it's not, you might want to consider what those are first.


It's less that I feel out of place. It is more that I don't know any etiquette and *** to behave like an insensitive Moron


Do you mean in the forum, in chat, how to send messages? Or play itself? Can you talk about a specific example?


Then relax and don't expect yourself to know everything right fron the start, ease the pressure. No one was born knowing. You'll get the hang of it in time. As long as you're being respectful and mindful, you'll eventually find the right way to go about it for you

38 minutes ago, tubulski said:

It's less that I feel out of place. It is more that I don't know any etiquette and *** to behave like an insensitive Moron

Explain you're new. Ask questions.

It's ok to say "I don't know"

1 hour ago, Curvykate said:

Do you mean in the forum, in chat, how to send messages? Or play itself? Can you talk about a specific example?

It is not specific examples. It is more about the general code of conduct. I never interacted with people who do this seriously. Also I had a bad conversation with some scammers you behaved like assholes and just made my insecurities worse. Everyone else was super nice

1 hour ago, tubulski said:

It is not specific examples. It is more about the general code of conduct. I never interacted with people who do this seriously. Also I had a bad conversation with some scammers you behaved like assholes and just made my insecurities worse. Everyone else was super nice

We are all just people like you. We all started knowing nothing. And most of us are still learning. Just treat people as human beings you met in a pub. You never know who you will strike a conversation with and what stories you will hear. If you’re open to hear them. You will feel less like a fish out of water as time goes on.

On 3/1/2021 at 8:22 AM, tubulski said:

I have no idea how to behave. I feel like the literal elephant in the porcelain shop....
Please help a greenhorn out.

I still remember my first visit to a fetish event.  In many ways, it was like jumping into a cold swimming pool.  It was definitely a shock to the system.  But, after a few minutes, I became acclimated, and the rest seemed natural.  Sure, I was awkward at first.  But, that eventually passed.

21 hours ago, tubulski said:

It's less that I feel out of place. It is more that I don't know any etiquette and *** to behave like an insensitive Moron

Just the fact that you are asking yourself that question, proves that you are on the right path.  Even to this day, I still run my words and actions through that same filter.


More information is needed for a Master to help you. One of the main difficulties in training is a slave feels they are not listened to. A good Master must listen to the slave in order to help the slave grow. Without growth, the slave becomes stale and stagnant. The relationship goes stagnant. Both persons blame the other...etc...etc. it ends.


Three things that helped me early on. Be curious. Be humble and be true to yourself. As you can see there is "real" community that likes to teach and guide. Don’t come cross as a horned up 16 yr old and you will have fun and learn something. Oh... and don’t respond to any message that only says “hi” or here’s my link 🙄


You've honestly got lots of good advice in the other comments here... Just keep in mind that most accounts on here are real people who are trying to explore and chat about things that excite them sexually just like you're hopefully here for, however it is still the internet so please do not blindly trust anybody while looking for guidance as there are still predators and scammers... Ask questions, there are plenty of people that enjoy helping new members. And most importantly, just relax and have fun with the app! There's no right or wrong way to do that 🙃.

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