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“The Hunted” chapter 8 - “Juno’s joy”

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Pholoe knew the hunts terrain. A vision given to her by the arial photo she had found in the ordinance survey archives of RAF 374 taken on the 26th July 1926. There was only one small clearing in this part of the forest to her knowledge. A clearing made centuries ago so the village near “Lamech path” could rise to the higher forest plains and share the spoils of the spring hunt after a hard winters suffering. A symbolic place that welcomed the warmer climate after a frozen winter. Now “Juno” had turned that clearing into her home, a place for her to rejoice, a place for her entertainment.

As the guards carried Pholoe form her place of capture Juno intercepted. She placed her hand on Pholoe breast and gently kissed her lips. “Sweet Pholoe I told you from the very start, Run hard, be strong, be fast, but know I desire you my treasure, and know I will have you” and now I do”. As Juno stroked Pholoe she notices her amulet. “you four will help Pholoe to the clearing, all others seek Amasol, get her and bring her to me. She has no Amulet, she is enthralment I want her in the stocks next to starlight by nightfall and tomorrow I shall make Pholoe kneel before her and watch as you all take her one by one. However my sweet i shall now steel your sight” and with those words Juno removed the cloth that covered her breasts and wrapped it around Pholoe’s eyes. Before she did she made sure Pholoe had a good look at her delightful chest.

The clearing was not far but Pholoe’s journey was so ***ful. Gripped by arms and legs every step she felt. Four guards one for each limb, and one guard that rejoiced in his task a little to much. He evidently enjoyed the journey more than she did, as he allowed the motion of the undulating terrain to encourage his hand to travel up her inner thigh. Soon it rested and brushed on her heavenly gates, with each step he assumed it stimulated her every passion. 

The journey over she was placed against a huge Oak, and left to rest. Pholoe contemplated running but a soon as the thoughts entered her mind a foot pinned her to the tree and a finger and thumb clamped her nipple. “You are mine now sweet Pholoe don’t even think about running, resistance  is futile, do as I ask and you live, resist me and I’ll crush your gorgeous neck, now I want you to see, to know, to understand, what lies ahead”. 

With those simple words Juno removed her blindfold. Pholoe’s eyes shocked by the blinding light, it took a minute to adjust. Juno had no desire to return the cloth and obscure he breasts, instead she just let it drop to the floor, then she began her work. First she asked for compliance. Placing a nipple in pholoes mouth she demanded her submission and Pholoe gave her that. Her tongue danced around Jono’s delightful breast as Pholoe accepted her demise. Then to business, attaching a rope to each of her ankles she now spread Pholoe wide fixing her legs to metal stakes driven deep into the ground. She then wrapped her arms around the tree trunk behind her she shackled them in place. “Adorable my sweet” her only comment.

Juno so adored her beauty, she craved her so, now she was hers. Pholoe’s consent not required, Juno’s lust so enflamed. So she simply drew her lips around Pholoe’s nipple and placed her right hand on her throat. “ today’s joy will last for hours, as you will remember each passing second for a lifetime”

Each word slow and ponderous, allowing a single finger to trace her body. First placed on her throat it traveled south. Passed the top of her ribs, between her breasts it slowly traveled. It’s journey distracted, as she could not resist touching Pholoe’s pert tit. Adorable and naked, on show for her pleasure. So Juno’s hands left her centre line to play. Pholoe’s instant reaction one of fight. Reeling from her touch she jolted backwards only to be stopped by the 100 year oak behind. Juno’s hand left her breast as she laughed. First a soft stroke of her face with the tender words “resistance is futile” then a hard angry slap on her left cheek. “Do that again bitch and feel my anger”

Her hand returned, once again starting between her breasts in recommenced it’s southern journey. A single finger ploughed Pholoe’s tummy button as it passed, fingers now on her pubic line, still tracing south. Then just a small delightful whimper as Juno parted her lips and entered her heavenly well. 

“The gates of pleasure call me my sweet, it appears your fun palace is open” a soft laugh in her ear, a simple flick of her finger between her lips, swiftly followed by her other hand placed tight on her throat . 

Juno left her finger inside Pholoe for a moment, her eyes transfixed on her. Again Pholoe tried to pull away, again the tree stoped all motion and again she felt Juno,s heavy hand strike her cheek, So hard she yelped. 

“So you wish to test my patience my sweet” as she spoke, she stood, her finger now free of Pholoe she gazed down. “You did not heed my warning, now you shall feel my wrath.” Without another word she began her work, Pholoe’s eyes following her every move, her mind racing as she attempted to understand her fate. 

First Juno retrieved her top, the strip of cloth once more covering her chest. No longer trying to appeal to Pholoe’s lust, compliance no longer required or sort. Now she would just take what was hers. She called on her remaining guards and they quickly attached 2 ropes to trees still further ahead. One each side of the clearing. This time at shoulder height. Almost in unison both ropes were tested with each guard placing there full weight tugging on the ends ensuring they were secure. Still Juno remained silent, still she ignored Pholoe’s pleas. As a waive of panic and desperation grew in her, why had she pulled away and shown disrespect? What was Juno now planning? What’s going to happen to her?Questions yet unanswered, questions that filled Pholoe’s mind and fuelled her ever growing panic

Happy the ropes were sound Juno had her guards place the two free ends on the floor below the branch. Without a word both guards left the rope on the floor and collected a leather wrist restraints which Juno now held out. Each had a shiny metal ring attached. They walked behind the oak that pholoe sat against, the very Oak that had prevented her movement when she flinched from Juno’s touch, the one that had  secured her arms behind its sturdy trunk. 

Still no words as the guards fastened the leather restraints to each of Pholoe’s wrists. Still no words as they retrieved the ropes they had placed on the floor below the secured branch. Still no words as they walked behind Pholoe  and pulled the rope through the ring in her wrist restrains. With every action Pholoe’s desperation grew. 

Juno undid the rope that held pholoe’s arms so tight around the tree. She felt the relief as the *** raced down her arms again, for now full circulation restored. No time to reflect on how good that felt as Juno was already back in front of her, with a soft simple command “you may commence” The guards pulled on the ropes, there strength lifting Proloe onto her feet, moving her forward until her body hit the branch secured between the trees. Juno had predicted well, it was at a perfect height level with Pholoe’s  hips, the guards continued walking forward bending Pholoe  over the branch, until they reached the tree were her wrist rope was anchored. In unison they wrapped the rope around the trees and used it as a pulley to pull pholoes  arms to there absolute limit before they tied them in place. 

Juno’s planning was perfect, pholoe’s position just as she wanted. Legs spread wide and fastened tight to the stakes in the ground her bent perfectly over the branch, arms higher than her hips so her back arched. Juno now stood behind her, between her legs and placed her hands around her, on her stomach just beyond the branch. Her skin so tort, she allowed her hands to travel north, across pholoe’s stomach to her ribs. As she was so stretch so taught Juno felt each one as her fingers softly travelled up pholoes chest, until she was cupping her breasts. A finger and thumb each side of her nipples she squeezed hard and pulled. Pholoe gasped in *** and as she did Juno just pulled harder and she continued to do so until Pholoe’s was screaming for her to stop. Juno was so tight against her, between her naked thighs, rubbing herself on pholoe’s womanhood, stretching her nipples whilst rubbing her every lustful clit. “I’m so going to enjoy these coming hours sweet Pholoe, your my little fuck toy now”. 

Juno released her and once again walked to the tree where she had placed her bag of toys. Juno retrieved a collar and a bit for phrole’s mouth, attached the collar around her neck and tied a final rope to the metal ring on that. Juno then secured the other end to the sturdy oak behind them so Pholoe’s head was now facing forward, 90 degrees to her body. Forcing her mouth open she secured the bit between proloe’s back teeth, preventing her ability to bite down. “I believe we are ready my sweet, ready to commence your punishment, ready to learn your fate”. As if to check her handy work Juno placed a single finger on Phrole’s anus and pussy and pushed them inside her. She simply let them slide down deep, held them in place for a mere second and then removed them. 

“First my sweet Pholoe you must learn the price for your defiance” she returned to her bag of tricks and grabbed her “Birch”. Now you shall indeed learn the hard way. Pholoe’s naked ass bent and taught and so exposed, Juno began. The first few strikes were quite soft, almost caring but then the pleasure got to her, she lost all calm and Pholoe felt every stroke Juno administered. Almost frenzied at times Juno repeatedly landed the birch on the same spot on Pholoe’s ass. The birch was harsh and before long Pholoe felt her *** trickle from the wound slowly down her leg. Exhausted by her efforts Juno stopped, drew a single finger up Pholoe’s leg collecting her fresh crimson *** and delicately used it to draw a pattern on Pholoes face. “Now you ware my mark sweet Pholoe, now you are truly mine”

Juno walked around to her head, grabbed to rope of her collar and simple said “feast on my lust, drink my nectar and taste my joy” Pholoe set her tongue in motion eager to please her new mistress, eager to appease and stay safe from a further birching. She allowed her tongue to dance and play at times playfully teasing at others sinking it deep inside Juno’s well. She felt Juno’s legs shake as she could resist no more, and felt the warm sweet lust of as her Mistress climaxed time and again.

At some point in the afternoon Artemis joined her and he could so not resist claiming a little of Pholoe’s time. Firstly he placed himself in Pholoe’s mouth gripping her hair as she brought him joy. At this point Juno simply watched and encouraged. Once ready and without a word he slowly moved round behind Pholoe, moved in close between her open thighs and grabbing a hand full of her hair he too claimed his prize. Juno could not contain her excitment and once more made the most of Pholoes soft tongue. 

For hours they feasted, exploring Pholoe in any and every way they wished. They had all the time in the world and the sweetest prize of all to play with. 

As the sun started to set, way above the clearing, far to high for her scent to be betrayed to any dogs below, Amasol watched and waited for her opportunity. Waited to free her beautiful mistress and avenge her afternoons ***. Night would soon be hear and then revenge would be sort

48 minutes ago, Purr said:

Yes! Yes! Yes! As always, left me wanting more! I loved it xx

Well thank you my sweet, as always you leave such a lovely and generous reply. In truth I just thought of you and my filthy mind took over 😘😘😘😂😂😂

A wonderful chapter. Your muse has made this the best one so far. Well done ☺️

9 hours ago, Phoenix31 said:

A wonderful chapter. Your muse has made this the best one so far. Well done ☺️

Thanks you my wonderful and delicious lady. You words are so kind xx

5 hours ago, MsWheel said:

Oh my! Very creative. I'm enjoying this series so much. Thank you!

MsWheel your words are always such a source of inspiration, I always long to write more when I receive such generous comments. I feel through “The Hunted” I have got to know a beautiful, kind and generous and truly beautiful lady. Thank you my sweet 😘😘

A great chapter, the passion you feel for your writing is always evident in your choice of language and form. Overall my favourite in the series so far. xx
You have me hooked, dear friend. I eagerly await the next chapter.
11 hours ago, Mimi_Nyx said:

A great chapter, the passion you feel for your writing is always evident in your choice of language and form. Overall my favourite in the series so far. xx

Well thank you adorable one, such kind words as always. It pleases me that this is your favourite chapter as it’s one I found a joy to write xx

5 hours ago, ScarlettDismay said:

You have me hooked, dear friend. I eagerly await the next chapter.

Oh thank you my sweet, your such a good friend and say the most delightful things. I shall ensure the next chapter is with you before long xx

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