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being unable to cum


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Has anyone else had issues with not being able to cum before? I often feel like I must stop when i get close. I also feel like I might pass out. I guess it is a *** of losing control. And i also get over sensitive. Genuinely can’t tell if I ever have cum before. I only recently started using toys. Does anyone have anh feedback, stories or tips on this?


If i have been edging for too long, it can be difficult sometimes.


There are times when it seems like I should cum, but don't. Someone told me that it is possible to cum without actually secreting from the body, however the feeling should give it away, so with your *** of losing control, you probably haven't even done that. However, I can emotionally climax without my body getting involved and it's almost better.


It's not uncommon. One tip is to set yourself a time and lead up to a session of masturbation over a period of hours. Start with a nice bath, scents, perfumes. Dress up in something sexy or even deviant. And go at it letting your imagination take you high.


Hi there missme,

I have had a play partner who had exactly the same situation as you describe in your post. She would build up to orgasm in the normal way right up to the point when she was going to crest. Then it was like a wave of over sensitivity over took her and she had what she described as "like a pussy cramp".

The effect was ***ful enough for her that it meant she never reached orgasm. Instead we made the getting there as much fun as possible. We were careful to avoid direct clitoral play close to orgasm as it has over 8000 nerve endings in it and is not the best thing to play with if you are over sensitive. 

Just remember you are certainly not alone in this and it is just something to work around.

If you want to try to explore this further yourself try just using your fingers, be indirect, the clitoral nerve ending run down into the labia as well. So even if you are over sensitive you can stimulate it at a distance.

Remember the basics, have a relaxing bath, put on some mood music, a little scent or incense. Then just give your self time, no rush, in fact take it really slow and you do not need to cum. The idea is to be comfortable touching your self and having fun doing it.

Okay that is my chapter, my apologies if it got a bit anatomical 9_9:pray:


4 hours ago, Payton-1484 said:

I make u cum


1 hour ago, Thebian said:

Hi there missme,

I have had a play partner who had exactly the same situation as you describe in your post. She would build up to orgasm in the normal way right up to the point when she was going to crest. Then it was like a wave of over sensitivity over took her and she had what she described as "like a pussy cramp".

The effect was ***ful enough for her that it meant she never reached orgasm. Instead we made the getting there as much fun as possible. We were careful to avoid direct clitoral play close to orgasm as it has over 8000 nerve endings in it and is not the best thing to play with if you are over sensitive. 

Just remember you are certainly not alone in this and it is just something to work around.

If you want to try to explore this further yourself try just using your fingers, be indirect, the clitoral nerve ending run down into the labia as well. So even if you are over sensitive you can stimulate it at a distance.

Remember the basics, have a relaxing bath, put on some mood music, a little scent or incense. Then just give your self time, no rush, in fact take it really slow and you do not need to cum. The idea is to be comfortable touching your self and having fun doing it.

Okay that is my chapter, my apologies if it got a bit anatomical 


I think Thebian has the way of it. Don't make coming the goal. We put pressure on ourselves and others that an orgasm is the ultimate. It's not. Pleasure and enjoyment is what matters. Also I think that toys can make it harder to be aware of your body and what works for you. I have significant problems orgasming with a partner. I know how frustrating it can be when the world makes it seem like we should just explode at the drop of a hat.


This may not apply to you, but still worth knowing. Quite a few different medications can cause orgasm problems.

54 minutes ago, Hal727 said:

This may not apply to you, but still worth knowing. Quite a few different medications can cause orgasm problems.

truu but i had it before medication too as far as i know basically all my life

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