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Some thoughts on a profile picture


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I can see you clearly. You cannot hide yourself from me that knows who & what you are; brave girl in the picture you made so carefully. This picture here in front of me. You are looking up into the camera, your eyes are invisible, but I know that they are clouded with the excitement of showing yourself. It is a mission you undertake for yourself, to rescue the hidden girl and bring her into the light she longs for. The light she dreams of, dressed with such care for strange eyes. She is making a present of herself, you are presenting yourself to say: “here I am, this is what I am. See me.” Your lips are full and beautiful. Men will want to put their fingers between them or trace their cocks along them, against your cheeks, velvet tips anointing your closed eyes as you slide to your knees in front of them, in front of me. In the picture you are already halfway down, your knees giving way, dreaming of salt and leather.

I can see you clearly. Even as you used to be girl wanting so much, not understanding why backed against walls with skirt lifted fingers jabbing and grinding behind you stone and in front of you nothing but something taking and jerking and having what he wanted not seeing you just a thing with needs and wants using you and thinking that was enough. Thinking that was what life offered when in front of him was you with your genius for desire and your hope. You were not wasted, you were biding your time waiting for someone to see you and deliver you from all that rubbish, all that disappointment. You are so patient, I can see that in the picture your strength and your hope and your lust. I can see you clearly.

I can see how every day, when you dress for the day you keep this secret self against your skin, pricking your nipples and running between your legs. You look in the mirror and smile to see your real self there, for that moment, before you dress and hide yourself again. All through the day your secret self goes with you. Hot and wet and invisible. I can see you clearly.

I can see you clearly, looking at this beautiful picture, I can see how you long to be recognised. Recognised for who you really are. For what you really are. You are the one who cares and protects, the one who copes and is kind. Serene you are, sitting with your family, or amongst your friends, the centre of things; laughing, chatting, watching films while all the time your cunt is secret and alive with possibilities. Wanting to be seen, touched, owned, just as you do. I can see you clearly, hurrying home to take these pictures. It is as if you are hurrying to meet your Master, your real Master, the one that sees you not the false ones who disappoint you and are blind to the softness of your limbs and eyes, who cannot see you. You let their cocks inside your body but never into your mind. I know how excited you where when you dressed yourself to show yourself, the care you take choosing each item, dressing yourself in these precious things, caressing yourself with perfume and velvet and lace. I know how hopeful you were as you looked into the camera and that hope spilled from your cunt and seamed the lips and stained the blue dark. If I could reach into this frame to open your legs, your cunt would shine like a star and flood my vision. I can see you so clearly I can taste you. I want to pull your cunt into my mouth and trap you there and you will know, as my tongue moves on you, that you are known in the way you need to be known: every hope, every disappointment, everything that makes you what you are, I want to taste it.

I can see you clearly.
Thank you so much for this wonderful piece of writing…you have captured my essence beautifully just from my faceless images ❤️
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