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I knew what I was doing. Part 1

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I knew what I was doing, I had spent quite a bit of time getting ready. I was meticulous in my preparation. Everything, including me had to be perfect. I glanced in the mirror as I lined my lips with that shade of rouge. Subtle makeup, so as not to detract the focus from my lips. I smirked catching a glimmer in my deep dark brown eyes. Excitement, anticipation, mischief.. the outfit for tonight was modest. Of course, to portray the modest, coquettish girl I was. Modest yet form fitting, classy.. how could one find fault with that?.. I glanced down at the glass of scotch I had poured myself to quell the anxieties fluttering about in my head. I knew what I was doing. Saving the last sip for right before I head out the door, in hopes that, maybe it would still be tasted and smelled on my lips upon arrival. I had opted for my granny panties to make things interesting, but decided at the last minute to remove them before heading out the door for my cab. I knew what I was doing. I rode silently in the back of the cab counting down the minutes to my arrival. Reciting my greeting over and over.. “hello, thank you for inviting me to such a wonderful occasion” simple enough but didn’t feel genuine knowing I had other plans for the evening. My phone buzzes and jostles me from my thoughts, “how far out are you?” I contemplate the response.. and put the phone away. Opting not to reply but to leave the message on read. I knew what I was doing. The cab stops out front a house glowing with light, exuding music and laughter. A true celebration. As I approach the door I check the time stamp on the message, 15 minutes now. Before I can knock it opens and he greets me, Jaw clenched, eyes dark with fury, “I suppose you must have forgot your manners.” A stern tone, I almost giggle with excitement. “I’m here, where is the lucky Bride?” I notice a brief furrowing of brows before I’m ushered in by the drunk and giggly host. As I remove my coat I feel a slight grip around my waist as warm breath beats on my neck… a low growl followed by “you’re skating on really thin ice.” I smirk again, and respond “well then I better mind myself..” I stroll down the hallway leading to the kitchen where the drinks are flowing in abundance. I make my rounds for greetings and then take a seat. A gentleman saunters over and compliments me on my hair, a simply updo showcasing my neck. I knew what I was doing. I delicately place my hand on my neck and then run it across my collarbone before graciously thanking him for the compliment, I tilt my head to the side and give him a smile. All while feeling a glare hot as the summer sun trained on me from across the room. I grab a glass of champagne avoiding eye contact and take a sip. I knew what I was doing. 5, 4, 3, 2… “are you enjoying that drink?” I shudder.. still avoiding eye contact, I take a moment to really think about my answer.. I grin “actually I am, it’s quite lovely. I think I may have another.” I turn to meet blue eyes ablaze with fury. “Won’t you have one with me?” I ask playfully, watching once again that gorgeous jaw line clench with a *** like never before. He lifts his hand and gently takes my chin, looking at me for a few brief silent moments. I try to Steel myself against the gaze but betray myself only to Cast my gaze to the floor. Fuck, I knew what I was doing. The moisture forming between my thighs ***s me to squeeze them shut as I bite my bottom lip. He notices. He always notices. He knows my body so well. He takes a seat now placing his hand on my thigh, “you look lovely tonight.” I knew what I was doing. At this point the rest of the party is far from my mind. We are in our own little world together and the battle has begun. “Go on, have that other drink.” I do as I’m told, not because I was told to but because I know what’s really meant by the statement. He watches me intently, grip on my thigh tightening, refusing to break eye contact until I have finished what was in my glass. “Come with me. We need to talk.” I’m taken by the hand and led upstairs to a vacant spare bedroom. He closes the door behind him swiftly yet quietly and then turns to me. At this point I can feel my wetness beginning to travel down my thigh, I keep my eyes cast to the floor knowing if I look up I’ll lose all my nerve. He approaches me and takes my face in his hand, “what exactly was your goal tonight?” I remain silent, waiting. “His hand slips away from my face as he gets closer, and instead takes up residence around my throat. “I.. didn’t have one.” I respond as I feel slight pressure begin to build around my throat. He strokes my hair “didn’t have one?” .. “no.. sir.” His face is so close to mine the heat of his breath makes me shudder. “I can think up at least 6 things you’ve done tonight that would reason otherwise.” He responds in a low growl. I feel him take my hair in his hand, pulling my head back slightly, he says nothing and pushes me to my knees. He begins undoing his belt and my breathing quickens knowing what’s about to come. I knew what I was doing. He thrusts his cock into my waiting mouth, one hand still tangled in my hair guiding me, ***fully, thrust after thrust, “I’ve watched that beautiful mouth mock me all night.” He grunts as I feel him swelling in my mouth. “You knew what you were doing. The rouge. The champagne. The flirtatious little encounter.” I close my eyes and take all of him, willingly, longingly, ravenously. Then as quickly as it began, it ends. He pulls his erect cock from my mouth, slaps my face with it then puts it away. “I’m not letting you off that easy.” I wipe the drool from my face, he brings me to my feet and leads me to the bed. He takes a seat and gestures for me to assume the position. Over his knee, dress pulled up, “I see. So the little slut really was plotting tonight.” And with that a resounding smack, firm handed, the stinging startles me. “Now count.” I feel another land and can feel my skin getting hot. “I said count.” I begin counting 1, 2, 3, 4… 12.. on the 13th I feel his fingers enter me. Tears streaming down my face I let out a brief moan. “You’re so fucking wet.” He pulls his fingers out and shoves them in my mouth, only to remove them and begin to count again. I whimper. 1, 2, 3, 4… this time on the 12th he inserts his fingers, gradually fucking me and repeating the process another 3 times. He stops abruptly.. sucks his fingers, fixes my dress, and tells me to get up. I do as I’m told. “Go clean yourself up I’m sure they’re beginning to wonder where we are downstairs.” He gets up, ensures he looks presentable, and before leaving me in mess of tears and wet turns to look at me and says “you’re such a beautiful mess right now. You knew what you were doing. You knew how I would proceed.” And disappears out the spare room door. 


…. to be continued. 


I love it and it was delicious 🧚🏻‍♀️

10 hours ago, Nastycuntspanker said:

Such an effortless poetic description. Beautifully written. You knew exactly what you were doing…

Thank you, I appreciate this 😌

8 hours ago, jennaxxx said:


Just like you ;) 

7 hours ago, Vic1077 said:

I rather enjoyed that 🤤

I’m glad you did! I was worried it wouldn’t go over very well not being as instantly explicit as most but I enjoyed writing it too. 

6 hours ago, tatyana_the_minx said:

well done great read sweet xx

Ty darling xx 

4 hours ago, NewbieEm12 said:

Mmmm great story x

Thank you glad you liked it 

3 hours ago, Dustykat said:

I love it and it was delicious 🧚🏻‍♀️

Thank you haha hopefully part two is just as or even more delicious. 

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