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RISE OF THE FALLEN: a very long poem.

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      Rise Of The Fallen

Sinking slipping sliding down, Nothing to latch onto no hand hold to be found.

A man got laid off from his job today. His mortgage and bills he can not pay.

He did not know his blind side hit, after 25 years he was turned out, discarded, thrown into the pit.

He answers ads and beats the street, the ***’s running out and his family needs to eat.

He is met with sad and sorrowed eyes. He tries and fails himself he starts to despise.

Side jobs here and there his confidence begins to shrink. With nowhere to turn he turns to the drink.

We are the fallen the left behind the forgotten ones the never mind. In our sad and ***ful state the world is keen to leave us to our fate.

Friends we knew or thought we had see us as broken things as they comment “ Oh how sad.”

As our downward spiral spins they to disappear afraid they will get marked with our sins.

 A girl pure and true of heart a trusting soul right from the start.

 A boy with glowing eyes that had a smile so bright it lit up the skies.

As his arms wrapped around her all through the night she knew she shouldn’t but her heart took flight.

Her heart flew to high, to close to the sun, her feathers became singed her hearts wings came undone.

She was a mere play thing a toy a prop, something to discard a habit  easily dropped.

The cuts sliced deep and refused to heal, now she’s broken, splintered, crushed set on a uneven keel.

We are the fallen the left behind the forgotten ones the never mind. In our sad and ***ful state the world is keen to leave us to our fate.

We are the ones that shatter and break our hearts torn apart our souls tied to the steak.

Our *** becomes comfort because that’s all that we know, you see us laugh you see us smile but in our eyes our true feelings show.

A lad to old for his years his road paved with loneliness hardships and tears.

Through the *** and battles unwon with no one to turn to no where to run.

The boy feeling *** scared and alone took the wrong path, the only one that was shone.

The *** eased the *** made the memories fade away, the mind twisted and worn his hole life gone a stray.

The concrete is cold the bars shut him in his mind is his prison his struggle he can’t win.

There’s a bottle on the bed a refill marked today, the bottle lay there empty as he slowly drifts away.

We are the fallen the left behind the forgotten ones the never mind. In our sad and ***ful state the world is keen to leave us to our fate.

We are the ones frightened and alone, we have no one to turn to no comfort no home.

We are the fallen that have hit the ground the disgraced, erased and the broken down.

Is this it? does my story stop here, are we fated to be warped bent and broken living our life in misery and ***?

Or do we look to the east as the dawn begins to break. Do we see our lives and the changes in ourselves that we can make?

Can we press our palms against the floor, do we have the strength within our core?

To light the flame within our soul slowly and unsteady our body's start to roll.

There was a man who turned to drink his disgrace and failure made him shrink.

Taking jobs that weren't quite right, hiding in the darkness from the sirens in the night..

He comes home late his wife in tears starring at the floor he listens to her ***s

Zero to sixty he runs full throttle instead of yelling and screaming he reaches for the bottle. 

The hour is late, there’s  a glass in his hand he looks up see little eyes that don’t understand.

In those small eyes he could see  the reflection of himself the man he wanted to be.

He held her gaze as she started to cry his little one, his child, the apple of his eye.

Seeing her sadness a fire within him started to burn the path that he’s on he can start to feel turn.

Holding her tight he looks at his drink, glass and bottle in one hand he pours the contents down the sink.

We are the fallen the left behind the forgotten ones the never mind.

Can we fight? Can we rise can we ignite the fire to restart our lives? Can we look to those we love and find strength and courage to rise above?

There was a girl who liked a boy, his laugh his smile his company she did enjoy

They met by chance, striking the flint on a hot summer night a spark was born, a fiery glint.

He called her his sweetheart, his darling, his queen but in his mind there connection was something unworthy unclean.

The girl was not perfect for this she well knew , when it was clear she was not worth it a darkness in her grew.

It wrapped around her like a blanket swallowed her whole. He thought her unworthy of his love and it ate away at her soul.

She was scratched out, forgotten, erased, as strong as she was for this she was not well braced.

She would have given him anything he asked for anything at all instead the floor dropped from under her and she continued to fall.

Through her swollen tearful eyes she passed her reflection and what she saw was to her surprise.

A stranger in the glass peered through a thin gaunt form she scarcely knew.

This was not her how could this be how could she have become what her eyes could now see.

She was once beautiful, confident and strong how could this boy make her feel like something wicked something wrong.

She look into herself a decision was made, she was not going to lie there defeated waiting to fade.

The girl could feel it then as realization hit, her soul was stronger than this and the wounds on her heart began to knit.

They will say you did not know us you did not know their hart. They did not know ours either even though we wear it on our sleeves right from the start.

Can we find the strength inside ourselves when others are finished and put us up onto the shelves?

We are the fallen the left behind the forgotten ones the never mind.

We are the ones not made of steel, we bend we break to much we feel. The choice is ours and ours alone to find the resolve or let our hearts turn to stone.

There was a lad who’s faith had died, he was put off ignored and set aside.

Forgotten and misused by those who were suppose to care. When the boy needed protection no one was there.

The boys scars were the price their neglect had to pay for when he tried reaching out they just walked away.

Torn and untrusting the boy wondered alone, unwanted, tossed out to the streets he was thrown.

Through the years the boy survived though true happiness and love the lad was deprived.

His scars were to deep his hurt was to real through the hardship and broken promises his *** could not heal.

The boy felt alone hollow and afraid for throughout his hole life he had  been beaten down and betrayed.

The bottle lay there empty on the corner of the bed, no more fighting no more trying he wanted to close his eyes instead.

But as the lad closed his eyes he felt the bed drop away, was he falling was he floating it was impossible to say.

Darkness all around him there was nothing that could be seen, then from far in the distance a light… what could this mean?

As the light got closer he saw it was but a single flame, burning high and bright then a voice called out his name.

He could not see the one who spoke though he knew it was no stranger for this voice he had heard before it tried once to keep him out of danger.

The voice was real or was it just in his head is this what happens when your dead? The mind playing tricks before your gone as your brain prepares you for moving on?

I know your *** I have seen your *** the voice calmly whispered in the lads ear.

  I know you think the right path is the path you have taken but I will not let your soul be forsaken.

Your soul I will take but not today you have a purpose my boy your death is still far away.

Take my flame as a parting gift and when you feel alone, let it burn inside you so your path is brightly shone.

I will walk beside you as I have done before the loneliness that you have felt will plague you nevermore.

Suddenly the lad felt himself  shaking as the darkness started quaking, a violent whirling wind did blow slamming his body with a violent throw.

Coughing, choking the boy did wake with a burning in his core as he stared over the bed at his stomachs contents on the floor.

Was it a dream, was it real how did he survive this strange ordeal? As he waited the empty feeling did not return but in its place a fire did burn

His scars were still there this is true but instead of the hurt he felt inside there was another feeling something new.

He new in his heart he was no longer alone he knew in his soul his path soon would be shone by the flame his guardian was kind enough to give now the lad was finally ready to live.

We are the fallen the left behind the forgotten ones the never mind.

We are the souls who are lost, our faith left broken torn and tossed. Are we able to find the light once more to find our path and  lift up off the floor?

We have hit bottom but can we change, can our situations be rearranged. Can we see past the *** and be able to take back our lives again. To do this we have to be strong we have to be brave we can’t just be content to go to our grave.

The fire inside us will burn bright for we are all in. come now and take a seat I invite you to witness the rise of the fallen.



Love it but I really don’t know what to say ❤️🧚🏻‍♀️

Posted (edited)

This story in poem form was meant to be inspirational,  I wrote about three tragedies how they fell and through the love of their family, their inner strengths and renewed faith they were able to start to rise up and take hold of their lives again. 

I know it's rather a long story but something made me keep writing it. The next thing I knew I was done and it was 3 pages long.

Edited by Deleted Member
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