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“The Hunted” chapter 7 - “One Hawkers dream”

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They had played hard, at times Amasol’s tongue had gently caressed and teased, at times it had plunged deep. Pholoe had rejoiced and found her heaven on numerous occasions but still Amasol had feasted. Mistress and slave, they had both appreciated each other . Pholoe for her lust and joy, Amasol for the joy of pleasing her Mistress. Now they both slept

There bodies intertwined, the cool breeze of the morning allowing there closeness. Energy spent from a mornings joy, hearts still beating in rhythm, and the dangers of the second day so close now but not yet here. So they slept in a loving embrace on the edge of “Prelacy forest”

The new day was not as peaceful for “Starlight”. Already she had entertained so many and now “Artemis” the master huntsman stood before her, the beautiful“Juno” ever present at his side. Violently grabbing her hair he lifted her head and gazed into her eyes. “The enthrallment are beneath me, slaves to the hawkers. Treat them well and be grateful they fuck you so hard” Juno smiled, kissed Starlights lips and simply signaled the next hawker up. “Play hard and enjoy” Juno’s only words as she turned and followed Artemis as her hunt restarted.

The sun rose in the sky and Amasol woke startled. She gently placed a hand over Pholoe’s mouth and gently rocked her awake. They were surrounded by hawkers now. The forest alive with voices. Nobody in view but so many so close. It was total chaos, so many screams as another spoil was captured, so many cheers as the Hawkers were blessed with another prize. Today would so be one of wanton lust with so many new bodies to ravish. 

Amasol lowered her mouth to Pholoes ear, “we need to move, to stay here is certain capture no matter the risk of running”. Pholoe knew she was right and just simply nodded, straightened her legs and began to rub life back into then. Then one last big kiss as Pholoe rose above Amasol and sunk her tongue deep into her mouth. “Stay safe my darling, stay free”. Amasols arms gripped Pholoe tight and for a second it appeared she would not let her go. Then the realisation of the moment. A simple nod of the head, release of the arms and they were both up and moving. Slightly different directions slightly different paths but both running hard for freedom, both sprinting to avoid the unimaginable.

She didn’t see to coming, never felt or heard the presence until she was on the floor. She had only just found her top s***d on a track leading west. The Hawker had come from her right out of nowhere. Had taken her down with a perfect rugby tackle. As he through himself at her, it his arms had connected around her calves, his head soft on her ass cheek and she had hit the floor. He landed on top of her, winding her yet braking his fall. Within seconds three more were on her. A collar attached, wrist and ankle straps secured and she was no her knees. Wrists secured to ankles slightly behind her, head secured by a chain from the back of her collar to  the spreader bar that now held her legs apart. Her back slightly arched, her head tilted back, so the first thing you noticed looking down were her ample soft breasts. Her world now dark as a blindfold stole the soft rays of light penetrating the forests canopy.

There she had remained for what seemed like an age but in truth had only been 15 minutes. She could sense she captors around her but had not been touched or spoken to. She had just knelt, bound and secure listening hard, trying to make sense of her predicament. Trying to ***t the picture of what was around her. Finally footsteps, not rushed or frantic, quite the opposite, slow and purposeful. Slowly they approached until she could feel the presence in front of her. A soft hand on her face brushing her cheek, then moving down and cupping her breast. “Run hard, be strong, be fast, but know I desire you my treasure, and know I will have you and now I so do” Juno repeated the words she had spoken in the clearing before the hunt had started. She lowered he head kissed Pholoe’s cheek and whispered in her ear. “Now you are mine sweet Pholoe, now I will have my joy”. “Take her to the small clearing” this time her words were directed at the guards, “nobody’s to touch her she is mine, but you shall all have fine fruits of you own tonight to feast upon” 

With nothing more than a hand under her armpits Pholoe was lifted, two more hands placed under her knees and she was being carried. Carried to the small clearing, carried ready for Juno’s feast. 


Chapter 8 is nearly written, Pholoe is in for quite a time xx

Interesting plot line this one, definately written with passion xx
On 11/2/2021 at 8:46 PM, Phoenix31 said:

A wonderfully written chapter. I felt like I was there. Xx

Well thank you my beautiful friend. I so appreciate your kind and lovely words 😘😘 bless you sweetie

On 11/3/2021 at 1:23 PM, Mimi_Nyx said:

Interesting plot line this one, definately written with passion xx

Beautiful mini_nyx, I do so write with passion. And my thoughts are often if you xx

4 hours ago, Purr said:

As always honey, I loved it! Xx

Thank you my sweet, as always I so appreciate your kind and lovely words xx

Sorry I'm late getting to this and reading but just had the week from hell and not feeling myself. But again really good chapter and follow on 

11 hours ago, lil-monster said:

Sorry I'm late getting to this and reading but just had the week from hell and not feeling myself. But again really good chapter and follow on 

Truly delightful words from a very precious friend. Thank you my sweet and hope we speak soon xx

On 11/9/2021 at 9:42 PM, ScarlettDismay said:

Oh my. I can’t wait! 😁

Always so lovely with your comments. Thank you wonderful lady, it means so much xx

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