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Queer and Kinky radicals


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I don't know if you're aware how many of history's best avant garde radical artists and political radicals have also expressed themselves as queer or kinky sexual radicals. Who's your favourite queer or kinky artist musician or libertarian revolutionary ? Love x T x T x 


I’d have to go for Joe Orton. His diaries are one of the best autobiographical work I’ve read without qualification and I also love Loot and What The Butler Saw which helped give us the term Ortonesque. Perhaps his works aren’t particularly kinky or racy by today’s standards but they’re great fun and his diaries remain as fascinating today as when they were written.

Oscar Wilde , is my go to guy, best in every area like Morrissey said quoting from the Smiths, Keets is on your side, but Wilde is on mine.,
What about larry flint we diagnosed him in my phyc class wit the college prof in chicago 1996
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I think that, for me, it's a tie between Colette and Gertrude Stein.  I mean, Colette explored eroticism between women before Anais Nin was born.  And in a very classical, effective way.  But there was total repressed perversity lurking underneath that innocent narrative of womanly love.  And Gertrude Stein was a major poet in Paris with her partner, regularly held salons at their place for other poets, artists, and thinkers.  Her poetry rocks my socks!!!

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