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Fisting Question


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I've been blessed with an open minded partner that I've felt comfortable letting my guard down to. I've always had a fetish for anal play. And she loves doing it to me. I was so nervous admitting it to her at first but now its wonderful.

I've been playing by myself for years. Never with a man and just not into it. Now...show me a beautiful trans woman with a huge toy between her legs and I just might melt...I digress.

Lets just say I can take up to a 3" diameter toy working up to it in a solo session. No *** during or after. And its been my secret for years. Now here I am admitting it on an open forum. Change is constant....

So I figured I could take my partners hand no problem. And I can. But the thing is, it hurts for a day or so after we're done. And the diameter of her hand is much less than 3". I'm not taking her with a clenched fist but fingers straight and pressed together. Once past her knuckles I can move right down her arm and pull back up past her knuckles. Rinse, repeat, explode all over her huge breasts. Lots and lots of lube. So that's not the problem. Perhaps its the hard edges of her hand? What do you all think? Any experience in this realm?

So my other question is; other than a latex mitt (any links? saw one on lovehoney) is there anything she can slip over her hand to soften the blow so to speak? Lol. I know this might sound crazy, but having a part of her body inside me is so very intimate. We tried the strap on thing but it just didn't do it for us.

Edited by Northman555

If I posted this in the wrong forum forgive me. Not sure where to post! I'm new....

What’s she doing with her thumb? I have small hands (for a guy) and I’m blessed (or cursed) with a double jointed thumb so I can tuck it into the palm of my hand like it’s not even there. A medical latex glove might be worth a try? It will certainly cushion any rough edges and the thickness of the latex should be minimal.
You say it hurts for a day or so after - but you've not said where? Around the anus? Internally? Your coccyx? Dependent on the answer the responses may be different.

Thing is too, it's not quite as simple as saying you can take a 3" toy, therefore you can take a 3" diameter hand - the toy I am presuming is silicon, has smooth edges and has some flexibility, whereas a hand has none of those things - so it could simply be a case of the knuckles bumping something and bruising it slightly.
2 hours ago, PeteNR2 said:

What’s she doing with her thumb? I have small hands (for a guy) and I’m blessed (or cursed) with a double jointed thumb so I can tuck it into the palm of my hand like it’s not even there. A medical latex glove might be worth a try? It will certainly cushion any rough edges and the thickness of the latex should be minimal.

She's keeping it pulled in as best she can. A double jointed thumb? I havent heard of that before. Why is it a curse at times?

57 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

You say it hurts for a day or so after - but you've not said where? Around the anus? Internally? Your coccyx? Dependent on the answer the responses may be different.

Thing is too, it's not quite as simple as saying you can take a 3" toy, therefore you can take a 3" diameter hand - the toy I am presuming is silicon, has smooth edges and has some flexibility, whereas a hand has none of those things - so it could simply be a case of the knuckles bumping something and bruising it slightly.

Its a bit sore internally. Not on the outside. But I am right there with you in your thinking that I'm going from a soft silicone object to a hard human hand and it makes all the difference. If only there were a way to pad those edges.


So wild to be discussing this on an open forum. Thank you for replying and keeping an open mind!

7 hours ago, Northman555 said:

Its a bit sore internally. Not on the outside. But I am right there with you in your thinking that I'm going from a soft silicone object to a hard human hand and it makes all the difference. If only there were a way to pad those edges.


So wild to be discussing this on an open forum. Thank you for replying and keeping an open mind!

If it's sore internally is it like a bruised sore or more like a cut? If the latter then it could be she's caught you with a nail, it's important that nails are kept short and filed, otherwise even the slightest jagged edge can nick you internally where there is no layer of skin to protect you - using silicon gloves would help with that too. If it's more of a bruised feeling has she pumped you hard and maybe bumped you a little too much somewhere?

It's important with fisting to take it slow and steady and you can never use too much lube.

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