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Getting to know new people


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Seems it’s kinda hard to get to know people on this site. I am not German, and my German is rather limited. I am not sure if people assume that I am a fake profile, or that my messages are in English, or if I am just bad at writing a good opening message 😝
Did you post in the group that you are new on the site? I’m sure people will come your way. It’s a lot of friendly people on this site.
Remember women on these sites get a lot of messages, a lot of them are pretty much the same, one liners. For that reason your message may just be ignored or not speak to the person recieving it.

Remember you dont deserve a reply, and a non-reply is often as good as a straight out no.
Do you mean getting to know people as in friendship? Because if you want friendship, the chat rooms and the forum are far better than sending messages. Be friendly and interested, contribute and I am sure you will get to know people. The business-style profile pic is a little off-putting and you could write more about yourself. But your profile doesn't seem fake to me. 👋🏻
1 hour ago, Curvykate said:
Do you mean getting to know people as in friendship? Because if you want friendship, the chat rooms and the forum are far better than sending messages. Be friendly and interested, contribute and I am sure you will get to know people. The business-style profile pic is a little off-putting and you could write more about yourself. But your profile doesn't seem fake to me. 👋🏻

Oh, I don’t know, Kate, I think he looks smart in his nice shirt! I prefer that to bare nipples any day! It’s interesting what you say about forums, yes, they’re a much better place to introduce yourself and ask questions - not that this gent would do this I’m sure, but I hate it when guys slide into my DMs “asking for advice”. If they want info they should be casting their net wider - ie in a forum, and if it’s just an attempt to initiate conversation then it’s way too demanding of my time.
Good manners and a well-written profile - those will generally get my attention. I would not have supposed OP’s profile was fake but then I don’t know what male fake profiles look like. If it’s all glistening abs and ‘alpha male’ I’d ignore it anyway, not my cup of tea 😆

8 minutes ago, DuchessFeuille said:

Oh, I don’t know, Kate, I think he looks smart in his nice shirt! I prefer that to bare nipples any day! It’s interesting what you say about forums, yes, they’re a much better place to introduce yourself and ask questions - not that this gent would do this I’m sure, but I hate it when guys slide into my DMs “asking for advice”. If they want info they should be casting their net wider - ie in a forum, and if it’s just an attempt to initiate conversation then it’s way too demanding of my time.
Good manners and a well-written profile - those will generally get my attention. I would not have supposed OP’s profile was fake but then I don’t know what male fake profiles look like. If it’s all glistening abs and ‘alpha male’ I’d ignore it anyway, not my cup of tea 😆

I didn't mean to be down on the business look, apologies OP. Duchess is right! I do wonder that so many miss the opportunity to meet people more organically. There are many people I am friends with now or have exchanged messages with - just through the forums. It's a chance to show personality and trustworthiness. An unsolicited message is a more difficult way to make an impression by far!

Hello Kristian. The main place to meet friends on the site would definitely be the lobby. Yes it moves fast on occasion and you have to sit back and watch the conversation flow until you get the hang of it but I can guarantee that you’d be welcomed with open arms. Everyone in there seem close but we were all new at one point. I’ve been on the site going on two years, wow those last couple of months are going to fly by, and I’ve made some great friends in there. I’ve even met quite a few off site. While intimidating at first you’ll find that the more you interact the more fun you will have. Just read the chat rules and you’ll do great. You need a friendly face in there, I’d be happy to walk you through the process of getting to know the various members. We get new people all the time, if you come in, say hello, and if you join into the conversations they are more than happy being there making friends. Don’t let the first couple of days intimidate you. You need a friend in there come in. I’m there a good portion of the evenings and would be happy to introduce you as a friend.
Thank you guys for the lovely words. I have been reading your comments today and will absolutely check the lobby out. Hope everyone is doing great and have a great day 😀
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