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**TW** Wasted......


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**Trigger Warning - Reason: *** **


Preamble:  I was very much in two minds of whether I would post this here or not. Physical or Verbal *** can have lifelong damaging effects, however by talking about it, we give it a voice and we fight against it…… this poem is just a small glimpse into a part of my life. Words can destroy but they can also allow you to heal…..I use my words through poetry to give to them a voice and to allow the healing process to continue.




You pushed me without a care

The shattered glass my hands did bare


My face bruised and battered

To you it didn’t even matter


*** streamed thick and fast

The shards sliced in and slashed my heart


Your words were toxic, your words were cruel

You were such a ***y fool


You lost me long ago

The day you left me so


Your rage, your anger, was so inflamed

All you did was shift the blame


No ownership, no remorse

Silence was my only course


A girl with so much love abound

You broke the bond that should have been sound


So much time wasted, so much time lost

A love that was given but you simply tossed


The lies, the deceit, they made me weep

You crippled me, you cut me deep


Your actions had consequences that you never knew

I lost my faith to believe in you


You were my Dad and I loved you so much

But you broke my soul until I was bust


My love was squandered and wasted away

A love you didn’t deserve to this very day


I shared my thoughts, but again you didn’t care

It was nothing but excuses and nasty glares


You’ve now passed and are long gone

Why did your life go so terribly wrong?


I put my words into rhyme and verse

No longer will you be my curse


Your ashes are now scattered out to sea

And with that, I am finally free......


You’re a beautiful person inside and out, this person just couldn’t see it nor did they deserve too. Much love 💕🧚🏻‍♀️
Oh Pixie, that’s so sad. 😔 To have become the person you are with a heart so full of care for other people is something to be proud of. I’m glad you feel free at last. ❤️
Beautifully expressed. I do the same, put my thoughts, feelings and emotions into writings, as I too have *** in my past. It's a surprisingly cathartic process, which I have found has given me several 'light bulb' moments.
I hope you continue to write and heal 💜
🌹My hug, dear. U are very brave woman, courageous to share and show pieces of a spetacular human being. My admiracion!
My beautiful ***!!!!! This is just so beautifully put down I remember crying the first time reading it and I never told you because I didn't wanna upset you but boy did it bring back memories for myself whilst reading it. As you know I suffered *** for years at the hands of my ex boyfriend, and it's so true that words etc can leave scars but we know that we are stronger now and we aren't victims anymore we are survivors!!!!!! I wish I could give you a massive cuddle, you my *** are my special person and you are so brave to put these words down and express your feelings so raw and emotional. You are beautiful inside and out and I'm forever grateful to have you in my life ( even thou you are other side of the ruddy world lol ) you my lovely, you are a strong, powerful, beautiful, brave, courageous woman loves ya lots and lots like jelly tots ❤️👯
Posted (edited)

The last line touched my heart 

" and with that I am finally free "

Edited by zorro1107_1

That was beautiful and he didn't deserve your love. You are beautiful Inside out🧚‍♀️

That was heart wrenching , you should be so proud of who you are, and what you have achieved, a true inspiration to others who are in that situation now.

My heart goes out to you pixie. 

I'm here if you need a talk . No words can say how sorry I really qm x

  • 4 weeks later...
Beautifully written and heartfelt words weee spoken. You are strong and beautiful choosing love and support over victim becoming ***r. You are amazing 💜💜💜
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