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It wasn't what he did that made her become a ball of over-heated need, it was what he said.

He knew all of her pleasure/*** points, and his fingers and mouth would always get her dripping...but the whispers were something else.

She never knew what was in store for her when they met up for the weekend, what would set the tone, and as always she had butterflies of expectation at his first words. She could prompt him, show him the heat in her, by the way she dressed. He had allowed her from the very beginning to express herself, to tell him in subtle ways what had been on her mind. When she opened the door for him at hers his eyes would move over her, achingly slowly, reading what she was telling him. When he opened the door for her at his it was the same...a pause of a few seconds while the message was understood. The smile and glitter in his eyes was all she needed to know. He approved.

Then came the gentle kiss and hug, and one of two whispers would fill her ear.

The first, "Will you be a good girl for me this weekend?" told her that she would be spending the next 48 hrs on heat as he touched and toyed with her at every opportunity. He would push her pleasure levels to the point of agony, tease and *** her mercilessly, but always with the knowledge that the pleasure was the priority. His whispers would be gentle, praising, as he explored and enjoyed her in every way he could think of, and she adored, until both were sated and exhausted. Amber weekends. Warm weekends. Loving weekends.


Then there was the second whisper. This one made her stomach tremble every time, and it scared her just how wet it made her.

"Will you be a brave girl for me this weekend?"

Those words did it every time. Her body would instantly start to flood with adrenalin and endorphins, her nerve endings start to sing in anticipation. Just how brave would she need to be?

They knew the limits, had agreed the edges they wouldn't cross, and she knew that his care for her would keep her safe. Yet when the whispers started, the dark growls in her ear telling her what she was to him, how she would be treated, used for his pleasure, her own edges became extremely blurred. He had found her demons, the shadowy part of her psyche that both scared and excited her. And he knew how to exploit it.

The things he would whisper would, to most, be terrible things...taboo...unthinkable...yet they made her moan and ache, turned her into a dripping, needy puppet that would give him everything. She had discovered very early that she could cum just by listening to those whispers. It didn't matter if they brought *** or pleasure, they resonated so deeply inside her she couldn't stop it if she wanted. She would offer her body in exactly the way the whispers instructed, knowing that what was to follow could bring tears and whimpers, but they couldn't be denied. They were always so quiet, so measured, so matter of fact, so irresistible, that they became the focus of her whole world. She listened, her mind and body followed.

She knew he wouldn't break her, but she also knew that one day her demons would ask him to do just that.

Then she would know if he loved her.

10 minutes ago, Dustykat said:

Dark and interesting, it's was great. 🍭🧚‍♀️

Thank you xx

Another masterfully written piece. Love!
2 hours ago, Nix069 said:
Another masterfully written piece. Love!

Thank you xx

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