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Servitude - my gift to you - Chapter 3


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Long overdue but here is chapter 3.

Firstly may I publicly thank all of you who have commented on the first 2 chapters, it means so much.  

chapter 4 is also ready should you welcome it. I hope you enjoy


Chapter 3 - A gift to my Queen 


At first his tongue was soft and shallow. He lovingly kissed and licked her with gentle kindness. Like a wine fanatic would savour a rare vintage he longed to indulge in her precious lust. So his tongue graced her lips and he took pleasure in her taste. Gradually as her passion intensified his tongue engaged her more eagerly. Guided by subtle changes in her breath and body motion he set about his task. A humble “fuck toy” pleasuring his mistress. As her pleasure heightened so did her direction. With one hand firmly gripping his leash and the other his hair she took control of both tempo and depth. His tongue now plunged deep inside her moving rapidly in tune with her body’s instruction. Now and then he paused to suck on her luscious wet lips, tasting how aroused she had become, loving the feeling that her every limb tensed as he did this. Mistress was so close now, so near to reaching true delight. 

Instead of driving him on, she pulled hard on his hair lifting his face from his task to gaze right into her eyes. “Not yet pet” she managed between deep intakes of breath. “Pleasure me more and edge me a while, let the moment build still further” letting go of his hair was his signal to resume. Not as before though, mistress demanded the moment to last. 

Instead placing his tongue at the top of her pussy he slowly let it run the length of her precious lips, savouring the gorgeous taste of her nectar as he did. He let it continue to glide down across her perineum and onto her anus. Now his soft tongue explored once more. 

It was instantly evident to him that his new efforts also pleasured his goddess. Without word she tapped his arm with her crop to signal her desire for his hand to join in. No further guidance required, he was her toy, her possession and his sole purpose in life was to obey her wish. Without breaking rhythm with his tongue he gently placed his fingers on her clit and slowly began to play. 

With a soft elated whisper she conveyed her next instruction, by now her voice was unable to hide her pleasure “deeper with both now pet”. Diligently he complied and his play got deeper and harder in keeping with her motion. He toyed with her as requested and every now and then he removed both tongue and fingers so not to push his queen over the edge. He was eager to please for however long mistress required. 

Her moment was fast arriving, he knew she was ready when she once again lifted his head by his hair and placing his lips back on hers. Now gloriously drenched in her own pleasure his tongue thrust deep inside her heavenly gates and began to work its magic. As her passion first flared then erupted she clamped his head hard in place with her thighs, he felt her shudder as her warm juices cascaded down his chin. She kept him clamped tight for what appeared to be an age as she extracted every last sinew of pleasure for the most intense orgasm she could remember. She sat motionless in her chair for a while catching her breath and regaining her composure. He took his rightful place in child’s pose at her feet and relished the gentle stroking of his head she bestowed. 

Without a word mistress rose, tugged hard on his leash and gave her next instruction. “On the bed and on your back “fuck toy”


Absolutely amazing. ☺️ Your best chapter xx 


Brilliant Steve! Another great chapter. Your attention to details helps me ***t the moment inside my mind. 🙏

2 hours ago, Unicorn_30 said:

Absolutely amazing. ☺️ Your best chapter xx 

Well thank you Unicorn. Your kind words bring so much pleasure xx

1 hour ago, TAROTT said:

Brilliant Steve! Another great chapter. Your attention to details helps me ***t the moment inside my mind. 🙏

Many thanks TAROTT. As always you are so thoughtful in your words and so kind to post a comment. I’m so pleased that you enjoyed it. Chapter 4 to come soon


This the first chapter I ever read I just stumbled on this what a work of art. Im going to have to read it all now because the story was positive vibes. Great job!


A very beautifully crafted chapter describing the very peak of worship and attention. You serve well like a good fuck toy should. 🖤🖤


Bravo, Madame! 👏🏼 That is a well trained pet. This is a well crafted chapter. I’m going to find the others now. I look forward to reading more.

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